Landmark discussion

Last post made 11 years ago by Feelin froggy

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  • Apologies for the double post.


    A quick note to the trolls - SEPFUN is definitely working (for me at least) because I've just used it at Landmark Bingo.


    To all the nice, supportive folk on this board - good luck!


    Best wishes,





    Sepfun is not even a valid code . . Spoke to live chat at landmark!!!


    I wouldn't trust anything the CMs or Online Chat operators at Landmark tell you. In my experience they're hopeless.



    Tell you what folks, I'll just keep my info to myself from here onwards.




    Your posts are more than welcome. Im sure that a lot of members here appreciate the codes you post :)


    The thing with these free codes is they wont always work for everyone. Could be that too many chips were used in a row , could be that they never made a deposit in between etc






  • Hi calmy,  sepfun worked for me. I appreciate your codes,  please don 't stop posting them.


  • Thanks the code callmyballs! Please dont stop! Go calmy go go go! :)

  • Hi folks,


    and thank you to Zuga, Hope2711, Lucy46 and natlozogav for your messages.


    Of course I'll keep posting codes here when I get them, not least because most of the members here are sufficiently grown-up not to throw their toys out of the pram if a particular code doesn't happen to work for them.


    And also because I get a kick out of seeing trolls make fools of themselves when I provide proof that the codes I post DO exist and DO work  LOL


    Stay lucky folks - I love you all 99.9% of you...



  • Hi calmyballs. thanks for the code, worked fine for me :-bd

  • Ok dude u said the code worked from sat, and wasnt valid till that night, live chat just told me was invalid but just said what i was told so dont go name calling thats just uncalled for

  • dont go name calling thats just uncalled for


    I was very careful not to aim my comments at any specific person who uses this board.


    Wikipedia defines a troll as "a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response".


    I stand by my use of the term, and would suggest that anyone who posts in any forum might check their facts before firing off messages that are unhelpful, incorrect  or that might 'sow discord'.


    Ok dude u said the code worked from sat


    Yeah - funnily enough, I didn't just make that information up. That's the information that Live Bingo Network (who run the Landmark sites) gave out themselves. If they're too incompetent to implement their no-deposit codes when they say they will or to give their Live Chat operators up-to-date information,  I'm not sure that I should take the blame for that on this forum...


    Can we move on now please and get back to posting Landmark Bingo no-deposit codes in this thread?





  • I think it's time to put it to rest. We appreciate anyone that posts codes for the members. What doesn't work for some will work for others that's how these freebies work sometimes. We can't always depend on live chat for the correct info unfortunately but we can trust when more than one member says its valid.


    For those who got it great, those that didn't I hope next time you will.


    Good luck to all!

  • Call my balls . U are a dickhead move out of your mums house and get a life know it all. Bar i dont giva a shit

  • Call my balls . U are a d**khead move out of your mums house and get a life know it all. Bar i dont giva a s**t


    dont go name calling thats just uncalled for


    Oh dear.


    Just let it go Katie. Everyone else has.


  • Katie666 in your earlier post you said that name calling was uncalled for  but now you use much worse swear words.


    To everyone , there is no need for any name calling and it is the kind of language we do not allow on LCB. I believe we are all adults here and can have a civil conversation even when we do not agree.


    There is absolutely no need for anyone to get upset here. Some members will post they did not get the bonus some will say they did and give thank you. That is it. Nothing more nothing less.


    Im splitting this topic since it got derailed.



  • Hi Zuga,


    I don't think there's any point in keeping this thread at all - it's of no benefit to anyone and just demonstrates how quickly trivial matters can become blown out of proportion.


    If I've upset or offended anyone - and that includes you Katie666 - then I apologise.


    Please delete this thread and let's all get back to posting proper, useful stuff (i.e. no deposit codes).




    Callmyballs X

  • I've don't see a single thing that you've done to offend anyone callmyballs. I love your name and I love your codes so keep doing what you here at LBB! Thank you :)

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