As I lay me down to slumber,
I fall asleep and dream of one damn number,
Tomorrow when off to the big game I go,
I pray to the gambling gods that I shout BINGO!
What are some of the things that run through your mind when you need a bit of luck? Do you promise that you'll never ask for anything again if you can just win this big prize? I always promise that I'll do something constructive with it and not blow it on more bingo or slots.
Once I had 1tg on the High 5 game at Gala Bingo. The jackpot was 10 grand! I was just sick over it. Now the other night my mother-in-law was one number away from 20 grand. She waited at least 20 calls for number 74 but it was not called. She felt like she was on the verge of a heart attack. She was saying all kinds of prayers and making plans of what to do with the money. She thinks that all her losses go into a pot and someday she'll get them all back. We shall see.
What was the biggest prize you were ever closest to winning?
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