Hiya Bingo Players,
Get your Superbowl Square at the following Bingo Halls:
Here's how it works:
Receive a square from the game winner when the host calls the "QuarterBack Sneak" Play!
Last ball out 1-37 player below wins a square, last ball out 38-75 player above wins a square!
6 card min purchase, active in chat and current deposit for a square.
Game Time 8pm ish est Sunday Night Football to see if your Square Won!
1st Quarter Numbers exactly $500 BONUS!!
1st Quarter Numbers reversed $150 BONUS!!
2nd Quarter Numbers exactly $500 BONUS!!
2nd Quarter Numbers reversed $150 BONUS!!
3rd Quarter Numbers exactly $500 BONUS!!
3rd Quarter Numbers reversed $150 BONUS!!
Final Numbers exactly $1000 BONUS!!
Final Numbers reversed $500 BONUS!!
Also click Here for an entire list of Parlay Bingo Halls for this promotion.
Good Luck to all!!
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