Hiya Bingo Players,
I knew this would be just a matter of time. There is some very unique names for numbers called in the bingo world. One of them is 88. That is "two fat ladies" in bingo lingo!
There is a campaign for to save the name of the 88. Already there has been 3000 who have joined the cause to to save the coined name of 88.
Robert Hutchinson is head of the campaign to save the names of bingo numbers.
The call for the number 88 earned its nickname because it was said to resemble two women of a larger size stood next to each other. If the European Union is successful with outlawing two fat ladies, other bingo calls such as dirty knees for 33 and legs eleven could come under fire due to their sexual connotations.
Do you find any bingo names for numbers offensive? Do you feel any names should be outlawed?
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