Bingo Players Love, Romance and Sex Horoscopes.

Last post made 13 years ago by wnanhee
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  • Hiya my bingo friends!!!


    I am pretty sure everyone will agree that love is a beautiful feeling, which touches every one of us, in some point of our lives.

    But have you taken a look at your horoscope and wondered how do your sun, moon, ascendant (rising sign) and planetary aspects influence your personality, life, love and even sex...?

    As you already know that love and zodiac sign are intricately related with each other and here I was hoping to bring some bright smiles to my bingo friends...


    Each day, I am going to do daily horoscope on love and sex and I really, really hope everyone will enjoy!!!


    Since today is beginning of my prognostication, I am going to give you a bit more than just daily this presents a representation of love and sex of your sign.



    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    The ruling planet of Arians is Mars, the planet of power and enormous personal strength.

    It kindles their passion and romantic moods.

    Intimacy and sexual impulses are high but very much short-lived.

    Aries lover has no patience and sensitivity and this may be the reason for the most of the relationships to turn sour.

    They are blessed with optimism and enthusiasm that keeps the fire in them burning and igniting their lover as well.

    Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and likes to be in charge.

    They are boldly passionate and willing to take risks for their love.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Taureans are very lusty and sensual.

    They have a huge sexual appetite.

    Taurus lover takes his own time with everything and is slow to turn on.

    You cannot rush them in sex but they are gloriously seductive.

    They are sensual and masculine .

    The Taurean woman is also equally sensual.

    They love good food and good sex. They look for stability, security and make serious commitment in their love life.

    Tender and steady caresses of hand and physical stimulation excite the Taurus lover .


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Geminis are aroused by intellectual communion.

    They have a fierce desire for independence and freedom in their relationships.

    They are witty and very amusing lovers.

    They are not fierce or aggressive as lovers but can arouse their lover by sensual erotic fantasies.

    They are experimental in lovemaking and constantly keep analyzing their love life.

    The variety and change is the spice of life for them. Sex is fun but life with them.

    But they can get frenetic as they are liable to become insensitive or somewhat blunt at times.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Cancer is a very emotional sign.

    Cancer lovers have a highly developed sense of touch.

    Outwardly they may pretend to be very cool but they are very sensual and loving.

    In lovemaking, to be emotionally involved with their lover is very important for them.

    They are very moody and sensitive.

    For them sex is an emotional bond that they form with their lover.

    They are very revengeful and slow to forgive infidelity and unfaithfulness in love.

    Since for them sex is not just simply a physical gratification but an emotional commitment between two hearts.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Passions burn in the mind and the body of a Leo lover.

    They radiate sexual confidence and like a majestic king of jungle they like to take charge in bed.

    The Leo lover likes to explore the pleasures of sex.

    Do not hurt the ego of the Leo lover and instead if possible sing praises.

    They have to be attached or fond of their lover to enjoy sex.

    No other zodiac sign can be so majestic and theatrical and grand in lovemaking.


    virgoglyph.gif Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Virgos have a deep buried sensuality.

    Outwardly they maintain a cool and calm composure but buried deep inside are great passions.

    Virgos are very choosy about their lover.

    In sexual relationship they are very caring and controlling too and can make their partner feel the most wanted person on the earth.

    They are perfectionists and secretive by nature.

    The sexual relationship with a Virgo lover may not be a bed of roses (in fact more thorns). The effort has to be made to unearth and stir the deep buried passions and then you become the vortex of their life.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Libra is an airy sign.

    Libra is a sensual and generous lover who has deep desire to satisfy and please their lover in bed.

    They are flirtatious by nature and masters in lovemaking.

    A combination difficult to resist but you have to be patient with them because for them to have sexual relationship it is important that the other person must appeal to their romantic and passionate fantasies.

    They want to be loved and desired as they are sentimental and romantic at heart (remember to be patient) before they can teach you a trick or two in bed. ;)


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Scorpio is a watery sign.

    It is the most sexual of all the zodiac sign.

    They are sexually highly volatile and volcanic.

    Their sexual appetite is insatiable.

    For you to relate to a Scorpio it is important to match his hunger for sex.  :o

    They are highly sexual but have some hidden agenda.

    Scorpio lover can use sex to manipulate and overcome you.

    There is some powerful magnetism attached to a Scorpio and of course the intensity of their love that invites you towards them.

    But beware its a spiders invitation to a fly to catch you in its web!


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sagittarius is a fiery sign.

    Sagittarius lover is full of passion and loves to explore.

    They can be boldly passionate and full of fun. Do not try to invade their space because they are claustrophobic in nature.

    They are wild, passionate and adventurous in lovemaking.

    There are two conflicting sides to his personality.

    Sexual relationship with one partner for long bores them and they get this urge to move.

    Sex is great but in fact like sports or a game where they must perform to win.


    capricornglyph.gif Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Capricorn is an earthy sign.

    Earthy Capricorns sexual nature is as powerful as his earthy aspirations.

    Capricorn lovers will remain aloof and would not like to make a first move until of course s/he is truly in love.

    Sexual intimacy and expression has to be developed over a period of time.

    They have a very serious and aloof attitude hence they miss out the fun in sex.

    After the passion wears off usually the relationship spells trouble however sexual relationship without any emotional involvement can be exciting.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Aquarius is an airy sign.

    Sex with Aquarius lover can be wild and totally unpredictable.

    They not only want to possess your body but also want to know what is going on in your mind.

    Sex is pure lust and better if no emotional involvement is there.

    Explosive instant physical gratification (please no emotional strings) works best for them. Being an airy sign they are imaginative and experimental in lovemaking.

    There is no thumb rule to judge sexuality of a Aquarius because they can be passionate and can also be aloof.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Pisces is a watery sign.

    Sex with Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment.

    They form a kind of spiritual bond with their lover in union.

    They have intense sensual fantasies and lovemaking is an expression or outlet of their personality.

    They are sensitive and psychic towards their lovers desires and needs.

    Pisces is lazy by nature so does not like to chase its lover.

    Pisces lover is happy to swim in the deep waters of emotions and would like to solve all their personal problems in bed using sex as a key.


    Hope you enjoy reading!

  • Wow Nan this is great and just in time for the month of love and steamy romance!!  :'X :'X :'X

  • This is fun and I look forward to my daily horoscope.


    Let me know when you find a day that shows no sex in my horoscope? I can save it and when I ain't in the mood I'll show it to him and say see It's not my fault. It's written in the stars.  LOL

  • lmaooooooooooooo froggy!! Replaces the "i got a headache or have to wash my hair" line!


    Oh my i just read my horoscope........i feel  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

  •   LOL You guys are too cute and funny...


    Froggy...ahem, well...uh....that's not how you do it, know, the best excuse that I have been using monthly visitor came earlier... :P


    Thanks Lips and froggy for the great support!~!!! :-*

  • This is great Nan - thank you so much and as previously mentioned, just in time for the LURV season!




  • Good morning everyone!

    February 3, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Think about how you can do something for your sweetheart.


    And remember, doing something for them is not the same thing as doing something you think he or she should enjoy.


    Do you understand the difference?


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    A few sparks of anger could turn into a roaring blaze unless you get your temper -- and that wounded pride -- back under control.


    Once you take a few deep breaths, you'll see this isn't a big deal.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Holding tight and refusing to let go no matter what doesn't work for any of the parties involved.


    Why tire yourself out with such an exhausting attitude?


    Give you and your sweetie pie more freedom all around.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Helping your sweetie gives you the solution to your problem.


    Now that you have this answer for your issue, your partner feels like they're better able to deal with their own challenges.


    Funny how it all fits together.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Repressing your feelings may keep the peace momentarily, but it will make the situation worse in the long run.


    If your emotions are intense, take the time to deal with them.


    Then go talk to your sweetie.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Is your financial situation as bad as you think?


    Once you and your darling sit down together and take a look at the budget, you'll find that once you implement a few cost-cutting measures, you'll be back on track.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Ultimately you can't be totally responsible for your sweetheart's happiness, or they for yours.


    Your emotional well-being is what it is, and being in a relationship is a part of that, but it's not the whole enchilada.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Shooting your mouth off is fun (and amusing), but try to keep one eye on your sweetheart.


    Normally they enjoy hearing you riff, but touching on a sensitive subject could inadvertently hurt his or her feelings.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Some unknown motives on your partner's part finally come to light.


    Now this puts a whole new spin on the present situation.


    What was completely unfathomable to you becomes wholly understan


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Your relationship is really blooming, so pour on the TLC.


    The more time alone the two of you have, the better.


    Whether you've been going out for two weeks or two decades, a whole new level of intimacy will take root.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    You think of your relationship as an open book, but there are some chapters that bear closer examination.


    You may not like what you see at first, but the information you glean will be worth the initial discomfort.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    There's a time to be receptive and a time to be active.


    Taking appropriate action right now will get you further than you dreamed.


    It may seem a little scary at first, but take a deep breath and go for it.


    Have a wonderful day! :)

  • uh oh i can't be active today nan!!  i got a bad cold  :/( :/( :/( :/( :/( :/(. Can we save that one til tomorrow!!  ;)

  • Oh no...


    I am sorry that you got a bad cold and I wish I had a magic wand to make it go away...


    Being sick is not fun and easy...


    Get plenty of rest and hopefully this bad bug will be disappear.



  • February 4, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Fortify your relationship the way you'd strengthen your body.


    In other words, you eat a healthy diet to supply yourself with nutrients.


    So give your significant other (and yourself) emotional and spiritual fodder, too.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    What exactly is going on right now?


    The real answer is that you and your sweetheart may not know.


    Part of being together is simply being, and not always having to do something about a situation that's insoluble.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Have an upbeat attitude when you and your sweetie are tackling the big questions.


    Fortunately, that kind of witty banter comes naturally to you.


    You know how to handle serious topics with the right light touch.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    You didn't ask to play this role in the relationship, but nevertheless, you're now starring in it.


    It won't be permanent if you don't want it to be.


    However, you do have to perform it through to the end.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Draw on inner resources you never even knew you had.


    Sometimes you can get so caught up in the whirl when you and your sweetie are together that you forget how much you have going on inside of you.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    It's lovely that you two are so generous, but make sure you're not putting your own situation on shaky ground for a friend.


    Talk things over with your sweetie before you do more.


    Take a close look at the budget.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    You don't always have to do the heavy lifting, or make things better, in this relationship. Once you realize that, you give your partner more leeway to break out of some of their prescribed roles, too.


    How freeing!


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    That so-called big deal fades away when you and your beloved take action.


    It's time to participate in a stimulating activity.


    Once you do, you'll find that the passionate side of you gets heated and stays that way.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    It's important to take your work seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously, or you'll be in danger of losing your sense of humor.


    If your partner wants to play, consider it.


    A break might do you a world of good.


    aquariusglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    You have to live a little before you set down the rules about how you're going to live.


    In other words, it's time for you and your sweetie to make a few mistakes -- and make sure you enjoy them while you're at it!


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    You think of your relationship as an open book, but there are some chapters that bear closer examination.


    You may not like what you see at first, but the information you glean will be worth the initial discomfort.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You want so much to know just the right thing to say to your sweetheart.


    You can't say the perfect thing, but you can speak from your heart.


    Chances are, that's exactly what they need to hear right now.


    Have a fantastic day everyone!

  • Good morning sweet peas!!! ;D


    February 5, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Yes, you're in a relationship, but not everything that goes on with your partner is about you, and vice versa.


    It can be hard to break out of that mindset, but remember: You're both individuals as well as a unit.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Playing hard-to-get is one of the oldest games around, and one of the most effective -- even if you're in a relationship.


    The most seductive thing about you right now is that you know how fun those games can still be.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21) 


    It's important to explore your capacity to relate to people you love on all levels.


    That way, if your main squeeze expects something you're not prepared to give, you can be honest and discuss it without hurt feelings.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    You didn't ask to play this role in the relationship, but nevertheless, you're now starring in it.


    It won't be permanent if you don't want it to be. However, you do have to perform it through to the enYou didn't ask to play this role in the relationship, but nevertheless, you're now starring in it.


    It won't be permanent if you don't want it to be. However, you do have to perform it through to the end.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Are old patterns showing up during a fresh start in your relationship, and in the most obtrusive way?


    Look at this as a chance to reshape your game plan.


    These issues don't have to end up like they did in the past.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    A change is in order when it comes to this relationship.


    Maybe it's your home, routine or social life that could use a touch of judicious chaos.


    You'll be delighted at what a few self-styled changes can do.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    A few neuroses make the relationship more interesting.


    Just make sure they're manageable -- in other words, save the drama for your mama.


    When it comes to taking care of business, you two need to just do it.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Are you wondering what life would be like if you were still single?


    Well, who says you can't get a night off from your relationship every now and then?


    Go out on the town with your single pals, or stay in -- by yourself.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sometimes love is quantifiable.


    Other times, it isn't. In other words: It's a particle, and it's also a wave.


    Confusing and messy, yes.


    But that's also more than half the fun of a relationship.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Your heart tells you one thing, but your head says something else entirely.


    Somewhere in between, you have to choose one path or the other.


    Run this situation by your sweetie.


    What's their opinion on the matter?


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    When it comes to this partnership, being pushed out of your comfort zone might be just what you need.


    Personal growth is the result of trying new things.


    Go slowly, but make an effort to push your boundaries.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You think of this rush of ideas as a gentle flow, but your mate's not moving at the same speed -- to them it feels like a flood.


    It might help you two out if you wrote down some of your best inspirations for later.


    Happy Saturday everyone!


  • I am moving too fast huh  :-[


    I better slow down and look for speed bumps!


    Thanks nan

  • February 6, 2011


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Playing hard-to-get is one of the oldest games around, and one of the most effective -- even if you're in a relationship.


    The most seductive thing about you right now is that you know how fun those games can still be.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Your passions are running high; in fact, you might almost call them volatile.


    While the highs and lows of this energy may take getting used to, there's no denying that all this heat is a welcome change of pace.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    So one or both of you made a few mistakes.


    Are you going to hold onto it like a dog with a bone?


    It would be much easier on your jaw -- and your blood pressure -- if you just dropped it. Added plus: You get to move on.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    It's a great time to unsnarl any tangles or clumps (literal or metaphorical) in your relationship.


    Identify whatever's been stuck together for too long.


    A combination of mental and physical labor helps you cut through.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Have you been so busy pointing out what's wrong with you and your sweetie that you've forgotten what made you get together in the first place?


    There were (and are) good, compelling reasons. Make an effort to recall them.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Kicking up a fuss is good exercise, especially when you and your sweetie end up seeing the humor in the situation.


    A judicious touch of excitement is just what every relationship needs from time to time.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    The astral energy coming your way increases your level of intimacy.


    First, you have to identify old habits and patterns that are getting in your way.


    Next, you have to decide what you're going to do to change them.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sometimes love is quantifiable.


    Other times, it isn't. In other words: It's a particle, and it's also a wave. Confusing and messy, yes.


    But that's also more than half the fun of a relationship.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Being in a relationship can be fairly time-consuming, and it's easy to let other parts of your life slide by.


    Make sure you take time to reconnect with friends or family whom you haven't talked to in a while.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    You want to walk into the room with your guns blazing, but hold off on that for now.


    When you hear what comes out of your sweetheart's mouth, you might discover that you don't need or want to use the heavy artillery.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You think of this rush of ideas as a gentle flow, but your mate's not moving at the same speed -- to them it feels like a flood.


    It might help you two out if you wrote down some of your best inspirations for later.

  • My dear Bingo friends...


    It's time for a weekly love scope since it's the beginning of the week.


    Week of Monday, Feb 7, 2011


    aries.gifAries(March 21 - April 19)

    Sign: The Ram

    Planet: Mars

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Diamond

    Flower: Sweet Pea

    Colors: Red, Orange


    Aries Strength: Courage

    Aries Weakness: Not fininishing things


    Don't let the sound of laughter and playful conversations lead you to think that relationships won't be taken very seriously this weekend.


    The mood-setting Moon may be in breezy Gemini, but your passionate ruling planet Mars clashes with potent and penetrating Pluto, exposing secrets and adding intensity to your interactions.


    Tread lightly, or you could inadvertently scare others away.


    taurus.gifTaurus(April 20 - May 20)


    Sign: The Bull

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Emerald

    Flower: Honeysuckle, Tulip, Primrose

    Colors: Natural Shades


    Taurus Strength: Sensible outlook

    Taurus Weakness: Settling for less


    This could become a difficult week if you allow yourself to focus on what you're lacking.


    Whatever shortcomings exist in partnerships (or in yourself) may come to light in a challenging way.


    But clearly recognizing what you're missing in the love department, uncomfortable as that process may be, is a powerful first step to creating the changes needed to eventually satisfy your desires.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini(May 21 - June 20)


    Sign: The Twins

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Agate

    Flower: Rose

    Colors: Blue, Black


    Gemini Strength: Curiousity

    Gemini Weakness: Distractions


    The Moon is visiting your sociable sign this weekend, making it an excellent time to express yourself more freely.


    That curious and flirtatious attitude for which Gemini is known comes in handy as people are more interested in playful distractions now than serious commitments.


    And even if someone does want to go deeper with the connection, do your best to keep things lighthearted for now.


    cancer%20glyph.gif Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Sign: The Crab

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Moonstone

    Flower: Larkspur

    Colors: Silver, Green


    Cancer Strength: Nuturer

    Cancer Weakness: Focus on fears of the past


    You might feel like an outsider this weekend, even to the point of believing you are invisible to those around you.


    Whether it's a simple misunderstanding with a partner or just a sense of being ignored, it's probably not wise to push for attention now.


    Quiet conversations in out-of-the-way places are where you'll be able to make the deeper kinds of connections you desire.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Sign: The Lion

    Planet: The Sun

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Amber

    Flower: Marigold

    Colors: Yellow, Orange


    Leo Strength: Playful and loving

    Leo Weakness: Need for approval


    Deep dark Pluto nudges your ruling "planet", the Sun, on Thursday, which can spur suspicions about loyalty and control.


    If you're dissatisfied with someone's behavior, it's better to be straightforward about your feelings than to waste time fuming with resentment.


    It can be scary to be honest, even with yourself, but it's a powerful step toward creating healthy and nourishing relationships.


    virgoglyph.gif Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Sign: The Virgin

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Sapphire

    Flower: Aster

    Colors: Warm Shades


    Virgo Strength: Focused

    Virgo Weakness: Need for perfection


    You have a chance to grab the spotlight this weekend with the Moon transiting your 10th House of Public Responsibility.


    It's possible, though, to be frazzled by having too much on your plate or dealing with too many disorganized people.


    Simplify your plans so that you can stay cool and relaxed, which makes you much more attractive and approachable to others.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Sign: The Scales

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Jade, Opal

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Blue, Pink


    Libra Strength: Grace and charm

    Libra Weakness: Ignoring your own needs


    Your ability to compromise could be tested this week when your accommodating ruling planet Venus encounters controlling Pluto. It's hard to maintain trust when secrets hide deeper feelings. Facing your less-than-gentlest emotions isn't easy, but may be exactly what's required to help you heal a current relationship or to open your heart to a new one.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Sign: The Scorpion

    Planet: Pluto

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Topaz

    Flower: Chrysanthemum

    Colors: Dark Blue


    Scorpio Strength: Passionate

    Scorpio Weakness: Isolated


    Signals may be tricky to read this weekend with the Moon traveling through shifty Gemini and your 8th House of Intimacy.


    Step back and take a deep breath when feelings grow too intense.


    It's your ability to communicate in a clear and calm manner that helps you to avoid the complications of mistrust, and provides you with the chance to have a constructive and meaningful dialogue.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sign: The Archer

    Planet: Jupiter

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Turquoise

    Flower: Narcissus

    Colors: Red, Purple



    Sagittarius Strength: Optimistic

    Sagittarius Weakness: Avoidance of difficulties


    Your social life should be extra busy this weekend with the flirty and flighty Gemini Moon lighting up your 7th House of Partners.


    It's an opportune time to approach an interesting person or to spice up your current relationship.


    But keep in mind that words are especially cheap now, so be cautious about the promises you make and take what you hear with a grain of salt.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Sign: The Goat

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Garnet

    Flower: Carnation

    Colors: Dark Shades


    Capricorn Strength: Ability to overcome obstacles

    Capricorn Weakness: Workaholic


    Romantic Venus meets up with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, in your ambitious sign this week.


    This cosmic connection intensifies your personal life, either increasing desire or dissatisfaction.


    Either way, it's tempting to go to extremes to get what you want or to impulsively run away from what you don't want.


    Just think things through carefully and create a realistic plan before making a major move.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Sign: The Water Carrier

    Planet: Uranus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Amethyst

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Wild, bright


    Aquarius Strength: Eclectic

    Aquarius Weakness: Know it all


    The Moon's visit to your 5th House of Fun and Games this weekend should make for some delightful encounters.


    You get the chance to be playful and silly, which will be more attractive to others now than being overly serious.


    It's an excellent opportunity to flirt, tease and be less responsible.


    If someone wants more than lighthearted banter from you, schedule some time to talk next week when you're in the proper frame of mind.


    Right now you are in the mood to kick up your heels and dance.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Sign: The Fish

    Planet: Neptune

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Bloodstone

    Flower: Jonquil

    Colors: Violet, Ocean shades


    Pisces Strength: Compassion

    Pisces Weakness: Confusion


    The chatty Gemini Moon is moving through the bottom of your chart this weekend.


    Luna's visit to your 4th House of Roots is more suitable for quietly entertaining at home than going out into the noisy world.


    A low-key event at your place provides a nice diversion and creates a relaxing atmosphere that can either be comforting to a current partner or inviting to a potential new one.


  • Thanks Nan - this is really great.  Lovin' it.



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