Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 3 months ago by drtheolen
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  • This reading should of been one of those times you say "be right back, im going for a ciggie"... lol.. im kinda scratching my head, and rubbin my chin, and squintin my eyes in thought about 'water retention" and what that has to do with my luck lmaooooooo


    Mystic Shelli, Thank You so much!!

  • LOL!!!!


    I am counting on my "hidden supernatural abilities" to change my luck and help me win the free roll!!!!



  • LOL yeah, hoping it doesn't pop out at the wrong time!!

    But still im wondering what they are :o

  • As soon as I know what mine are, I will let you know!!!! hehe

  • ~~ Horoscopes for Monday ~ 01/11/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    You will have to be sure not to burn the candle at both ends.  Don't let situations get out of control.  Don't push your opinions on others today or you may find yourself in the doghouse.  The ring of fates surround you today and supernatural phenomena could change your fortunes today.  The King of Swords - Your creative thinking will bear fruit today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 71 - 16 - 78 - 13 - 97 - 65


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Your high energy will help you through this rather hectic day.  Don't let your jealousy be the reason for a decaying relationship.  Your personal life will be under the gun and you may want to avoid the questions your lover is going to want to ask you.  The scion of fate will guide you and A magical starsign will change your fortunes today. 

    The Two of Pentacles - You will see mant new possibilities today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 87 - 16 - 74 - 88 - 57 - 7 - 70


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Sports, physical fitness programs, exercise in general will make you feel better and show some pretty quick results.  It might be time to shake a leg and do a personal makeover.  You will be able to dazzle others with your obvious charm and your outgoing nature.  The hands of fate will touch you today and your luck rises into the mystic today.  The Eight of Pentacles - This is a good day to learn a new job skill. Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 58 - 61 - 81 - 60 - 76 - 6


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones.  Be creative in your pursuits.  Don't be shy; show your abilities!  The scion of fate will guide you and supernatural powers are working in your favor today.  The Emperor - Do not tolerate misbehavior today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 49 - 58 - 30 - 2 - 28 - 97 - 81


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Don't overreact to someone's advances.  Sign up for tours or courses that will enlighten you.  You will get drawn into groups that are not favorable to you.  A simple twist of fate will reveal you destiny today and supernatural powers are working to change your fortunes today.  The Five of Pentacles - You might have money troubles today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 50 - 94 - 76 - 3 - 14 - 98


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    Coworkers may not be completely honest with you; try not to rely on help from others.  You must be careful not to trust just anyone.  Don't get involved in expensive entertainment that involves gambling.  The hands of fate point at you today and the forces of natural mystics will bring you luck today.  The Three of Wands - This is a good day to plan ahead.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 12 - 98 - 76 - 2 - 54 - 70 - 81


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Try to make arrangements with close friends or relatives to spend a few days away. Time to deal with institutional environments, government agencies, and matters of a private nature today.  Money problems will be difficult to deal with if you have a partner.  The fates are warning you today and the numerology chart has luck in your favor today.  The Four of Pentacles - Things could stay the same today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 69 - 57 - 6 - 95 - 80 - 30 - 52


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter.  Do your chores and get on with the things you enjoy doing.  Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired.  The three fates are watching you today and A supernatural phenomenon could improve your fortunes today.  Justice - Do not do anything wrong today you will be caught.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 74 - 8 - 25 - 21 - 75 - 60


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    Someone you like may be receptive and actively seeking your company.  Travel should open doors that lead to exciting new adventures.  There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it.  The sisters of fate will favor you and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your fortunes today.  Strength - The strength of your love is now obvious to everybody.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 31 - 56 - 74 - 69 - 81 - 39 - 72


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do.  You could do extremely well in competitive sports events.  Take time to reevaluate your motives regarding friendships.  You might fulfill your destiny today and supernatural phenomena could increase your luck today.  The Six of Swords - You may experience some tough times today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 82 - 72 - 64 - 7 - 66 - 79 - 81


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Dig deep, ferret out any hidden concerns before you sign your life away Balance is required if you want stability.  An older member of your family may have left you with a pressing situation.  The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and paranormal events are working to increase your luck today.  The Ten of Cups - You may experience a sense of tranquility today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 37 - 29 - 88 - 27 - 44 - 91 - 53


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    You may find that your emotional partner will not be too eager to accommodate you. The great outdoors will allow you to teach youngsters some of the things you learned when growing up.  The home environment will be unpredictable today.  The hands of fate will touch you today and supernatural powers are working in your favor today.  The Ace of Cups - You may experience stronger than normal feelings today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 72 - 39 - 10 - 7 - 18 - 98 - 94







  • ~~ Horoscopes for Tuesday ~ 01/12/2010  ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Passion is inevitable and commitments can be made during the heat of the night.  Your intuition will be right on.  Follow your feelings in matters pertaining to financial investments.  You will enjoy interaction with others today.  A simple twist of fate cannot be avoided today and mystical forces will bring you luck today.  The Nine of Wands - If at first you do not succeed try try again.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 82 - 97 - 60 - 86 - 61 - 3 - 70


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Do not get into uncertain financial deals.  Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of.  Changes involving your domestic scene may be unpleasant.  Your financial destiny will become apparent today and your fortunes could improve today. 

    The Four of Cups - Do not forget to count your blessings today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 48 - 40 - 41 - 12 - 17 - 2 - 63


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Avoid any confrontations with colleagues.  Go out with friends and avoid the situation on the home front.  Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers.  The scion of fate will guide you and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your luck today.  The Eight of Cups - The facts could become apparent today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 82 - 33 - 20 - 51 - 2 - 27 - 90


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Don't let others restrict you from saying how you feel about family issues. This may not be the day to get involved in risky joint financial ventures. You will be overly sensitive today.  You will find your fate today and the magic touch will bring you luck today.  The Two of Swords - Today is a good day to stop waiting and act.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 32 - 79 - 8 - 4 - 64 - 45 - 5


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Things will be emotional with your mate.  Deception and confusion regarding your status in society is likely.  You can expect to have some problems with skin, bones, or teeth if you haven't taken proper care of them.  The hand of fate points to you today

    and supernatural powers are working to change your luck today.  The King of Cups - You have the ability to bring people together today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 92 - 46 - 66 - 73 - 39 - 43


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    Don't let your partner start any arguments.  Passion should be redirected positively. Keep your ears open, especially to those who care about you.  Don't reveal anything about your personal life to those who may use such information against you.  The scions of fate will protect you today and the fortune teller speaks of mystic luck today.  The Five of Cups - You could lose a friend today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 7 - 10 - 86 - 66 - 24 - 88


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    You may want to take extra special care of your luggage if you are traveling today.  It is best not to upset the apple cart if you learn information that may damage a colleague's reputation.  Don't offer to pay for others.  The hands of fate will touch you and you can increase your luck today.  The Hierophant - You need to stay within your bounds.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 77 - 61 - 62 - 36 - 16 - 30 - 4


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Children's needs could be more costly than you anticipated.  You have a lot to offer. You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn't been well.  The destiny charts indicate you can control your destiny today and metaphysical activity is working to bring you luck today.  The Four of Pentacles - Things might not change at all today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 13 - 36 - 33 - 42 - 77 - 73 - 54


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    You can enjoy doing things that include children.  Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved.  You will not be able to trust someone you work with.  The chains of fate can be broken today and Intense paranormal activities are working to increase your luck today.  The Four of Pentacles - Do not get greedy today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 91 - 37 - 5 - 52 - 57 - 69 - 53


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Someone you live with may feel totally neglected.  This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence.  Get together with friends and do something entertaining but not too expensive.  The scions of fate will protect you today and supernatural powers are working to improve your luck today.  The Five of Swords - You might feel you are living in a bad world today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 35 - 59 - 2 - 94 - 16 - 96 - 4


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Chronic health problems are likely to surface if you are keeping your problems locked up inside.  Ask family members for help and you will be able to complete the projects more quickly.  You don't like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid.  Tempting fate is not a good idea today and A paranormal experience could improve your fortunes today.  Wheel of Fortune - A twist of fate could surprise you today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 4 - 43 - 14 - 54 - 76 - 46


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Passion is about the best way for you to relieve tension.  Pamper yourself today. Erratic behavior may confuse others, and mood swings may result in isolation.  You have a date with destiny and your hidden supernatural abilities will change your luck today.  The Eight of Pentacles - Hard work will accomplish an important task today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 82 - 64 - 45 - 83 - 90 - 88 - 41







  • Sagi-


    The chains of fate can be broken today and Intense paranormal activities are working to increase your luck today. 

    In the words of Mystic Shelli.....WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO


    The Four of Pentacles - Do not get greedy today

    Damn it


    Got all excited with the "increased luck" and then it says don't get greedy.





  • I like mine today, Thanks Mystic Shelli for the new reading..... :) :) :) :) :)



  • The horoscope for Leo is right about me having problems with teeth, mine have been bothering me and I have to go to the dentist next week to get them removed..


    Thank you Shelli for the reading.. ;)

  • OooOOo The hands of fate will touch me today and increase my luck!


    Thank You Mystic Shelli

    I really am happy with my reading today!!!

    :D :D


    Blue -- LOL~!


    Veronica, i'm sorry to hear that, teeth can be such a pain (hence the wisdoms).. hope things go well at the dentist!!



    It's a good day for all of us!!!  Except Blue, you gotta remember don't get too greedy!  hehe


    Veronice, sorry about your teeth hun.  One thing I HATE is the dentist.  :'(

  • ~~ Horoscopes for Wednesday ~ 01/13/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Cultural activities will prove to be quite enlightening for everyone.  Children may cause limitations.  Use your innovative mind to surprise youngsters.  Merciful fate is on your side and supernatural powers are working to change your fortunes today.  The Page of Wands - If you believe in yourself you will get ahead today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 40 - 25 - 98 - 20 - 69 - 9 - 10


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Put your emotional energy into passion not anxiety.  ger might lead to carelessness and minor Injuries.  Try to be patient with their inability to accept your new beliefs.

    You will encounter the irony of fate and the fortunes will favor you today.  The Eight of Pentacles - You can achieve great things today if you apply yourself.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 45 - 87 - 85 - 34 - 26 - 72 - 11


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    For best results get out of the office and do your job en route.  Try to keep to yourself; work diligently on domestic chores and responsibilities.  You are best to avoid joint ventures, and whatever you do, don't lend to friends or relatives.  The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you and the luck star will shine on you today.  The Page of Pentacles - A more practical approach could solve a problem today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 60 - 4 - 53 - 61 - 42 - 91


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Opportunities for advancement at work are apparent.  Hassles with female colleagues may lead to problems with your boss.  Your high enthusiasm will be sure to inspire anybody around you.  You might fulfill your destiny and the numerology chart has luck against you today.  The Eight of Wands - Things will move quickly today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 84 - 93 - 55 - 52 - 97 - 38 - 85


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Older relatives may be a burden.  You've been a little down and you need a lift.  If you're already in a relationship, use this added energy passionately.  The sword of destiny cuts both ways and the fortune teller speaks of mystic luck today.  The Tower - You may experience conflict today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 91 - 53 - 43 - 30 -93 - 11 - 65


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    Try to be patient and understanding.  Do not hesitate to help elders with legal documents that are too confusing for them.  Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well.  Your fate line is clear today and the numerology symbols are against you today.  The Two of Cups - This is a good day for business negotiations.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 41 - 59 - 19 - 38 - 31 - 98 - 97


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Sudden changes regarding your domestic scene are probable.  Family members may feel anxious if you make promises you don't deliver.  Networking will be a necessity.  The sisters of fate will guide you today and the numerology symbols are against you today.  The Emperor - It is time for you to establish order.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 65 - 28 - 44 - 88 - 25 - 97 - 82


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    You will be able to close any deals successfully.  You'd be wise to control your spending so your debts don't get out of hand.  Be careful that you aren't saddled with the responsibilities of others.  A simple twist of fate can change your destiny today and magical thinking will improve your luck today.  Justice - If you want equality today you should treat others as equals.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 79 - 47 - 15 - 94 - 85 - 42 - 45


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    You may be emotionally unstable if you let someone you care about get away with verbal abuse.  Take a second look; difficulties with appliances, water, or electricity in your home may be evident.  Be prepared to deal with groups and organizations of greater magnitude.  Fate controls your destiny today and the fortune teller speaks of mystic fortunes today.  The Knight of Swords - Today is a good day to say just what you mean.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 46 - 27 - 32 - 49 - 61 - 57 - 75


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Opportunities to get ahead will be evident.  Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like.  Go with the flow and don't be concerned about your own job.  Your destiny is in fates hands today and A paranormal phenomenon could increase your fortunes today.  The Knight of Cups - Do not let your emotions run away with themselves.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 85 - 77 - 15 - 74 - 97 - 10 - 20


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Go out with friends and avoid the situation on the home front.  You may find yourself in a heated dispute with a friend if you try to change your mind.  Plan your social events carefully.  The hand of fate points at you today and the forces of natural mystics will bring you luck today.  The Devil - You may feel you are being controlled today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 61 - 6 - 82 - 42 - 76 - 91 - 47


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Invest wisely.  Your personal life could have you tied up in knots.  Don't let your mate force you into making a decision that you aren't ready to make.  You will meet potential new mates through business.  You can escape your fate today and the fortune teller speaks of better luck today.  The Moon - Do not lose your sense of direction today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 14 - 96 - 29 - 68 - 59 - 57 - 89






  • ------>>>You may experience conflict today.


    Oh, no~...that's it,  I ain't leaving my house today...lol

  • "Fate controls your destiny today and the fortune teller speaks of mystic fortunes today."


    So Shelli - what are my mystic fortunes today?  Or did you run out and have a ciggy after that bit and didn't see what they were? 


    "The Knight of Swords - Today is a good day to say just what you mean."


    I shall bite my tongue (but not too hard lol  ;D)


    Thanks as ever Mystic Shelli for the reading.  :-*





  • wnanhee, your a Leo just like my ex-husband!  hehe  What day is your b-day hun?

    GLAD TO SEE YA IN BINGO!!! woooooo hoooooo




    You know I always need a ciggy at all the wrong times!  hehe  ;D

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