Be careful of getting stressed over something you can’t change.
That is the story of my life!
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Read"The Ten of Wands - You might feel as though you face an uphill climb today"
That is definitely true......the uphill climb will be to stay awake. :P
Thanks Mystic Shelli. I missed the last frew days because my internet connection was pretty bad where I was. But I'm back in the "fold" now.
~~ Horoscopes for Tuesday ~ 03/09/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Do not get involved in joint financial ventures. Don't start any arguments unless you're prepared to accept irrevocable results. Things are looking good for you, so open your eyes and get to it. Be careful of burning your bridges with business or work colleagues. The Ten of Pentacles - This is a good day to make some solid plans. Daily Lucky Numbers - 24 - 5 - 73 - 30 - 51 - 20 - 59
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Unexpected bills will be impossible for you to pay. Do not jump to conclusions concerning your romantic partner. Family responsibilities are escalating. In times like these when the going gets tough it is up to you to take control and take responsibility of getting your life together. Don’t rest on your laurels. The Three of Wands - This is a good day to plan ahead. Daily Lucky Numbers - 96 - 67 - 64 - 94 - 23 - 73 - 90
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You can get ahead if you present your ideas to superiors. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers. You will tend to overeat today. Whether it’s love or business, don’t sit back and wait for someone else to make the first move. If you want to get some action going in life, be proactive. The Tower - You may experience an emotional outburst today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 76 - 53 - 26 - 27 - 35 - 42 - 93
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
You can enjoy your involvement in organizations that make charitable contributions. Your communication skills will bring you popularity and increased self esteem. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation. Don’t get discouraged if things at the office are not moving along at the breakneck speed you expect. As long as you are still having discussions, things are moving forward. The Eight of Cups - Meditation could be highly productive today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 74 - 81 - 4 - 10 - 79 - 80 - 20
Leo - July 23 -August 22
You could be blind to the defects of those you love. You will reach the most people if you speak out at an organizational function. Keep a lookout for any individuals eager to confront you with unsavory situations. Love and romance needs to be compatible on more than one level to be happy with life and the partner you are with. Compassion and a basic level of caring for each other are on top of the list. The Nine of Swords - You may experience nervous doubt today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 85 - 33 - 80 - 62 - 98 - 19 - 4
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Your partner may not understand your mood swings but if you are willing to communicate, a lot of grief can be avoided. You should be in business for yourself. Romantic encounters will develop through colleagues. Passionate moments are all possible this week, but be careful of thinking that passion is the only ingredient you need to make love work. Once the excitement of the moment passes by, you will want to have some friendship. The Six of Wands - You could be proven right today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 21 - 20 - 74 - 14 - 50 - 32 - 38
Libra - September 23 - October 22
Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. Rewards for past good deeds will be yours. Your best results will come through business trips. Even though your popularity is on the rise, be careful of taking others for granted. This is a time to work with people in a team environment, rather than go it alone. The Eight of Pentacles - Take care not to overlook the details today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 28 - 37 - 56 - 21 - 38 - 49 - 5
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You'll look guilty if you don't lay your cards on the table. Get involved in activities that will be fun for the whole family. Don't be too quick to spend money. There is always someone who has a killjoy attitude who can think up every possible negative reason why you can’t do something. It seems as if there is one of these negative people in every group. The Page of Swords - This is a good day to learn new things. Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 39 - 34 - 73 - 6 - 80 - 66
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Someone you work with could try to undermine you. Problems with female members of your family may play on your emotions. Be cautious while traveling; minor accidents are evident. In the big scheme of things, giving or doing something for someone can create good karma in your life, but look after your own needs first. Strength - The strength of your love is now obvious to everybody. Daily Lucky Numbers - 53 - 4 - 92 - 48 - 25 - 31 - 57
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
You can get your point across and make valuable connections. You will have to be careful not to fall into traps set by jealous colleagues. Short trips may be tiring but rewarding. Sudden changes could throw you into chaos, but the result can uncover some areas that are long overdue to be reassessed and renewed. Don’t hold on too tight to anything that’s outdated. The Queen of Pentacles - This is a good day to simply be yourself. Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 3 - 53 - 75 - 81 - 71 - 31
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Use your added discipline to get what you want. You can make or break your personal relationship today. You are apt to meet someone special on your journey. Keep a tight rein on your spending habits. A moment of excessive spending can provide a moment of happiness, but the stress that takes over when the bills come in can quickly led to stress and tension. The Eight of Cups - Doubts and worries could clear up today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 94 - 74 - 81 - 86 - 30 - 47 - 13
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
You have your own family to consider as well. Go after your professional goals. Helping children may be rewarding and challenging. To stay in control, be a good detective, and even if you don’t need to use information you’ve cleverly researched, it can still have the affect of you feeling more secure. The Ten of Wands - Do not let somebody else saddle you with their responsibilities today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 67 - 51 - 88 - 2 - 70 - 86 - 71
"Unexpected bills will be impossible for you to pay. Do not jump to conclusions concerning your romantic partner. Family responsibilities are escalating. In times like these when the going gets tough it is up to you to take control and take responsibility of getting your life together. "
Wow, Mystic Shelli. Thats a pretty tuff horoscope for today. ??? :-X
It doesnt sound like a good day for me. :(
Maybe I better go back to bed. LOL
I think I could use a hug. hahahaha
Just have some more TEA!!!!! lol ;)
LMAO - you know how us English love our Tea!
"Someone you work with could try to undermine you."
That one again - it's always popping up :o
"Problems with female members of your family may play on your emotions."
This is so true. I spoke to my Aunty last night and she told me that her daughter is being nasty to her and excluding her from family events. I was really upset over this and felt so sad for my Aunty.
It doesnt sound like a good day for me. :(
Maybe I better go back to bed. LOL
.....and stay off work lol :P
Awww Pam - I hope it gets better where you work
I think I could use a hug. hahahaha
BIG HUG for you :-*
Thanks as ever Mystic Shelli.
Dang Pam, I need to rub my "ball" a different way when I do your reading for now on. lol
Sorry for your aunt blue, it really irritates me when family acts like that. I have a few cousins that often forget that sometimes family is all we have.
I LOVE this part of mine, "Even though your popularity is on the rise, be careful of taking others for granted." hehe
"Dang Pam, I need to rub my "ball" a different way when I do your reading for now on." lol
Hey Mystic Shelli....I will look forward to a better reading in the days to come.
Although I am off tomorrow from work, so I wont have to call in due to your reading. HAHA. I seem to be missing alot of work due to bad readings. lol
Can't wait for tomorrows.
Thanks as always, I sure have alot of fun with them. First thing I look for when I jump on LCB in the morning. Even before the free chips. ;) You rule.
~~ Horoscopes for Wednesday ~ 03/10/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Socializing will be more than just entertaining. Take special care in any home improvement project you work on today, you'll be glad you did. Younger relatives may seek your advice. Keeping your finances under control may be hard work, but it will force you to adopt a more rigid and workable solution to financial management and investing options. The High Priestess - Let your imagination run wild today.
Daily Lucky Numbers - 55 - 41 - 86 - 40 - 39 - 79 - 11
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
It might be best not to spend your money on luxuries today. You could meet potential new mates if you go out with friends or take pleasure trips. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive. Having your friends around and wanting them to like each other, especially your love mate, is important. However, don’t let others dictate how you feel about someone. The Eight of Cups - Things are not as hopeless as they seem. Daily Lucky Numbers - 41 - 15 - 46 - 37 - 57 - 51 - 79
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
Self-deception regarding your own worth may lead you down the wrong path. You will not be able to contain your emotions today. You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings. Over this period of time, no matter what is actually occurring, it may not be the end of a situation and could very well be the beginning of something new and exciting. Beware of making assumptions. Death - Fate will work in your favor today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 48 - 60 - 40 - 92 - 74 - 87 - 85
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Your intellectual charm will win hearts and bring opportunities that you least expect. You may be sensitive to a point of absurdity. Your passionate mood will be well received by your mate. The saying, ’there are no friends in business’, is not entirely true, however, when it concerns money, it’s a good idea to keep your personal matters separate. Temperance - Successful negotiations are possible today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 36 - 11 - 17 - 80 - 74 - 76 - 24
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members. Take care of your personal needs. You can find out important information if you listen to friends and relatives. In the process of trying to do everything, don’t allow your health and wellbeing to be neglected. Some things in life can be put aside and attended to at a later date. The Nine of Cups - Beautiful things will come your way today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 33 - 6 - 86 - 32 - 24 - 19 - 13
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
You may need a good friend to lean on. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur. You will earn recognition for the work you are doing. Being a front runner in life can go both ways, you can come out in front, or you can find out what doesn’t work, either way, you will be progressing. The Page of Cups - You may experience a romantic sentiment today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 97 - 2 - 53 - 30 - 19 - 70 - 96
Libra - September 23 - October 22
Your leadership qualities will come in handy. Your charm will mesmerize members of the opposite sex today. You will attract new love interests. With so much planetary activity affecting you personal and professional life it would seem like you are the centre of attention. What goes down now could actually be beneficial. The King of Wands - Positive energy will be yours today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 70 - 95 - 17 - 82 - 85 - 63 - 38
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Things are looking up. Be sure to look into travel opportunities that will provide you with mental stimulation. Older family members may try to put unreasonable demands on you. Being assertive and taking control in your private life is a trait that is admired, but be careful of totally taking over. Leaving someone with no involvement could result in unrest. The Moon - You need to avoid self delusion today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 29 - 11 - 7 - 12 - 56 - 88 - 14
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Exhaustion will lead to minor injury if you don't know when to quit. Sports, physical fitness programs, exercise in general will make you feel better and show some pretty quick results. You will find that friends or relatives may not understand your needs. Feeling you are the greatest person ever in someone’s life is a reassuring feeling, but make sure that all your other needs are meet as well. The Empress - The riches of the world can be yours today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 73 - 3 - 23 - 39 - 46 - 26 - 45
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Money can be made if your are willing to take a chance. Look into ways to make your home more comfortable. Your emotions may get the better of you. Whatever it is that you do, make sure you do it with excellence. Stay in front of the game by showing those who have the power to make decisions that you have the skills. The Eight of Cups - Doubts and worries could clear up today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 96 - 41 - 70 - 85 - 93 - 55
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
You may want to put everyone to work on a project that will keep them all too busy to complain. You can expect changes at your work place. Your ideas will be well received. Life is a cycle of order and chaos, and if you are in the cycle of chaos, this mean you are changing your situation to move forward into a new positive space. The King of Cups - You have the ability to give good advice today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 24 - 33 - 60 - 71 - 53 - 7 - 51
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
You will be able to pick up on future trends if you keep your eyes peeled for unique ideas. Join groups of a humanitarian nature. Unforeseen changes in your location are apparent. To get ahead financially, be prepared to put in the extra hours, effort and dedication, and accomplishing your ambitions are more than possible. It’s your time to shine. The Seven of Swords - You can hide the truth but you can not hide from the truth. Daily Lucky Numbers - 54 - 80 - 6 - 47 - 61 - 77 - 48
~~ Horoscopes for Thursday ~ 03/11/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Get involved in groups and organizations that are of a distinguished nature. Travel for pleasure will be enticing. If you need to have a heart–to–heart discussion with someone, this is not the time to put it off. Waiting for the right moment to bring up what could be a sensitive topic may mean that you miss the opportunity altogether. The King of Swords - You have the ability to learn quickly today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 18 - 77 - 95 - 31 - 39 - 65 - 25
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Reevaluate your position and make decisions about your future goals. Try to calm down and listen to your partner's complaints. Compromise may be necessary. Do your own thing. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to follow your instructions to the letter so it will be necessary to follow up even if your instructions have been specific. The Two of Swords - You can not deny the truth today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 62 - 11 - 94 - 3 - 4 - 75 - 2
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You may want to take a look at your direction in life. Don't let them blame you. Set a limit on the amount you're willing to spend, and be sure to stick to it. As situations in the market place change, it’s necessary to change with them. When it’s about money management, be logical, and keep your emotions under control. The Ten of Swords - You may have the sense you are at the bottom of a pit today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 33 - 2 - 57 - 11 - 54 - 51 - 90
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Invite friends in for a visit. It won't take much to upset your lover. You will be appreciated for the competence you exhibit and for taking on responsibilities. Over this period, it’s possible to get in touch with how you really feel, and perhaps deal with feelings that have been pushed aside. If you need to confront something from the past forge ahead confidently. The Emperor - Good planning will pay off today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 85 - 27 - 65 - 60 - 2 - 83 - 53
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Your creative ideas will be put to good use if you dig in and do things around the house that will make your family happy. Make sure that new mates live up to your high standards. Stay out of other people's affairs. Keep in mind that spending money on the things that make you the happiest can be positive, but don’t go splashing your cash around on something that will be here today and gone tomorrow. The Three of Swords - You might experience a let down today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 17 - 35 - 80 - 79 - 90 - 2 - 92
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Don't let your emotions interfere with completing your chores. Be careful that you don't spend too much time with a person belonging to someone else. Be sure to take care of any minor ailments. It’s possible that either a monetary surprise can put a smile on your face during this time or there is the promise of something for the future. The Five of Swords - You might feel you are living in a bad world today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 3 - 68 - 78 - 32 - 29 - 93 - 90
Libra - September 23 - October 22
You may become rundown if you take on too much. Recognition can be yours if you present your ideas and stand behind your beliefs. Your determination and sheer desire to do your own thing will be successful. It can be just as helpful to lend a hand by giving your time or advice to a good cause, and it could result in putting you in contact with some key players. The Nine of Pentacles - If you want something done you will have to do it yourself today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 18 - 93 - 52 - 27 - 68 - 55 - 86
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Losses are likely if you aren't careful where you leave your valuables. You may find that your anger stems from lending or borrowing money. Avoid being overly opinionated or you will alienate friends. With assertive planet Mars working in your favor and now back in phase, life is about to enter the fast lane. The main thing you need to do now is keep the lines of communication open. The Ace of Swords - You have the power to right a wrong today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 81 - 4 - 39 - 16 - 43 - 19
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Payoff all your debts before you go out and celebrate. Talk to your mate about a vacation and discuss the expectations of your relationship. Romantic encounters are evident through travel or educational pursuits. It may be that you need to adjust your attitude about something and learn to manage or master that situation to be able to have it in your life today. The Page of Wands - If you believe in yourself you will get ahead today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 48 - 12 - 17 - 49 - 85 - 22 - 86
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Situations in your personal life are moving a little fast lately. Your relationship appears to be stressed out and depleted. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way. When it concerns love, if you’re in a flirtatious mood, don’t allow a fun connection to go further if you don’t intend to take it further. Keep relations between you and another under control. The Six of Pentacles - You will receieve only as much as you give today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 96 - 29 - 27 - 10 - 18 - 36 - 13
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Get involved in groups that will help you meet established individuals. You will not impress others by being foolishly generous. Try not to allow others to burden you with additional responsibilities. Don’t be quick to pass judgment on what someone says or does. Coming to a conclusion too fast may not allow the real truth to emerge. Dig deeper to find out the whole story. The High Priestess - Listen to what you are saying to yourself. Daily Lucky Numbers - 28 - 25 - 84 - 81 - 21 - 65 - 16
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
You will enjoy socializing and unusual forms of entertainment. You won't be able to keep a secret. You need some rest. There are times when you do need to have your business hat on with love, particularly when money is involved. Right now with Venus having a strong influence on love and business matters, you need to have a good balance between your heart and mind. The Fool - You know what needs to be done so start doing it. Daily Lucky Numbers - 65 - 48 - 39 - 5 - 71 - 45 - 6
Horoscopes for Friday ~ 03/12/2010
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Arguments could prevail. Partnerships will be successful. Your ability to visualize will help you convince others of the possibilities. Fate will find you today and the luck star will shine on you today. Temperance - All things in moderation Daily Lucky Numbers - 80 - 84 - 3 - 30 - 58 - 37 - 38
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Attend seminars that will bring you in contact with the right people. Don't push your luck with authority. You must try to include your mate in your activities today. A simple twist of fate will spell your destiny today and A supernatural phenomenon will increase your luck today. The Queen of Wands - Your self assurance will make you attractive today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 7 - 18 - 3 - 39 - 81 - 92 - 82
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You will have no trouble getting things to fall into place. You can make career changes that may put you in a much higher earning bracket. Romantic encounters will be full of excitement. The sisters of fate on are on your side today and forces from the supernatural world will improve your fortunes today. Death - Do not let this card scare you, it means fate is on your side today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 53 - 46 - 63 - 95 - 77 - 61 - 47
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Don't overdo it. You need to enjoy yourself. If you go shopping, only take what you can afford to part with. Job changes are in order. Go for interviews or send out resumes. You will not suffer fates worse than death today and A paranormal experience could bring you luck today. The Chariot - Your self confidence is well founded. Daily Lucky Numbers - 48 - 88 - 14 - 39 - 85 - 55 - 21
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Ask others to help, or you may feel that a burden is weighing you down. Socializing or travel will lead to partnerships. You will be emotional when dealing with coworkers or employers. You have a date with destiny today and A paranormal experience could increase your fortunes today. The Moon - You need to avoid self delusion today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 55 - 87 - 85 - 78 - 22 - 95 - 23
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Get rich quick schemes will not be successful. Pushy people must be kept at arm's length. Get back down to earth and to basics. The scions of fate will guard you and the fortune teller speaks of better luck today. The Nine of Cups - Your artistic skills could reach a peak today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 47 - 56 - 44 - 59 - 40 - 79 - 93
Libra - September 23 - October 22
Involvement in groups of interest will bring you in touch with important individuals. Education may be the answer. The hand of fate will touch you today adn the numerology chart has luck in your favor today. Justice - If you do something wrong today you will be caught. Daily Lucky Numbers - 19 - 52 - 40 - 29 - 2 - 17 - 84
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Unpredictable events will disrupt your routine. Any difficulties with peers could be unnerving. You can get phenomenal returns if you present your ideas to those who can back your interests. The hands of fate point at you today and A supernatural phenomenon will bring you luck today. The King of Cups - You may experience good timing today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 63 - 2 - 23 - 96 - 8 - 60 - 65
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal. Residential moves should be considered carefully. Don't be shy; if you want to spend more time with a special person, make a commitment. You will find your fate today and the mystics of fortune wish you luck today. The Eight of Swords - You may experience a loss of direction today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 78 - 48 - 72 - 23 - 82 - 69
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Try to deal with the problems of those less fortunate; however, don't allow them to make unreasonable demands. You can't live your life for others. Be careful disclosing information. The sisters of fate are warning you today and high paranormal activity is working to increase your luck today. The Chariot - You will get your way today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 92 - 88 - 23 - 56 - 86 - 62 - 75
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Your unique approach to life will interest others. New romantic ties can be made; however, you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move. Don't let your emotions interfere with your professional integrity. The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and the numerology calculator has luck in your favor today. The Lovers - Your own passionate desire can make physically attractive. Daily Lucky Numbers - 4 - 26 - 28 - 41 - 19 - 66 - 11
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Don't jump too quickly regarding an investment that appears to be good. You should be raising your self esteem and confidence in order to promote your work. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. The sisters of fate are watching over you today and supernatural powers are working to change your fortunes today. The Moon - You need to keep you feet planted firmly on the ground today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 26 - 87 - 63 - 81 - 36 - 51 - 83
~~ Horoscopes for Saturday ~ 03/13/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Things at home may be somewhat rocky. You will have a great deal of insight when dealing with others. You will be up and down emotionally. The sisters of fate will favor you today and forces from the supernatural world could increase your luck today. Wheel of Fortune - Fate will take its course today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 32 - 42 - 59 - 18 - 96 - 53 - 58
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Your energy will be high. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Delve into your work if you can't make amends at home. You cannot avoid the twists and turns of fate today and mystical forces will change your luck today. The Empress - Beauty and pleasures could yours today if you are willing to give the same. Daily Lucky Numbers - 73 - 12 - 15 - 49 - 92 - 37 - 69
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You may be offered opportunities that will result in a higher earning potential. You will be confused about the intentions of someone you work with. Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you aren't well organized. The three fates cannot be avoided today and high paranormal activity will increase your luck today. The Knight of Wands - You have good reason to feel self assured today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 29 - 18 - 5 - 64 - 71 - 31 - 35
Cancer - June 22 - July 22Don't put your professional reputation on the line. Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture. You may find yourself interested in more than one person. The hand of fate points to you today and the magic wand waves in you favor today. The High Priestess - You have the potential accomplish more. Daily Lucky Numbers - 83 - 79 - 33 - 13 - 18 - 48 - 44
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. Focus your efforts on details, and keep to yourself in order to finish your work. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter. You can escape your fate today and A supernatural phenomenon could increase your luck today. Wheel of Fortune - Destiny will take its hand today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 16 - 10 - 20 - 17 - 14 - 4 - 79
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Organize all the responsibilities that have to be attended to and make sure everyone knows what to do. Try not to take everything so seriously. Take time to visit someone who has been confined due to illness. The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and the magic touch will bring you luck today. The Five of Wands - Today is a good day to get in the game. Daily Lucky Numbers - 31 - 89 - 9 - 24 - 74 - 71 - 18
Libra - September 23 - October 22
You have a lot to offer. Your fickle nature may cause jealousy. Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well. A simple twist of fate will reveal your destiny today and magic numbers could change your luck today. The King of Wands - You own confidence will inspire confidence in others today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 5 - 98 - 48 - 77 - 43 - 74 - 52
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You can make new friends and experience new things if you do a bit of traveling. You need to look into some private matters before you can proceed with your plans. Accommodate others but not before you do your own thing. Do the proper safety checks before you go out. A simple twist of fate will spell your destiny and you will have good luck today. The Six of Cups - Your in luck today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 42 - 83 - 27 - 77 - 55 - 49 - 89
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Take your time before making personal decisions. Don't let relatives make demands of you. Your ideas are good and career moves can be realized. You can fulfill your relationship with destiny today and A supernatural phenomenon will bring you luck today. The Nine of Wands - Hold on tight to your dreams today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 39 - 83 - 93 - 18 - 60 - 85 - 77
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
This could be a difficult day to deal with coworkers. Changes in your home will be positive. Set the ball in motion and be relentless until you complete the project. The twists and turns of fate will work in your favor today and A magical starsign will bring you luck today. The Six of Cups - The good will far out weigh the bad today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 58 - 24 - 2 - 96 - 52 - 23 - 22
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Travel will be favorable. You can gain knowledge from dealing with foreigners. Try not to be too harsh with loved ones; there will always be two sides to an Issue. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. The sword of destiny cuts both ways and luck spells are in your favor today. The Four of Swords - You should take things easy today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 30 - 86 - 88 - 53 - 41 - 98 - 93
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Your loved ones could set you off. Your ideas can be put into action. Over spending or unexpected bills could set you back. The chains of fate will be broken today and the mystic knights have decreed you will have good luck today. The Eight of Pentacles - This is a good day to go back to school. Daily Lucky Numbers - 96 - 37 - 97 - 92 - 56 - 78 - 14
~~ Horoscopes for Sunday ~ 03/14/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Try not to be too harsh with loved ones; there will always be two sides to an Issue. Follow through on some of the good ideas that come up, and you could have a real winner of a deal. Take advantage of your attributes and lure the mate of your choice. The sisters of fate will guide you and magic numbers will bring you luck today. Wheel of Fortune - Trust your luck or your luck will not trust you. Daily Lucky Numbers - 52 - 22 - 36 - 24 - 33 - 74 - 69
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Personal problems may be hanging over your head but don't confront the situation. Real estate ventures will be to your advantage. Be cautious when dealing with foreigners. You cannot avoid the irony of fate today and forces from the supernatural world are working to improve your fortunes today. The Three of Cups - Today is good day to become part of the team. Daily Lucky Numbers - 33 - 45 - 26 - 91 - 11 - 16 - 55
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
A little rest will do wonders. Someone you live with may feel totally neglected. Peers may not be on your side. Your destiny can be fulfilled today and A supernatural phenomenon could increase your luck today. The Three of Swords - You might feel lost and alone today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 48 - 79 - 70 - 18 - 32 - 9 - 38
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
You need to be active and spend time with friends you enjoy. You will be highly sensitive to comments made by your lover. Don't be afraid to push your beliefs and attitudes. The hands of fate will reach you today and paranormal phenomena will bring you luck today. Justice - If you do something wrong today you will be caught. Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 87 - 77 - 22 - 73 - 20 - 46
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Minor health problems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself or have been burning the candle at both ends. Expect to experience a sudden reversal of fortune. Make plans that will take you to exotic destinations. The hands of fate will touch you today and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your fortunes today. The Emperor - It is time for you to establish order. Daily Lucky Numbers - 41 - 74 - 11 - 39 - 59 - 87 - 80
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Put your thoughts on paper. Channel your energy into decorating or household chores. Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement. Tempting fate is not a good idea today and you will feel the magic touch today. The Ace of Swords - The truth can not hide from you today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 86 - 54 - 7 - 11 - 37 - 71 - 65
Libra - September 23 - October 22
You might find it difficult to control your emotions. Keep on your toes when dealing with others. You will be able to get along well with colleagues. The scion of fate will guard you and supernatural phenomena will bring you luck today. The Five of Swords - You might experience a kind of bunker mentality today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 21 - 5 - 15 - 54 - 25 - 10 - 58
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Pleasure trips will be favorable and bring about romance. You may be emotional about the way an organization you belong to is handling its business. Unexpected bills may set you back. The irony of fate will be your destiny today and paranormal phenomena will bring you luck today. Justice - Do not do anything wrong today there is too great a chance you will get caught. Daily Lucky Numbers - 47 - 80 - 59 - 87 - 37 - 40 - 38
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are. Your efforts will be rewarded handsomely. You are best to stick to basics. Work on getting ahead by picking up added skills. The threads of destiny will be woven today and supernatural forces are working to change your luck today. The Knight of Cups - A little bit of diplomacy will go a long way today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 6 - 22 - 92 - 87 - 7 - 93 - 24
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Investments are best left alone today. You could make extra cash through creative hobbies. You will reap the rewards for your kind actions. You can not escape your fate today and the magic touch will change your luck today. Temperance - Today is the day when it all comes together. Daily Lucky Numbers - 6 - 23 - 74 - 85 - 59 - 13 - 75
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Monitor your budget carefully to avoid unnecessary stress. Loss or theft may occur if you are careless with your belongings. You need some excitement in your life, and meeting new people in exotic destinations will certainly satisfy your desires. A simple twist of fate will spell your destiny today and supernatural powers will bring you luck today. The Nine of Wands - Hold on tight to your dreams today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 20 - 48 - 93 - 83 - 12 - 21 - 27
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Don't be alarmed. Be considerate and avoid being overly opinionated, or arguments will ensue. Limitation could set in if you've been spending too much. You might discover your destiny today and paranormal phenomena will increase your luck today. The Nine of Pentacles - You may have to go it alone today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 25 - 49 - 80 - 67 - 18 - 93 - 47
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