Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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    Morning Gang:  Wishing everyone a beautiful day.....Miss Pam Predicts :)




    Taking care of business will be the focus of your attention today. Money, possessions, paying bills and other economic matters are the strong focus. If you're a little too generous with your resources, today you could prove to be even more excessively so. If you're struggling to make ends meet you should be cautious… (there really is a light at the end of the tunnel coming soon).

    Power Numbers: 5, 43, 24, 46, 44, 28





    A business deal or negotiation of some sort needs to be closed quickly if you are to gain the financial benefits. If your instincts tell you to push a little harder and make contact to get the final result, do so today. It will work in your favour

    Power Numbers: 6, 49, 31, 23, 37, 47





    You could receive a call from a long lost friend or a relative who lives at a distance. There's an invitation to join them in some short trip, it could even be a shopping junket. Take the opportunity as some business doors will also open for you at the same time.

    Power Numbers: 47, 21, 40, 31, 29, 19




    New obstacles arise and increasing responsibilities make it difficult for you to expand and grow. New obligations are likely to arise both in your personal life and your work.

    Power Numbers: 44, 16, 5, 45, 7, 43





    With a new relationship or job or project opening around the corner, make sure you tie up all those loose ends that have been hanging around for way too long. Flattery will get you everywhere when you meet with some people in authority or much-respected professionals. Consider contacting people you have not heard from in a long time.

    Power Numbers: 13, 6, 35, 46, 25, 44






    You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

    Power Numbers: 42, 44, 9, 46, 6, 32






    There's been countless times when you've come face to face with this particular problem, and each time you tend to make the same mistake. Consequently, you might do yourself a favor by listening to someone who has been in this situation before you, and open your mind to alternative approaches.

    Power Numbers: 9, 42, 20, 16, 26, 30





    You experience a burst of energy and are more vigorous, bold, assertive, and impatient at this time. You feel ambitious and capable of doing a lot and meeting challenges successfully. However, if your will is blocked, you become quite angry now. You are less willing to accommodate others and meet people half way.

    Power Numbers: 41, 3, 33, 4, 47, 28





    How today's astrological influence affects you can vary enormously. You feel much older and more mature now, and you view much of your earlier life as a more carefree, perhaps childish, stage of development. As you view the past, you certainly can see things you would have done differently, which is a positive sign that experience has indeed made you wiser.

    Power Numbers: 35, 22, 4, 20, 37, 18





    Satisfaction comes from just letting things happen for a moment and inviting in the blessings that surround you, despite the rigors of existence. Relaxation, comfort with your surroundings, and the warmth and glow of friendship are what it's about today, if you're willing to disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your personal happy side for a while.

    Power Numbers: 6, 37, 42, 22, 18, 47





    You may work with technical or electrical equipment, or they may be connected with your duties. Expect the unexpected in advancements, opportunities, and improvements. New co-workers will enter your life unexpectedly. One may develop into a fond friendship.

    Power Numbers: 18, 9, 49, 26, 22, 23






    You are very impulsive and restless now and you are likely to act or speak too quickly without sufficient forethought or concern for the consequences. Positively, you are very sharp and clear mentally at this time, and can attack problems and tasks with great vigor.

    Power Numbers: 39, 10, 48, 22, 25, 27





    Born Today: Edward Gibbon, Harry S Truman, David Attenborough, Thomas Pynchon, Peter Benchley, Melissa Gilbert, Josie Maran













  • How today's astrological influence affects you can vary enormously. You feel much older and more mature now, and you view much of your earlier life as a more carefree, perhaps childish, stage of development. As you view the past, you certainly can see things you would have done differently, which is a positive sign that experience has indeed made you wiser.


    Does this mean i have to give up blankie and my pacifier and my sippy cup too?

        :( :( .... i dun wanna  :'(  :'(

  • Morning Gang:

        To all the Mothers out there, relax, and have a terrific day.

    To everyone else....Do the same....lol....


    Happy Mothers Day!!!!


                                                              Miss Pam Predicts....






    Resources, human and otherwise, are making themselves available to support you, so take what's offered and use it wisely. What people have to say about you is dependent on your healthy use of yourself and what you possess, and both are looking good. Accept praise, then accept it gracefully and go with what's offered to you while it's available.

    Power Numbers: 7, 39, 38, 14, 48, 35





    The trend now has to do with career and one's own self esteem and this is an excellent period for that. There could be a job opportunity looming. If you've been thinking it's time to move on, now is a good time to do so. This is an excellent period for career advancements. Your credentials will be well received if you're going for job interviews or someone's headhunting you.

    Power Numbers: 45, 46, 9, 2, 28, 21





    Your competitive urges will expand and your working life now appears to be set for some radical changes over the next month or two. There's a certain impatience surrounding your activities professionally and if your current circumstances don't offer you enough excitement or variety you're quite likely to look elsewhere to fulfill these needs.

    Power Numbers: 27, 26, 8, 46, 34, 29






    Take a look around you today, you may appreciate and discover the beauty in your life and in those around you. At the same time, everything could take on added value and importance. Be careful that you don't overspend or indulge too much just now. Enjoy.

    Power Numbers: 37, 3, 27, 49, 33, 9






    You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams and also being more receptive to others' thoughts and point of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.

    Power Numbers: 49, 45, 26, 40, 33, 21






    You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now.

    Power Numbers: 22, 43, 31, 19, 5, 44






    Solid and steady progress in achieving career goals is highlighted now. If you are not happy with the kind of work you do, then investigate the possibilities of a change in your assigned duties at this time.

    Power Numbers: 34, 8, 23, 23, 3, 16





    Status and security goals need rethinking now, to take advantage of changing circumstances. Your career is a focus for this, but your home and family situation is also involved. Finances - purchases, investments, and credit in particular - could stand some clear thinking now.

    Power Numbers: 2, 35, 15, 30, 12, 24





    You may benefit socially or materially through an opportunity given to you by a friend. This is a good time for parties, social gatherings, and other activities with friends.

    Power Numbers: 21, 2, 49, 36, 23, 41






    This is a good time to let your relax and play a bit, try to do this on your own initiative and enjoy before someone else pushes you into it. Let the urge carry you, as tight schedules can get too compromised if you fight it. Rest and relaxation is not just time off, its renewal and refreshing your mental capability to keep it together later on.

    Power Numbers: 48, 25, 45, 33, 15, 24






    An unresolved romantic problem could resurface and you'll have to deal with it. The trick is to stay calm and keep up a positive attitude towards your partner, as well as to those you encounter in your social life generally. Some irritation or displeasure caused by others could be a reflection of your own inner uneasiness just now.

    Power Numbers: 27, 41, 47, 8, 46, 20






    Seek balance in your emotional life right now. If you don't have a partner, chances are that you one is coming soon. Possibly family members or a close friend might introduce you to someone right now. If you are already committed, this influence could bring you closer and you may start to spend the more of your free time this with that special someone

    Power Numbers: 21, 47, 34, 38, 40, 12





    Born Today: Henry J. Kaiser, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Mike Wallace, Albert Finney, Glenda Jackson, Candice Bergen, Billy Joel








    Morning all:

      Here are your readings for May 10th, 2010.  :) :) :) :)







    A good time to take your blood pressure -- if it's not elevated now, you're in really good shape. It can be easy to get worried about health matters now, but moderation is the right response. The temptation to throw yourself into a new regimen may run high, but choose your new path well before you embark or it will be a flash in the pan. The same goes for cleaning house in the workplace and starting off on a fresh footing. Make sure you're not demanding too much of yourself in the long run -- you will not always have this much drive, and you don't want to peter out because you can't keep up with yourself. A good program is determined by whether you can keep it going on an off day.

    Power Numbers: 21, 23, 25, 16, 47, 22





    Cancellations and postponements could hit you left, right and center today. However, in the scheme of things, this may not be such a bad thing. Think about taking up where you left off with a relationship or business idea. Be patient with a younger person when you are with friends.

    Power Numbers: 32, 6, 7, 37, 26, 5





    You may feel more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now. Try to be as uninvolved with as much as possible today, the energy will blow off soon.

    Power Numbers: 30, 17, 1, 25, 47, 32






    Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the 

    facts, which can result in an error in judgement.

    Power Numbers: 7, 2, 42, 1, 17, 46






    A period of intellectual creativity has dawned in your life; expressing yourself with a flair comes to mean more to you. Beating the odds through cleverness is appealing, and this may lead to an interest in all kinds of financial speculation.

    Power Numbers: 37, 5, 12, 43, 39, 9





    You may be interested in improving the dietary habits, nutrition, and general well-being of those in your care at present. You must learn, however, to share the decision making and authoritative role in your home and find other creative outlets to release your powerful energy during this coming cycle.

    Power Numbers: 9, 4, 47, 46, 3, 11






    You may want it so bad you can taste it, but figuring out exactly how to get it all can be a knotty problem, indeed. The tendency to be too choosy and too critical of what's presented you can kill the goose that lays the golden egg, so if you can't have your way entirely, have it half way and enjoy what's there.

    Power Numbers: 29, 15, 18, 49, 31, 38





    Today marks a time of personal beginnings, when you find yourself in the middle of the spotlight and all eyes turn toward you to see what you're going to do next. This may be somewhat startling, as it's rather different than a normal day for you, and you will need to step up and display your self-confidence in a way that wasn't called on before.

    Power Numbers: 9, 17, 45, 1, 20, 28







    Fortune smiles on health and wealth, but a little elbow grease to help it along will double your dividends. Take a free ride when it's offered, but be willing to do your part to make it easier for all. It will do your reputation good to be known as someone who remembers who helped when times were harder.

    Power Numbers: 34, 30, 26, 6, 46, 34






    A new project could be the theme of your day, when you begin something that could make you feel well and truly fulfilled. Clear the way for an array of visitors, with a person amongst the throng who could give you some very good advice.

    Power Numbers: 6, 36, 38, 42, 28, 10





    A deal you thought you had in the bag may become unstable because a person is pushing you way beyond your comfort zone. You prefer the tried and tested to something that is not quite so black and white. You simply have to make a decision as to whether you can handle the pressure or whether it's best to back off and wait for a more appropriate time.

    Power Numbers: 42, 39, 10, 47, 36, 15






    Good things come to those who remain focused on their goals. You are in a period in which progress towards realizing your goals may seem agonizingly slow in coming, or non-existent. For you the challenge is to persevere—to not allow yourself to slack off—as positive results are on the horizon.

    Power Numbers: 41, 46, 21, 1, 44, 43






    Born Today: John Wilkes Booth, Ariel Durant, Fred Astaire, Bono, Linda Evangelista








  • Didn't know this thread was here till today, yet again you are working hard! It is much appreciated



  • Didn't know this thread was here till today, yet again you are working hard! It is much appreciated






    Awww, thank you MommyMachine...


    Yes , this thread has been here for awhile now, and is fun for alot of members.


    Hope you will enjoy it now too!!!


    We all need to have our daily horoscopes now dont we?





  • Cancellations and postponments............sooooooooo true!! Wow you are good girlllllll! Thanks Pammy

  • The tendency to be too choosy and too critical of what's presented you can kill the goose that lays the golden egg, so if you can't have your way entirely, have it half way and enjoy what's there.



    My biggest problem...it seems that I have been always seeking for the perfection in every way even though I know better but that's how I was raised...

    The older I get, finally learning to adapt to appreciate the life itself...enjoying the half way... ;D

  • Taurus

    Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the 

    facts, which can result in an error in judgement.



    Error in Judgement? Ohhhhh I dont like those at all......


    I'll have to give myself a better reading tomorrow. lol.....



  • Morning Gang: :) :) :) :)







    The thought for the day is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns, be it taxes, retirement or credit issues.

    Power Numbers: 10, 17, 21, 49, 6, 34





    You've probably been sweeping some of the unsavory chores under the rug, but today you probably feel that postponement isn't an option. You'll have to get down and get your hands dirty to not only complete the tasks but to set your mind at ease again.

    Power Numbers: 38, 12, 35, 21, 7, 14




    Sometimes you can see just as well with a flashlight as with a floodlight, especially if you are examining something small. The simplest solutions are often the most ingenious, and it's the household gadget that makes most inventors rich. Small and clever is the order of the day, and it has staying power

    Power Numbers: 7, 7, 15, 46, 40, 43





    If you trust your instincts, they will not fail you. Don't bet it all, but small risks taken with confidence pay off. One success will likely lead to another. Fortune unfolds one moment at a time, and with patience builds a stock pile of profit, not just financially but emotionally as well. You can be lucky without having to trust in luck today.

    Power Numbers: 5, 40, 38, 7, 38, 25





    Co-operation from others will help soothe the confusing circumstances you'll have to deal with but, at the end of the day, if you don't sort the bits and pieces out now, the whole thing could really get out of hand. There may be a martyr amidst the gathering, but you know better than to buy into that one.

    Power Numbers: 36, 18, 15, 32, 43, 6





    Confrontations with others may be fruitful if you don't allow your anger to get out of control. You are highly competitive at this time. Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well-received at this time.

    Power Numbers: 44, 6, 37, 33, 25, 41





    At this time you have important discussions with women and with people you are (or once were) very close to. You may wish to visit, write, or make a telephone call to someone from your past. Connecting with your past is the feeling now, with an emphasis on seeing the past objectively. Memories and old feelings surface very clearly now. Maybe time to clear up some old issues.

    Power Numbers: 25, 44, 32, 40, 10, 6






    Your ability to focus on your work is at its peak. This is a time to attend to details, take care of business, and to make your life more stable and secure. Consulting advisors on investments and long range goals would be most beneficial to you, as well as putting your affairs in order. Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now.

    Power Numbers: 14, 44, 37, 16, 30, 3






    Promotional and advertising material must be considered to push your cause just now. Even if the most pressing issue is a practical one, such as real estate or property, the secret of success today will have to do with how you promote yourself

    Power Numbers: 15, 11, 14, 47, 48, 6






    There could be a bit of friction occurring within the home environment, but nothing that a bit of TLC or a strong talking-to won't fix. You can create some extra excitement in your life by spending time with the more eccentric or iconoclastic individuals in your life. A new workout regime could be what the doctor ordered.

    Power Numbers: 40, 12, 13, 15, 8, 45





    Although you may take your talents for granted, it can be a joy to take inventory now and then so you know just what you are showing off. Envision what you need and it will appear for you right on time. Have faith, and you will have had reason to.

    Power Numbers: 19, 27, 6, 24, 25, 10






    The key phrase for you today is Go For It! If you've had a project on the backburner that you really want to do, now is the time to do it. Don't allow yourself or others to talk you out of moving forward. Remember those who don't try rarely get what they want. It may take a little bravado, a little more energy, but the rewards for embarking on this new project will more than justify your efforts.

    Power Numbers: 31, 7, 35, 2, 5, 19





    Born Today: Irving Berlin, Martha Graham, Salvador Dali, Mort Sahl, Edsger Dijkstra, Natasha Richardson, Laetitia Casta








    Morning gang: Here are your readings for May 12th, 2010. Enjoy!!!!







    A challenging situation is going to arise that will cause you to guard yourself, and you'll be so caught up in defending your position, you'll fail to see the feelings of others. When you realize it, you'll feel embarrassed.

    Power Numbers: 22, 43, 44, 45, 17, 19





    If you think you've got away with something, you may have to think again. The truth is, you may have proven your point, or even made it believable that you are committed to the idea, but the reality isn't really like that. Good news from afar is indicated.

    Power Numbers: 37, 29, 41, 44, 11, 28





    You may find your feeling to be somewhat scattered at present, as multiple issues catch your eye and pull you in to tend to them. Don't feel you have to be rooted to any one channel of operation, but play the field so you can get a good sense of what's going on.

    Power Numbers: 12, 2, 7, 13, 26, 4





    You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with. Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This is not a time to force issues.

    Power Numbers: 11, 23, 12, 20, 8, 30





    It's probably about time you lifted your head from that pile of paperwork, dressed in your finery and went out to see what you could be missing. Come on, you really do need the break! A new relationship may form for some, whilst others consider calling it quits with a longtime commitment.

    Power Numbers: 41, 48, 28, 20, 11, 22





    This is a good time to establish yourself today, both physically and emotionally. Pick a preferred pace that you can live up to, and your energy level will actually rise and your accomplishments grow with the energy available. Wise, intuitive decisions make you fuel like it's all about to come

    Power Numbers: 26, 19, 36, 23, 24, 33





    You take life very seriously now. You question major commitments and decisions you have made in the past, such as career choices, place of residence, marriage and other major relationships. This is a time of self-analysis and questioning about the direction you have taken in your life.

    Power Numbers: 15, 17, 39, 33, 16, 20





    This is a good time for relaxing recreation, a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself and do the things you most enjoy doing. Good humor and optimism prevail now, and you are able to get a larger perspective on your life. This is also a good time to approach someone who is in a position to benefit you emotionally, intellectually, or materially.

    Power Numbers: 41, 9, 32, 1, 25, 27





    Your focus is at its zenith, so your productivity may even amaze you! But you're not only are you in a zone where your output will be tremendous Your ability to wade through all aspects of the tasks before you and find the even the most minor flaws is at its sharpest too. Use this time wisely and it will save you much more time in the future.

    Power Numbers: 4, 23, 13, 10, 20, 42





    People respect your opinion, and seek your advice. Business dealings show steady progress. At times like this, it's important to remember those who helped along the way. You'll want to give them a pat on the back and yourself as well.

    Power Numbers: 46, 28, 42, 3, 14, 31





    The buzz about you comes in a rising crescendo that peaks now, so start figuring out ways to take it to the bank. Although you may be tempted to squirrel yourself away at home, take time out during these few days to flaunt yourself. Although the pace may be accelerated and last-minute additions come crowding in, you can have a fuller, rosier picture of just where you stand in your profession and what people think of you.

    Power Numbers: 3, 37, 1, 44, 23, 20






    You have become more astute in requesting papers to be signed with definite rules for repayment, if and when you do make loans. Be sure to keep records intact in case of tax auditing. This is an excellent placement for gain from the resources of others.

    Power Numbers: 15, 43, 11, 35, 44, 6




    Born Today: Florence Nightingale, Katharine Hepburn, Yogi Berra, Burt Bacharach, Frank Stella, George Carlin, Steve Winwood, Emilio Estevez





  • Good news from afar............lets hope its some rich relative with an inheritance trying to locate me!!!


    Thanks for the my daily does Pammy!




    Morning gang: 

        Here are the readings for today....







    Not everyone you encounter today will be an ally. You may run into opposition from sources you cannot even identify. Now is not a time to act indecisively or show any weakness. To accomplish what you want to accomplish you will have to act quickly and with resolution. Don't take no for an answer. Be prepared to support your ideas with irrefutable facts and logic and you should do well.

    Power Numbers: 27, 8, 36, 13, 29, 35





    If you sense you've been taking it too easy lately, today could be the day when you decide to get stuck into those items that need your utmost and immediate attention. A heart to heart with your partner or someone you are introduced to could work wonders for your self-esteem.

    Power Numbers: 2, 12, 13, 45, 46, 33





    Let your good points shine through at an interview or meeting. This may be stating the obvious, but sometimes you can be oblivious to the way you really present yourself. Don't, whatever you do, ignore your nearest and dearest in the process of becoming involved with a new and wonderful passion.

    Power Numbers: 34, 37, 42, 44, 7, 31





    Your imagination is triggered by some exotic, unusual, fantastic, or idealistic vision that is sweeping through your age group like a wave. The exact nature of this inspiration is difficult to predict and can be anything from a new style of music or a movie that grips your imagination, to a spiritual or religious revival of some sort.

    Power Numbers: 32, 5, 49, 42, 11, 24




    Things may not have appeared too rosy regarding a recent career or financial issue, but today shows the possibility of something shifting in this area. Difficulties with in-laws or wayward kids may require some outside help. Plans to take a journey are put into action before somebody changes his/her mind.

    Power Numbers: 37, 27, 5, 35, 10, 47






    Mental clarity, discrimination, and your ability to separate fact from fiction can be diminished now. Miscommunications and an inability to formulate your ideas coherently are likely. Your mind wanders, and this can be a time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding contracts at this time.

    Power Numbers: 27, 32, 47, 29, 37, 35






    Personal power and control are issues for you now, and if you take too much power (i.e. are manipulative and tyrannical) or too little power (i.e. are overly passive and easily victimized), then you will become embroiled in power struggles with others.

    Power Numbers: 9, 31, 46, 3, 14, 37






    It may be hard to keep a firm grip on your finances for a time, and if you want an exact bank balance, total it up several times. Forget exact certainty in that area and just ballpark it until the month is past. It's a good time to use free association to discover new sources of income, but not yet the time to act on what you find out.

    Power Numbers: 35, 49, 47, 44, 16, 25





    Someone who is away just now may experience some difficulties on their journey. This could cause you to be worried for them or perhaps some of the good advice you gave them wasn't heeded. You must remember that a person's actions are wholly and solely their responsibility, not your's.

    Power Numbers: 3, 48, 5, 13, 25, 19





    Use the everyday reality around you as fuel for the inner world of your imagination and you’ll find yourself a general inspiration to all. When hope and belief are applied hands-on to the real world, the inner self can make its mark on the outer and the stuff of dreams coming true becomes your instrument to play. Manifest what you believe and watch what happens

    Power Numbers: 8, 46, 5, 13, 28, 38





    You need to get your exercising and diet sorted out. If there's any sort of niggling concern about your health then do the right thing by yourself, go to the doctor and just get it all cleared up, make sure there's nothing wrong.

    Power Numbers: 46, 8, 31, 9, 48, 1







    Relationships with the public at large (and women in particular) give rise to challenges now. A lack of support or understanding can feed feelings of insecurity. It's important to keep the lines of communication open in close relationships, where emotional differences could arise that might create difficulties.

    Power Numbers: 13, 18, 1, 29, 36, 9




    Born Today: Daphne Du Maurier, Joe Louis, Bea Arthur, Harvey Keitel, Stevie Wonder







  • Someone who is away just now may experience some difficulties on their journey. This could cause you to be worried for them or perhaps some of the good advice you gave them wasn't heeded. You must remember that a person's actions are wholly and solely their responsibility, not your's


    Oh My Goodness... very true and helps alot to hear this!!


    Wow Miss Pam Predicts... excellent reading for me!!

      :D :D :D


    Love ya so much!! MUAH!!


    Good Morning Gang:

          Here are your readings for today....Enjoy!!!!


                                                          Miss Pam Predicts....








    It's okay to leave details until there's time for them later. If you get the principle of the thing now, you can extrapolate the rest as it develops -- and it's lots easier than doing it the other way around. Words may convey a bit more emotional meaning than usual, as subtle communication makes inner messages clear.

    Power Numbers: 43, 26, 1, 37, 21, 46




    Some detective work on your part can ferret out an unknown fact or secret. This may be hard but it has its own merits as you'll be able to win some recognition and additional support from them as well. You could also meet with important people of power and wealth and they'll inspire you to take up additional commitments too.

    Power Numbers: 48, 39, 42, 23, 17, 12




    This period should be very active for you. Travel and very clear communication may be needed for you to take advantage of the opportunities before you. Don't dodge phone calls or put off writing letters as they are keys to your success. Get your schedule in order, make sure you don't double up on your appointments.

    Power Numbers: 30, 45, 13, 2, 25, 8





    Commercial opportunities are staring you in the face. A friend or younger person is the messenger of good tidings or the deal you've been waiting for but you may overlook the possibilities as a result of unwarranted skepticism. When the news arrives today, don't shoot the messenger!

    Power Numbers: 29, 37, 43, 40, 44, 13





    It's important to reward yourself for the work you've been doing, and one way that could appeal to you just now is the planning of a trip or getaway that is probably long overdue. Exotic experiences may appeal to you at this time. You may feel as though you need to share new experiences with a friend or friends. If so, put the word out and others will be quick to join you.

    Power Numbers: 17, 34, 23, 16, 13, 43





    You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness. Positively, physical energy is high and you could accomplish a great deal.

    Power Numbers: 43, 46, 16, 19, 15, 2





    Emotional self-control and feelings of distance and aloneness characterize this time. You are coolly objective about your friends and loved ones, and their shortcomings as friends or lovers. You are probably being a bit too critical and hard on them right now. This is also a time for belt-tightening and being very cautious about investments and expenditures.

    Power Numbers: 21, 1, 48, 36, 17, 38





    You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings. Compliment them back and start up the conversation, you may have more in common than you thought.

    Power Numbers: 14, 9, 26, 15, 33, 3






    A tax or legal matter may be getting you all bothered. There are ways around it if you use a little creative thinking. Someone in the know has a better legal handle on these issues and you should be approaching them to help you find your way out of the woods.

    Power Numbers: 44, 8, 1, 48, 31, 13






    Emotions burst out into laughter or song, playfulness abounds, and there can seem like there is no limit to what's out there for you. Take the ball and run with it now and you'll go far. It may be hard to take care of yourself when others at home or at work are insisting on attention. Do what you can to burn both ends of the candle, but don't push too hard, you'll just rain yourself without actually accomplishing all you want on either front.

    Power Numbers: 28, 22, 38, 41, 3, 33





    You feel expansive, enthusiastic, and optimistic now. You want to reach out, do more and experience more. You benefit greatly from the opportunities that present themselves at this time, and a person who will be very influential and helpful to you may come into your life.

    Power Numbers: 14, 12, 1, 6, 23, 33





    You'd want to be pretty confident today if you draw attention to yourself. Even if you don't try to be the center of attention, someone else may draw others to take note. On the work or hobby front some new ideas are likely to bring success.

    Power Numbers: 3, 45, 7, 46, 42, 40





    Born Today: B. C. Forbes, Bobby Darin, Jack Bruce, George Lucas, Robert Jarvik, David Byrne, Gillian Anderson 














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