I know - Christmas is a long way away but that doesn't mean you can't be prepared and if that means earning tickets to win a huge $10,000, then it's time to get a move on!
Here is an absolute cracker of a big jackpot game that's sure to blow your stockings off this Christmas - when Glorious Bingo give away ten thousand pounds in their £10,000 Festive Fortune!
* Win £5,000 for a full house (3 lines)
* Win £3,000 (2 lines)
* Win £2,000 (1 lines)
Start collecting points from 17th September to 12th December and they will convert them to tickets for the big 90-ball game on Wednesday 22nd December at 9:05pm.
2000 points = 1 ticket to the game.
Or you can buy tickets for £10 each!
Maximum amount of tickets you can have is 30 and there are several ways you can earn them:
Refer a friend (min deposit and wager of £5 by friend) 100 points
Every time you bingo on Special Xmas Patterns: "xmas tree", "xmas cracker", "xmas snowflake", "xmas stocking", "xmas santa hat", "xmas Hamper", "xmas Candy", "xmas Bell" 25 points
Every £1 wagered on Instant Games 1 point
Every £1 wagered on Bingo 2 points
Every 8 tickets pre-purchased 1 free ticket
Every 15 tickets pre-purchased 3 free tickets
Every 20 tickets that were pre-purchased 5 free tickets
Good luck.
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