Hiya Bingo Players,
Ever wonder what the odds are of winning in bingo? I did a search and this is what i came up with for those who are curious.
Here is the odds of the average numbers called based on 2000 total cards in play from all players for a win:
Single Bingo 8.62
Double Bingo 19.32
Triple Bingo 27.13
Single Hardway 11.41
Double Hardway 24.56
Triple Hardway 33.44
Six Pack 9.51
Nine Pack 21.79
Coverall 57.57
Here is the average number of players who will share a pot based on 2000 cards total in play:
Single Bingo 2.62
Double Bingo 1.3
Triple Bingo 1.27
Single HW Bingo 1.49
Double HW Bingo 1.27
Triple HW Bingo 1.26
Six Pack 1.96
Nine Pack 1.35
Coverall 1.32
All odds are based off of 75 ball bingo
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