As soon as I mentioned my friend Bingo Betty was single, every one of my friends started asking about her. I mean, they all knew she was HOT! Just look at her!
But there is so much more to my girl BB! I had to make sure that any man I introduced her to would be worthy of a woman who was just as loving as she is sexy! I couldn't introduce her to one of these jackasses who just want to Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am! No way!
With Betty's Heart on the line, I quickly eliminated nearly all of the "players" who expressed an interest. Narrowed down to just three men, I decided to have lunch with each of them. Unbeknowst to them, I would be conducting an interview to find Betty's perfect man.
The first guy is Johnny. :-* woo @<3<3<3@
He is the hottest thing on the planet. Every woman I know swoons at him and that might be problematic in the future.
Johnny has so many admirable qualities, he is loyal & loves animals; he is intelligent & well-traveled; he has a lucrative career & several homes all over the world. He is almost perfect. Unfortunately, he smokes. Bingo Betty doesn't like cigarettes. Johnny could have been the one, but sadly Betty didn't want to kiss an ashtray. :-& :-pp
My second lunch date would be with Joe.
Joe was perfect. 8)
Joe seemed to have it all figured out. He is extremely disciplined. He knows what he wants & where he is going. His fitness routine reflects the extreme level of dedication he has to attaining his goals.
All of that is admirable but Bingo Betty is a more adventurous kind of girl. She wants spontaniety & the freedom to eat ice-cream when she wants, not someone who makes her feel guilty for empty calories. :-X :-S
There was only one more date & I really hoped he was all Betty had imagined. You see, a few years back Bingo Betty was invited to a rodeo & that is when she first met Scott. <love_couple>
Scott fell head over heels from the moment he saw Miss Betty smile. <3 :P @<3@ <cupid> Unfortunately, Betty wasn't looking for love & put Scott on the backburner, which is where is has been all of this time.
Scott had the most amazing blue eyes & a smile that was flirtatious without even trying. He has an All-American Boy look one minute & a Bad-Boy Heartbreaker the next.
He was versatille & spontaneous. He loves women with curves & he knew Betty's curves well ;). In fact, he told me that he had liked Betty for so long that he hadn't dated anyone since the two of them met eyes. When he asked if she had plans for Valentine's Day, I told him that she might be free, his reaction was such genuine joy! <3smile<3 <3 ;D I saw how passionate he was about pleasing her when he began interviewing me to find out all of her favorite things. He even insisted that he wouldn't make Valentine's Day plans until after he was able to speak to her & find out first hand what she enjoys & would like to do.
The only thing I got out of him was that he wants to take her on a Horse & Carraige Ride around Millenium Park so they can relax and take in the city together. He really wants to communicate with Betty without any distractions to see if the chemistry is as explosive as he remembers. He knew that no other woman could make him yell B-I-N-G-O, like Bingo Betty. <3smile<3 <--love-->
While I searched to find Betty's true love, looking at images of these three certainly entertained me. However, my time chatting with Scott was so unbelievably fluid & honest. I laughed so hard, I nearly pee'ed my pants. He has the best sense of humor EVER & I believe that is truly a way into any woman's heart - just make us laugh! LOL LOL <in_love> When we are laughing, we are happy & a happy wife is a happy life! <i_love_u> <3 I hope that Scott makes your Valentine's Day the most wonderful yet & I have a feeling they will get better every year Scott is lucky enough to keep you. <love_couple>
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