Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • "You might feel like everybody is out to get you today."



    Oh no, it may be a hard day at work I see from my horoscope.


    I better stay home and avoid it.  LOL


    Thanks Mystic Shelli, as always for the new reading.... :) :) :)



  • lol Pam.


    You're always wanting NOT to go to work.  Heh heh - can't say I blame you.



  • lol Pam.


    You're always wanting NOT to go to work.  Heh heh - can't say I blame you.




    I know it Blue, arent I awful? 


    Honestly, the people there are just tuff to deal with. No one smiles, or says good morning, and they all have the chip on their shoulder, so that is what I try to avoid if I could be so lucky.


    Sure enough, I went today and the recieving manager had an attitude, and I felt like if I didn't avoid her, she would find some reason to complain to me.  Ugh  After all, I'm only the cleaning crew, which is how I am looked at. I don't have feelings.  So sad....





  • Pam, I have the same problem where I work, I am a cleaner at a car dealership, alot of the people are mean and ignorant, and I dread going there, so I am looking for a better job for me.. Hopefully I will receive one soon.. Also I hope that you find a more suitable job, if you are looking, and the other people out there, looking for employment!

  • I'm so sorry Pam.  It must be awful.


    When I worked for the Govt., we had a cleaner who used to come round every evening and I always always made sure I spoke to her and asked her how she was.  She was a lovely woman too.  Over retirement age, had 4 jobs, up at 4a.m. each day so she could provide for her son who had something wrong with his back and couldn't work. 


    When we left she sobbed her heart out and said how much she would miss us.  It was really sad but she was a little diamond.....as are you.



  • I'm sorry Pam as well, you in no way deserve that. It hurts me that you go through that, I wish i could beat them up for you :( lol

  • Oh, I'll be okay gang, but thanks for all the kind caring words.


    Perhaps tomorrow Mystic Shelli will give me a horoscope that says

    "  Today is your lucky day." 


    Meaning to me, none of those meanies will come to work, and I can have a good day for a change. LOL

  • I used to love how George Jefferson would come at people wanting to kick their butts, and how Weezie or someone would hold him back, loved it... you can always have that image of george jefferson and weezie in your mind when they are mean to you, i did and it always made me smile...

  • ...or just imagine that they are stark naked and bald!  ;D


    That will make you smile to yourself when you look at them. 


    I hope Mystic Shelli posts the best horoscope for you Pam and you do get lucky.



  • Oh, Pam...I am so sorry that you have to go through ppl like them. Some ppl are just born to be mean...I think. I hope things will get better for you in the  long run. :-*

  • I gotta plan guys, when we start to feel down, we can all singgggg....


    Chin up, chin up

    Everybody loves a happy face

    Wear it, share it

    It'll brighten up the darkest place

    Twinkle, sparkle

    Let a little sunshine in

    You'll be on the right side

    Looking at the bright side

    Up with your chinny chin chin


    Chin up, Chin up

    Put a little laughter in your eyes

    Brave it, save it

    Even though you're feeling otherwise

    Rise up, wise up

    Make a little smile begin

    You'll be happy hearted

    Once you get it started

    Up with your chinny chin chin!


    Chin down

    You can't come frowning

    Turn around

    Starting, clowning

    Think sad, your troubles double

    Think glad, they burst like bubbles


    Chin up, chin up

    Every little time your spirits wilt

    Chin up, chin up

    Give your attitude in upward tilt

    Twinkle, sparkle

    Make a little fun begin

    You'll be on the right side

    Looking at the bright side

    Up with your chinny chin

    Chin up!



  • ~~  Horoscopes for Wednesday  ~~  01/20/2010  ~~



    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    You could receive recognition for a job well done.  Find out more, if you want to start your own business.  Favors will be offered readily.  You can fulfill your relationship with destiny and your hidden supernatural abilities will bring you luck today.  The Sun - You may feel better health today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 86 - 2 - 11 - 39 - 13 - 72 - 50

    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Get into fitness programs to keep in shape.  Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones.  Don't let opposition from those envious of your talents daunt your progress.  Equilibrium in your romantic life is likely if you treat your partner well. 

    The scion of fate will guide you and natural mystic forces will increase your luck today.  The Queen of Swords - A direct approach is the best today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 97 - 15 - 84 - 79 - 19 - 37 - 20

    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Try to deal with it quickly; don't dwell on past regrets.  Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident.  This will not be the best day for communication or travel.    The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and A magic number will bring you luck today.  The Queen of Pentacles - People need your support today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 81 - 12 - 23 - 94 - 92 - 14 - 56


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Travel should open doors that lead to exciting new adventures.  Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks.  Opportunities for romance will develop through activities with large groups.  Your destiny could be fulfilled and paranormal phenomena will improve your fortunes today.  The Page of Swords - Do not act without thinking things through today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 61 - 97 - 9 - 85 - 67 - 6


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Travel will be favorable.  Plan your day thoughtfully, but try not to rely on others. Invite friends in for a visit.  The sisters of fate on are on your side today and mystical forces will improve your luck today.  The Five of Wands - You may experience some minor but irritating setbacks today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 12 - 33 - 58 - 89 - 88 - 74 - 91


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    You will learn valuable skills if you sign up for seminars today.  You can make changes to your domestic scene that will benefit all who reside there.  You may feel a need to make changes to your legal documents.  Your fate line will guide the way today and A supernatural phenomenon could improve your fortunes today.  The Three of Pentacles - You can go father than you expect today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 9 - 46 - 81 - 51 - 63 - 50 - 23


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Don't volunteer private information about yourself unless you're prepared to be talked about behind your back.  You will find that you can work progressively at improving yourself today.  Don't press your luck with your loved ones.  Merciful fate will be yours and the fortune teller speaks of decreased luck today.  The Knight of Swords - Today is a good day to say just what you mean.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 80 - 72 - 63 - 62 - 37 - 68 - 69

    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    You may be tired of working for someone else.  Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters.  Help an older member with a problem that faces them.  A simple twist of fate will reveal your destiny and magical thinking can improve your luck today.  Justice - Warning, beware of paybacks today.

    Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 80 - 81 - 88 - 58 - 46 - 71


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    Start sending out those resumes.  Secret affairs may be tempting, but keep in mind that they will damage your reputation if you decide to indulge.  Don't let any small misunderstandings get in the way.  The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you and supernatural powers are working in your favor today.  The Chariot - This is a good day to start a new project.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 87 - 72 - 17 - 20 - 56 - 27 - 91


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Use your charm to get your own way.  Try not to spend too much on children or entertainment.  Your personal partner may be less than willing to accommodate you today.  Your destiny is in fates hands today and mystical forces will change your luck today.  The Seven of Pentacles - You will have new options today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 72 - 28 - 82 - 3 - 22 - 14 - 87

    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    You can expect the fur to fly on the home front.  Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate.  Dream a little today.  Your destiny could be fulfilled and forces from the supernatural world are working to change your luck today.  The Four of Wands - Today is a good day to celebrate your accomplishments.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 87 - 13 - 8 - 68 - 70 - 5 - 45


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Use your own ideas to further your interests.  Don't give up what you have until you can be certain just what it is you're getting.  You will be relentless when it comes to getting yourself back into shape.  The hands of fate will guide you and mystical forces will improve your luck today.  The Hermit - Today is a good day to seek wisdom from those you admire.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 67 - 38 - 23 - 78 - 32 - 20





  • The sisters of fate on are on your side today and mystical forces will improve your luck today.


    Time for me to go buy some lottery tickets... ;D ;D ;D Thanks Shelli for your hard work.

  • "Start sending out those resumes".


    Yep - thats the plan...but its Wednesday already and I've done nothing.  Is there a tarot card for "kick yourself up the butt"?



  • Thank You Mystic Shelli, mine gives me alot of advice today.. and decreased luck.. I'm lucky it's only decreasing.. could be worse lol

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