Today is a good day to forgive somebody.
..........................o.k.........I'm ready... :P
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ReadOur recent test of UK Bingo revealed a platform that lives up to its reputation as a fun, mobile-friendly online bingo room. Here ’s a concise summary of our tester vladinc's experience: Key...
Read~~ Horoscopes for Tuesday ~ 01/26/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
You will attract members of the opposite sex readily. Don't be afraid to make additions to your house. You are best to look into investments that will grow in value over an extended period of time. The hands of fate will touch you today and high paranormal activity is working to improve your fortunes today. The Ten of Pentacles - You can get ahead today simply by playing by the rules. Daily Lucky Numbers - 56 - 73 - 41 - 29 - 90 - 70 - 78
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Don't be alarmed. You may be in an extremely passionate mood today. Be sure to sidestep those who are eccentric or unpredictable. The threads of destiny will be woven today and the magic touch will change your fortunes today. The Knight of Pentacles - Stand firm today and get your own way. Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 26 - 12 - 80 - 48 - 30 - 66
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved. Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business. Go out with friends. You will not suffer fates worse than death today and mystical forces will improve your luck today. The Lovers - Temptation might come your way today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 76 - 39 - 11 - 47 - 40 - 36 - 32
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances. Don't volunteer private information about yourself unless you're prepared to be talked about behind your back. Your philanthropic contributions will bring you praise. The ring of fates surround you today and the forces of the mystics will bring you luck today. The Queen of Cups - You spiritual powers are strong today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 30 - 40 - 2 - 92 - 96 - 77 - 85
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Tempers could boil if someone you work with has not been pulling their weight. You can make reasonable bids on real estate or large items for your home. Minor accidents could occur if you don't take precautions. You might discover your destiny today and high paranormal activity is working to increase your luck today. The Hermit - Today is a good day to accept advice from those you trust. Daily Lucky Numbers - 25 - 9 - 11 - 70 - 91 - 66 - 24
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Get together with friends for some competitive physical activities. You might not be as reserved on an emotional level as you'd like. You'll have great insight. You cannot escape the chains of fate today and A magic number will bring you luck today. The Empress - Care for nature today and nature will care for you. Daily Lucky Numbers - 70 - 78 - 73 - 55 - 45 - 74 - 18
Libra - September 23 - October 22
It's time to make professional changes. There may be opportunities to attend social functions that are linked to work. Your mind will be on matters that deal with secret affairs. A simple twist of fate will spell your destiny today and mystical forces will change your fortunes today. The Six of Wands - You might find yourself at the top of the heap today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 2 - 18 - 11 - 26 - 85 - 4 - 78
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Travel for business or pleasure. Your energy will be high; however, if not channeled suitably, temper tantrums may erupt. Partnerships could prove to be lucrative. Your destiny could be fulfilled today and paranormal events are working to improve your fortunes today. The Lovers - Somebody nearby has a crush on you. Daily Lucky Numbers - 94 - 57 - 36 - 60 - 72 - 51 - 19
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
It's a great day to attend social functions. Romance will be yours if you get out and do things in large groups. You will probably have to defend your mate. The hands of fate will reach you today and supernatural phenomena could increase your luck today. The Page of Pentacles - Put your plans into effect today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 85 - 51 - 34 - 41 - 7 - 56 - 57
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Your mate may not be too sure about your intentions. Try not to be too harsh with loved ones; there will always be two sides to an Issue. Difficulties with females you live with could cause emotional stress. Tempting fate is not a good idea today and magic numbers will bring you luck today. The King of Pentacles - Your dependability will bring you success today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 15 - 40 - 67 - 63 - 21 - 10 - 24
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Travel will be exciting. Minor health problems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself or have been burning the candle at both ends. Exercise your talents and present your ideas to groups you think you can contribute to. You can not escape your fate today and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your fortunes today. The Two of Cups - This is a good day to meet new business partners.
Daily Lucky Numbers - 7 - 90 - 92 - 72 - 43 - 13 - 65
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Situations you can't change should be forgotten for the present. Don't be too quick to blame others for your bad mood. Travel could be in order. The destiny charts indicate you can control your destiny today and A magical star sign will change your fortunes today. The Two of Pentacles - You could be in for some smooth sailing today
Daily Lucky Numbers - 97 - 15 - 53 - 86 - 33 - 96 - 19
"It's a great day to attend social functions."
Well it's line dancing tonight so that fits. :P
"Romance will be yours if you get out and do things in large groups."
Line dancing .....does that count? Nah - most of em are old.
"The hands of fate will reach you today and supernatural phenomena could increase your luck today."
Thats good cos I just withdrew $150 this morning.
~Thanks as ever Mystic Shelli.
Hey guys,
I "May feel confused today"
That's everyday!! lol
Heh heh - that made me laugh Shelli. I hope your day is better today. ;D ;D
~~ Horoscopes for Wednesday ~ 01/27/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Opportunities to meet new lovers will come through pleasure trips or social events. Relationships have not been the best for you lately and it's left you somewhat gun shy. You may find that your quick wit and charm will help you in obtaining allies. The chains of fate will be broken today and the magic wand waves in you favor today. The Knight of Cups - Do not let your emotions run away with themselves. Daily Lucky Numbers - 87 - 85 - 86 - 56 - 57 - 74 - 55
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Don't make promises. Not the best day for business trips. Keep your feelings to yourself if you want to avoid embarrassment. You are capable of controlling your destiny today and high paranormal activity is working to increase your luck today. The Knight of Cups - Do not let your emotions run away with themselves. Daily Lucky Numbers - 94 - 41 - 14 - 5 - 37 - 10 - 98
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest. Your involvement in groups will be favorable for meeting new and exciting individuals. Think about your budget before booking a trip. The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and natural mystic forces will bring you luck today. The Knight of Wands - Romantic conquests may be your today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 75 - 92 - 69 - 96 - 39 - 11 - 80
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Responsibilities with respect to older relatives may be a burden. Try to be precise in your communications. Business trips might prove unproductive. You will be entangled in the threads of destiny today and your hidden supernatural abilities will bring you luck today. The Ten of Pentacles - You can get ahead today simply by playing by the rules. Daily Lucky Numbers - 16 - 72 - 15 - 95 - 35 - 6 - 94
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Hide your cards and learn to say no. Keep busy and let them fume while you're not around. Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Be careful. My destiny reading indicates new directions for you today and paranormal events are working to bring you luck today. The Knight of Swords - You will get the last word today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 53 - 97 - 67 - 70 - 17 - 86 - 60
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Residential changes, renovations, or moves are likely to disrupt your routine. Younger relatives may seek your advice. Try not to use emotional blackmail; it will only make matters worse. The sisters of fate are upset with you today and you will feel the magic touch today. The Five of Wands - You might feel like everybody is out to get you today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 44 - 16 - 94 - 59 - 74 - 25
Libra - September 23 - October 22
You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances. You will get along well in social situations. Opportunities to make financial gains through investments look promising. You will encounter a simple twist of fate today and natural mystic forces will change your fortunes today. The Two of Pentacles - You can accomplish more today if you work together with your friends. Daily Lucky Numbers - 5 - 53 - 50 - 46 - 64 - 25 - 76
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You haven't been totally honest with yourself and it's time to review your motives. Overindulgence may cause conflicts. Someone close to you may need help. You are capable of fulfilling your destiny today and good luck will be yours today. The Two of Swords - Today is a good day to keep your guard up. Daily Lucky Numbers - 60 - 58 - 71 - 93 - 51 - 21 - 32
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Your need to be in a leadership position will help you surpass any rivals you might encounter. You should make sure that your personal papers are in order. Speak of your future goals, intentions, and commitments. The hands of fate point at you today
and the magic touch could bring you luck today. The Page of Swords - This is a good day to learn new things. Daily Lucky Numbers - 51 - 60 - 70 - 74 - 71 - 72 - 81
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
Your mind will be wandering to exotic destinations. Be careful not to misplace your wallet or belongings. You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm. You have a date with destiny today and your hidden supernatural abilities can increase you luck today. The Chariot - You have the means to achieve your goals today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 68 - 73 - 44 - 23 - 6 - 89 - 67
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Offer consolation, but don't give them any direction. Better still, take your mate and let them foot the bill. Your ability to deal with others will help you accomplish your goals. My destiny reading tells of changes for you today and the forces of the mystics will bring you luck today. The Lovers - If you want somebody to love you start by loving them. Daily Lucky Numbers - 98 - 2 - 76 - 3 - 31 - 9 - 53
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Try to ease any disappointment by making amends. Don't push your opinions on others today or you may find yourself in the doghouse. You will be able to get along well with colleagues. The sword of destiny cuts both ways and A magic number could change your luck today. The Eight of Wands - Today is the day to make your big move. Daily Lucky Numbers - 51 - 60 - 24 - 33 - 39 - 70 - 68
~~ Horoscopes for Thursday ~ 01/28/2010 ~~
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Be careful. Social activities or travel should be in your plans. A trip to visit relatives should be rewarding. You will not suffer a fate worse than death today and the fortune teller speaks of decreased luck today. Strength - This is a good day to show others you have the strength to forgive them. Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 40 - 81 - 17 - 12 - 57 - 74
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Use your ingenuity to manipulate things to get what you want. Someone you live with will be impossible. Be cautious when dealing with coworkers. Your family may be feeling neglected and unloved. Your destiny could be fulfilled today and paranormal phenomena will improve your fortunes today. The Six of Cups - The good will far out weigh the bad today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 84 - 82 - 97 - 21 - 24 - 36 - 72
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
Secret activity is evident. You've been in a rut and you need to do something that will help you break the pattern you've fallen into. You will be emotional with regard to your personal life. The chains of fate will be broken today and paranormal phenomena is looking to increase your luck today. The Ten of Swords - You may feel as though you are being walked on today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 98 - 42 - 81 - 87 - 52 - 71 - 11
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Start sending out those resumes. You can make extra money. Rewards will be yours if you put in the overtime required. Home improvement projects will enhance your residence and bring the family closer together. You might experience the opposite of fate today and metaphysical forces are acting to bring you luck today. The Three of Swords - Somebody might hurt your feelings today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 3 - 52 - 61 - 81 - 38 - 98 - 12
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Your lover will cost you dearly if you let them. Enjoy some socializing today. Courses dealing with psychology or health care will be of interest. Your destiny is in fates hands today and your luck rises into the mystic today. The Sun - Have confidence in your own skills today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 47 - 70 - 94 - 83 - 36 - 14 - 16
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Self-deception is likely. Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience. Romance may be likely if you travel. The irony of fate will be your destiny today and the luck symbols speak of better luck today. The Page of Wands - You a justified in being confident today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 66 - 37 - 36 - 28 - 47 - 91 - 94
Libra - September 23 - October 22
You may find that relationships are not going as well as you'd like. Don't let someone talk you into parting with your cash unless you can truly see the benefits of doing so. Look into attending seminars that can expand your perception. The threads of destiny will be woven today and A supernatural phenomenon could improve your fortunes today. The Hermit - Advice is free, bad advice costs even more but good advice is within your reach today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 62 - 3 - 36 - 41 - 65 - 42 - 29
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You may jump from the frying pan into the fire if you make a move today. There might be a problem with a will or with an insurance policy. If they're really interested, they'll wait. The scion of fate will protect you today and the fortune teller speaks of decreased luck today. The Eight of Cups - A new cycle of change could start today.
Daily Lucky Numbers - 10 - 82 - 35 - 27 - 46 - 60 - 11
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
You can anger others quickly today. Avoid overspending on items for your home. Relatives may play an important role in your personal life. Get into fitness programs to keep in shape. Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones. Destiny calls today and metaphysical forces are acting to bring you luck today. Justice - If you do something wrong today you will be caught. Daily Lucky Numbers - 95 - 72 - 13 - 78 - 62 - 94 - 76
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
You will be able to talk to your lover about future goals and perhaps make plans for the two of you to take a vacation. Friends may not be completely honest with you. Money problems will get worse if your partner hasn't been playing by the rules. The fates are warning you today and A paranormal experience could improve your fortunes today. The Seven of Swords - You may be tempted to lie today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 9 - 61 - 76 - 66 - 47 - 25 - 46
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Go after your goals. You can't help everyone. Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result. A simple twist of fate will spell your destiny today and the magic touch could bring you luck today. Temperance - cooperation can lead to harmony today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 37 - 35 - 79 - 34 - 43 - 51 - 58
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
You can make a difference if you're willing to stand up and be counted. Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. Be prepared to lose friends or alienate loved ones due to your stubborn nature lately. Destiny calls today and mystical forces will bring you luck today. The Six of Swords - You could be at the start of a whole new journey today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 67 - 49 - 87 - 97 - 4 - 21
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