Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • Hi Mystic Shelli,


    Sounds like I may win the lottery today:


    "An injection of funds is possible, but don’t spend the cash until the checks banked."


    The prize is £113,000,000 today which is $176,543,235.49.  Wish me luck (somebody has to win - it may as well be me)  :P



  • To Blue...u105_good_luck.jpg

  • Aquarius ...yeah I know that is not my sign,Leo but I was just thinking of someone(my brother) who is turning 21 today and I am kind of emotional, well sentimental right now...I don't often share my personal(deep) with many but I just wanted to share with a few(you know who you are...lol) of my friends who comes to this thread everyday like me and care about me sincerely and I know that none of you will judge me incorrectly ;)!!!

    My little brother is almost 17 years younger than me...

    My father who didn't want to live in here,U.S., abandoned my mom and my brother who was only 8, went back to where he's from. And soon  after, I became a single mother with my daughter,3 year old... My mother got remarried and her spouse didn't want to raise another little kid so I started to raise two of them until three years ago. It was hard enough for me to be a good mother to my daughter but tried to be a good sister and at the same time I had to be a mother to him also. You can only imagine how difficult all those years were since I was very young myself...I don't know how many times I cried and asked God, why...and said to myself that I couldn't do it, felt like couldn't go on any more  but somehow... God helped me to cope with hard times and gave me strength for me to became stronger and stronger each day to pull through and I believe that I did one hell of job with both kids and especially with  my brother. He was always so smart, I mean really intelligent boy. I have never yelled or asked him to do his homework or study. He has always been a honor student in every classes through the years and got accepted to Medical school where he is in now. He is only 21 who is already finishing his 4 years college in 3 years. He will be in Loma Linda before next year.  My mother and I  still work very hard to support him and it's really hard with all the expenses but it is so worthy and blessing to see him becoming a man who is more than what I can describe or say.I will never forget the day when he cried and told me that he knows...how hard it was for me to raise him and thanked me, said that he will  always try his best to become the person who I always taught him to be... I am so proud of him and I love him and I want to thank him for helping me to become the person who I am now...so today is his birthday and I am thinking of him...

    I wish I have a better writing skill... :P

  • wnanhee - you have a perfect writing skill.  That is a very moving story and you should be proud of not just yourself, but your brother too.  You nurtured him into the man he is today.


    Kudos to you.


    So I'll join you in wishing him a happy birthday.  I hope he has a fantastic day.


    You made me "fill up" there.   :'( :-*  Bless you x



  • Blue...it was actually you who I wanted to share it with you and yup, you got the message...lol

    Thank you always for your kindness and understanding. Love. :-* :-* :-*

  • Awww what a story hun!!!  Are u guys still going to Vegas?  If so u should try and hook up with Viv!!  I wish I could go, but I lost so much money in Reno.  Waaaa!

  • ~~ Horoscopes for Friday ~ 02/13/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    When looking for love, find someone who looks great, has a high level of self confidence, and of course, the most important part, simply adores you. Sunday is Valentine’s Day and a day of passion.  The twists and turns of fate will work in your favor and the magic touch will change your luck today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 56 - 5 - 42 - 47 - 48 - 43


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    There are changes happening in your life this year, many to do with a change of attitude from yourself, and you need someone you can walk side by side with. You are a romantic soul so look for a partner who can be intimate with you on this level. 

    Tempting fate is not a good idea today and Intense paranormal activities are working to bring you luck today.  The High Priestess - You have talents you are not yet aware of.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 11 - 9 - 15 - 46 - 23 - 80 - 78


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    You could be thinking of making a love arrangement more permanent. If so, go all out showing your honey how deep your love runs, and Valentine’s Day is the day to do it. 

    The sisters of fate will guide you today and metaphysical activity is working to bring you luck today.  The Lovers - Thank you friends today for everything they have done for you.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 40 - 54 - 28 - 24 - 16 - 51 - 25


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Don’t forget that on Valentine’s Day you can send an anonymous love note to the person of your dreams. It’s the mystery that makes this occasion so exciting.  The chains of fate can be broken today and forces from the supernatural world will improve your fortunes today.  The Hierophant - Believe in yourself and others will sense your confidence.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 39 - 61 - 55 - 11 - 13 - 16 - 28


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Valentine’s Day is a day of love so think up something creative and unique to surprise your lover. For singles or couples, even though life is hectic, there are some days, like Valentine’s Day, to focus on you and not work. The scions of fate will protect you and the mystic knights have decreed you will have good luck today.  The Emperor - It is time to get organized.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 10 - 32 - 95 - 28 - 15 - 83 - 23


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    By having an in–depth discussion you can get to know each other more intimately by discovering the other person’s views on certain matters in life. For singles, finding someone you can easily talk to is a recipe for love success.  You will not suffer a fate worse than death today and A paranormal experience could increase your fortunes today.  The Sun - You may enjoy a higher energy level today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 71 - 95 - 57 - 65 - 97 - 50 - 29


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    If you are lucky enough to be in the arms of your sweetheart, then this is the day to say and show how you feel by organizing something special.  A simple twist of fate cannot be avoided and paranormal phenomena will improve your fortunes today.  The King of Swords - This is a good day to engage in an argument and win it.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 47 - 87 - 62 - 12 - 82 - 33 - 85


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    If you haven’t sent a love message by mail for Valentine’s Day, then don’t forget there are more immediate ways of conveying your feelings through instant messaging and email. Don’t let this day of love pass without doing something exceptional.  The twists and turns of fate cannot be avoided today and A supernatural phenomenon could increase your luck today.  The Hanged Man - This is a good day to let go of old emotional baggage.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 9 - 3 - 31 - 58 - 82 - 4 - 43


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    With love, you need to feel attached in a relationship but not hemmed in. Let your partner know how strongly you feel about the connection you have. If you are on the single scene, remember, love crosses your path when everything is right. The hand of fate points to you today and your luck might take you on a mystic quest today.  The Two of Swords - Today is a good day to keep your guard up.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 78 - 42 - 12 - 11 - 89 - 16 - 49


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Valentine’s Day is the time to reveal your heartfelt feelings. However, make sure you don’t become jealous or obsessive as it could spoil the magic of the moment.  Your destiny chart for today indicates a twist of fate and A supernatural phenomenon will increase your luck today.  The Eight of Cups - Meditation could be highly productive today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 56 - 90 - 61 - 29 - 28 - 52 - 50


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    If you’re single and looking for love, don’t get caught up in dwelling about the past. Single or attached, this is a day to send your love wish out to the universe to attract the person of your dreams.  You have yet to encounter your ultimate destiny and A supernatural phenomenon could improve your fortunes today.  The King of Cups - You could get what you want with a single word today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 77 - 79 - 83 - 11 - 73 - 17


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    If you haven’t already met the love of your life, then over this next immediate period love could cross your path. Pisceans love everything about love and romance is deeply grounded in your zodiac genes.  My destiny reading speaks of new hope for you today and A magical star sign will bring you luck today.  The Fool - You know what needs to be done so start doing it.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 2 - 20 - 43 - 57 - 69 - 14 - 53





  • ~~ Horoscopes for Sunday ~ 02/14/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Make arrangements to meet friends at your local dance club.  Leave your checkbook and credit cards at home.  Don't be too eager to buy things for those who really don't deserve it.  The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you and metaphysical activity is working to bring you luck today.  The Queen of Wands - You will have surplus energy today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 85 - 14 - 38 - 95 - 20 - 16 - 87

    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    There may be opportunities to attend social functions that are linked to work.  You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today.  Not the best day for business trips.  You destiny is in fates hands today and A paranormal phenomenon will improve your fortunes today.  The Eight of Wands - Everything will come together today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 22 - 67 - 8 - 29 - 94 - 2 - 90

    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    You can finish projects early, which will bring you praise from superiors.  You may have problems with children.  You're undergoing changes.  Your determination and sheer desire to do your own thing will be successful.  Your destiny could be fulfilled today and intense paranormal activities are working to increase your luck today.  The Page of Swords - Do not act without thinking things through today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 35 - 83 - 17 - 20 - 30 - 27 - 79


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Try looking into new ways to make extra money.  Try to put your money away for a rainy day.  Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs.  The hands of fate will reach you today and mystical forces will bring you luck today.  The Tower - You could experience a crisis today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 46 - 43 - 14 - 22 - 91 - 94 - 2

    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    You will impress new friends and acquaintances with your intellectual wit.  Your positive attitude and intellectual outlook will draw others to you.  You will have the stamina and the know how to raise your earning power.  The hands of fate will touch you today and paranormal events are working to improve your fortunes today.  The Seven of Wands - You have the ability to get what you want today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 32 - 94 - 4 - 53 - 55 - 22 - 42

    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    Problems with female members of your family may play on your emotions.  Visit those less fortunate than your self; be sure to help them with their personal problems.  Be careful; you may say something you'll regret later.  The hand of fate is seeking you today and intense paranormal activities are working to improve your fortunes today.  Strength - You have the ability to achieve calm today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 52 - 40 - 86 - 87 - 95 - 88 - 28

    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Losses are likely if you aren't careful where you leave your valuables.  Discover opportunities based on the individuals you mingle with today.  You have done all you can to sort things out a personal level.  The hands of fate will guide you today and the magic wand waves in you favor today.  The Fool - Ask yourself why am I living this way.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 83 - 4 - 29 - 73 - 20 - 46 - 97


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Only bite off what you can chew.  Try to keep your cool; you may be a tad frazzled by all the rushing around.  Your positive attitude and intellectual outlook will draw others to you. The scions of fate favor you and the good luck symbols speak of better luck today.  The Emperor - Good planning will pay off today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 30 - 65 - 26 - 20 - 31 - 98 - 40


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    First find out if they're married.  Arguments with children or friends may leave you steaming.  Do not get involved in joint financial ventures.  A simple twist of fate cannot be avoided today and forces from the supernatural world will improve your fortunes today.  The Ace of Wands - You may feel eager to take on the world today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 38 - 66 - 83 - 78 - 36 - 8 - 81


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Get down to business and do the work yourself.  Don't put all your cash in one place. Invite friends over rather than spending money on lavish entertainment.  You will encounter a simple twist of fate today and magical thinking will change your fortunes today.  The Tower - You could experience a crisis today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 55 - 69 - 84 - 79 - 81 - 3 - 44

    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Spend time getting to know each other.  You need to be careful not to make promises that you can't fulfill.  You're best to channel your energy into work.  The three fates will guide you today and the fortune teller speaks of good luck today.  The Three of Pentacles - Your job skills will be appreciated today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 25 - 33 - 30 - 9 - 23 - 22 - 67

    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Your charm and generosity will bring new friends and romantic opportunities.  Attempt to face key issues with lovers or problems could escalate.  Don't be too quick to judge your position or surroundings at work.  The hands of fate are seeking you today and you will feel the magic touch today.  The Ace of Cups - Trust your gut feelings today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 26 - 5 - 37 - 4 - 92 - 49 - 41




  • "You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today" :o >:( :(


    Gee, thats not a good sign for Valentines Day....


    Maybe I better stay home from work.....LOL


    Thanks as always Mystic Shelli....



  • "You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today" :o >:( :(


    Gee, thats not a good sign for Valentines Day....


    Maybe I better stay home from work.....LOL


    Thanks as always Mystic Shelli....




    Pam - every time you post about staying home from work I really do laugh out loud.  You crack me up.



    A simple twist of fate cannot be avoided today and forces from the supernatural world will improve your fortunes today.  The Ace of Wands - You may feel eager to take on the world today."


    Forces from the supernatural world will improve my fortunes - hmm sounds very ominous but I certainly don't feel like taking on the world today.  Think I had too much to drink last night!


    Thanks as every Mystic Shelli.




  • LOL!!!! Pam, you crack me up, maybe tomorrow the mystics will just tell you, Pam stay home from work!! hehe


    The Fool - Ask yourself why am I living this way.


    I LOVE IT!!

  • ~~ Horoscopes for Monday ~ 02/15/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    A softer more spiritual side of your personality can come out. This may see you want to pick up a book from within this overall spectrum - be it a traditional religious tomb or something metaphysical. Understanding what makes us tick at a deeper level can really intrigue you or will someone share a secret? Life's edges can seem somewhat fuzzy Aries.  The Knight of Pentacles - This is not a good day to take chances.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 8 - 69 - 46 - 35 - 25 - 14 - 59


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Be clear about your motivations - especially about your ambitions. You could develop grandiose schemes, especially about wanting an important job or up-sizing the property you live in. But if these lack realism, they may come to nothing. Yet a friend can be great company and can also egg you on. A good laugh and cheeky fun can be a real tonic.  The Ten of Swords - When you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 45 - 68 - 35 - 78 - 98 - 89 - 91


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Your imagination can be absolutely awesome. This is the stuff of a blockbuster movie or a big selling novel. But this can also see you feel dissatisfied with the daily grind. Daydreaming is a real possibility. However, as much as you can be inspired, you also need to guard against accusations of wool gathering. And an older person can give good guidance.  The Three of Pentacles - You will go far if you plan ahead today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 97 - 32 - 57 - 23 - 79 - 64 - 48

    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    If you are doing your sums today, weighing up whether to make a big-ticket purchase, it's important that you stay level headed. Think what would happen if your circumstances altered. Do you have contingencies in place to care for such an eventuality? If not, proceed with caution. Someone may also be dishonest about a financial matter towards you today.  The Nine of Swords - You have not yet reached your limits.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 89 - 50 - 62 - 90 - 25 - 91 - 39


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    If a relationship seems a touch baffling it would be understandable, if you believed this was because of the way the other person was behaving. But perhaps what you need to attune most to, is not just hearing what they're saying but understanding the nuances of this. If you can get through any initial barriers, a more a solid understanding can unfold.  The Lovers - Somebody nearby has a crush on you.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 44 - 97 - 93 - 12 - 25 - 84 - 95


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    If you have a pet, the bond between you can seem all the stronger today. You may even wonder whether they can read your mind, such is the connection. This could also be a time when you take an animal in. So if you read about a rescue center that is overflowing with ditched residents, it may be you who decides to offer such a creature a new start in life.  Temperance - Today is a good day to seek balance.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 94 - 24 - 40 - 89 - 63 - 43 - 26


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    If you have an artistic streak, try to find an outlet for it this week. This may be doing something about a talent which has lain dormant or being proactive about those you are currently involved with. Your energies can be extraordinarily strong in this regard. If you prefer to admire the work of others, you may find yourself visiting a gallery or an art shop.  The Hermit - Today is a good day to seek counsel from those you admire.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 62 - 89 - 50 - 88 - 81 - 17 - 13


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    You can feel acutely sensitive about some very personal issues this week. Perhaps something has been whirling around in your mind for a while, but you will soon come to a better position about these. With the Moon moving through a delightful link with the bubbly Jupiter, your mood can be up. Look for distractions. These too can help to lighten things.  The Hermit - Advice is free, bad advice costs even more but good advice is within your reach today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 64 - 40 - 49 - 30 - 52 - 80 - 11


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    If there's an awkward subject to discuss, a white lie or two can fly around and if this means saving someone's feelings, you may feel this would be justified. Yet if you're writing anything formal, take care. The same is true if anyone wants you to sign-up to a scheme. The small print may indeed by dreary to check through, but can protect your interests.  The Ten of Pentacles - Your money troubles could be over.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 43 - 66 - 22 - 5 - 77 - 74 - 80

    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    You may still be glowing from the magnificent New Moon. But whilst this can give your financial hopes a leg up, the role of the dreamy and sometimes illusory Neptune within this, should not be underestimated. Also today, this combination can see previously hidden stuff come to the surface - especially relating to spending cash on escapist pursuits.  The Five of Wands - This is not a good day to engage in debate.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 42 - 4 - 26 - 88 - 23 - 17 - 92

    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Issues around your personal identity are at stake. If you're someone with a real sense of clarity about who you are, this can be a week when you can use your knack of tuning into trends, successfully. If however, you do tend to doubt yourself, you can feel confused, and question yourself and your own motives. You may also be evasive if anyone pries.  The Tower - You could experience a crisis today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 41 - 51 - 45 - 28 - 6 - 74 - 13

    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    There is a VERY Piscean feel to today, turning up the vibration on your natural qualities and characteristics. You can be compassionate, and this can come to the fore, but this doesn't have to show itself just with tea and sympathy, you may do something tangible to help another person. Yet you may also introduce some long considered home changes.  The Four of Swords - Do not over do things today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 70 - 3 - 76 - 6 - 44 - 63 - 21




  • ~~ Horoscopes for Tuesday ~ 02/16/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Keep your ears open, especially to those who care about you.  Put your energy into behind the scenes activities.  Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined.  The sisters of fate will smile kindly upon you and supernatural phenomena could change your fortunes today.  The Lovers - A friend could become a lover today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 82 - 71 - 88 - 86 - 75 - 90 - 13


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Difficulties at an emotional level may be likely.  Love relationships will flourish.  You can make money if you put your mind to it.  You might discover your destiny today and your fortunes could improve today.  The Moon - You need to keep you feet planted formly on the ground today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 88 - 54 - 62 - 63 - 10 - 27 - 76


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    You may become rundown if you take on too much.  You can evade the issue as usual by being affectionate, fun loving, and far too active for your lover to catch on.  You are best to deal with those outside your family.  The threads of destiny will be woven today and A paranormal experience could increase your fortunes today.  The Hierophant - You need to stay within your bounds.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 21 - 9 - 31 - 93 - 22 - 79 - 51


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Be careful not to hurt the ones you love.  You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn't been well.  You will learn valuable information if you travel today.  You have yet to encounter your ultimate destiny and metaphysical forces are acting to bring you luck today.  The Seven of Swords - Running away will not solve your problems today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 16 - 72 - 37 - 2 - 8 - 58 - 77


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    Time is money and you must be ready to take action in order to reach your highest potential. Talk to peers who you trust in order to get sound advice.  Investments may be misrepresented today.  A simple twist of fate cannot be avoided and supernatural powers are working to improve your luck today.  Death - Do not let this card scare you, it means fate is on your side today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 60 - 47 - 52 - 76 - 23 - 89 - 33


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    You may have the opportunity to get involved in some interesting conversations.  Personal alterations will be in your best interest.  Don't overreact if your partner has a poor attitude. 

    The sword of destiny cuts both ways and your luck will improve today.  Strength - Setbacks cannot stop you today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 28 - 5 - 96 - 12 - 69 - 76 - 89


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Work quietly at your own goals and forget about situations that you can do little about.  You can mix business with pleasure to get favorable results.  Visitors are likely to drop by and chances are, they may even stay a little longer than you want them to.  The hand of fate will touch you today and you will feel the magic touch today.  Wheel of Fortune - You can take your destiny into your own hands today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 91 - 56 - 65 - 94 - 95 - 7 - 51


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Be careful not to divulge secret information today.  Do not let lovers cost you money or take advantage of you.  Risky ventures may turn in your favor.  Destiny calls today and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your luck today.  The Two of Wands - This is a good day to take risks.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 72 - 78 - 84 - 17 - 39 - 54 - 88


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes.  Don't trust a deal that looks too good, or a lover who appears to have it all.  Acceptance is the key.  These twists and turns of fate you encounter are part of your destiny and the magic wand waves in you favor today.  The Two of Pentacles - Today is a good day to just plain have fun.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 9 - 15 - 57 - 42 - 98 - 76 - 86


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Confusion at an emotional level will cause you to make wrong decisions concerning your personal life.  You will benefit by taking care of other people's concerns.  Avoid any petty ego confrontations; they could lead to estrangement if you aren't careful.  The destiny charts indicate you can control your destiny and the magic touch will change your luck today.  The Five of Swords - You might witness a crime today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 45 - 59 - 54 - 65 - 62 - 80 - 56

    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Try to be tolerant of the moods of those around you.  Be careful not to let friends or peers make you look bad.  Try to bend to their wishes if you want to avoid conflict.  The chains of fate can be broken today and forces from the supernatural world are working to increase your luck today.  The Nine of Wands - If you fall off the horse today get right back up on it.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 68 - 8 - 62 - 78 - 53 - 70 - 86


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Time spent with family, children, or good friends will be regenerating and positive.  Find out all you can; secret enemies may lead you astray.  Voice your opinions and contribute to the debate.  You can escape your fate today and magical thinking will improve your luck today.  The Emperor - The next direction you take is up to you.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 59 - 14 - 91 - 81 - 18 - 78 - 92


    GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!! 

  • "Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes."


    Hmm - would be useful if it would say the name of the "woolly eye coverer"! lol


    "The Two of Pentacles - Today is a good day to just plain have fun."


    I better do some gambling and play some poker then.   ;D ;D ;D


    Thanks Mystic Shelli - and can you tell me when it's going to say "you will win the lottery today"?  The sooner the better of course!  :P :-*





  • LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  "wooly eye coverer" 


    Visitors are likely to drop by and chances are, they may even stay a little longer than you want them to


    I am NOT answering the door today!!  hehe





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