Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • ~~ Horoscopes for Wednesday ~ 02/17/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Don't bang your head against a wall.  Problems with gas, oil, or water in your home may disrupt your routine.  Use your energy wisely.  The sisters of fate on are on your side and natural mystic forces will bring you luck today.  The Emperor - It is time to establish a pecking order.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 20 - 61 - 52 - 57 - 2 - 76 - 54


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Travel and communications will not run as smoothly as you had hoped.  Leave things as they are for the moment and focus on reaching your highest potential at work.  Get more involved in group efforts at work.  The scion of fate will guide you and the magic touch will change your fortunes today.  The King of Wands - You can take control of things today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 83 - 67 - 21 - 64 - 34 - 40 - 69


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Try to keep to yourself; work diligently on domestic chores and responsibilities.  Do not give your heart to someone who may not live up to your standards.  Try to get out and socialize.  The hands of fate point at you today and paranormal phenomena will increase your luck today.  The Four of Pentacles - Things might not change at all today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 92 - 51 - 2 - 58 - 95 - 23 - 46


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    You'll find love and you'll get into tiptop shape at the same time.  Romantic relationships should stabilize.  Don't expect romantic encounters to be lasting.  Destiny calls today and the luck star will shine on you today.  The Page of Cups - Trust your insights today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 90 - 43 - 32 - 44 - 80 - 92 - 34


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    One-sided relationships are likely.  Opportunities to get ahead will be evident.  Don't overload your plate.  The hand of fate will reach you today and high paranormal activity will increase your luck today.  The Six of Swords - You will find a way to get back on track today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 30 - 98 - 15 - 7 - 47 - 63 - 6


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    Outbursts of passion may cause arguments with your mate.  Go out with friends who are positive and supportive.  You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items.  You might fulfill your destiny today and A paranormal experience could increase your luck today.  The Seven of Cups - Today is a good day for letting things go.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 92 - 63 - 48 - 60 - 87 - 80 - 21


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Property investments, insurance, tax rebates, or inheritance should bring you financial gains.  Do your own thing.  Be careful while traveling.  Your destiny report for today indicates a time of change and your hidden supernatural abilities will change your luck today.  The Five of Cups - You could lose a friend today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 62 - 43 - 49 - 55 - 6 - 89 - 92


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Don't be too quick to judge.  Remain calm and you'll shine.  Passion should be your goal.  Try to be honest when dealing with your mate.  You could discover your destiny today and paranormal phenomena could increase your luck today.  Death - Fate will work in your favor today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 52 - 17 - 86 - 53 - 96 - 81 - 62


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    Use your genuine warmth and compassion to win hearts.  Direct your energy wisely. Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions.  Tempting fate is not a good idea today and supernatural phenomena will bring you luck today.  The King of Wands -Your inventive abilities could reach a peak today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 59 - 90 - 43 - 16 - 32 - 52 - 34


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    You need more time to think this whole situation through.  Acknowledge your lover's needs.  Get involved in the activities of children.  The fates are warning you today and high paranormal activity is working to improve your fortunes today.  The Three of Swords - You might feel lost and alone today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 2 - 83 - 10 - 21 - 72 - 77


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Do your own thing.  You're likely to encounter new partners if you take short trips. Travel will be favorable.  You could discover your destiny today and natural mystic forces will change your fortunes today.  The Tower - You may experience an emotional outburst today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 2 - 19 - 30 - 51 - 46 - 83 - 61


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    You must use discretion when it comes to lending money or making donations.  You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives.  Do not make rash decisions about your personal life.  The sisters of fate are warning you today and A supernatural phenomenon could increase your luck today.  The Page of Pentacles - You can get ahead in the world today simply by keeping your word.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 14 - 40 - 71 - 49 - 48 - 43 - 57







  • Awww thanks hun!!  ;D

  • ~~ Horoscopes for Thursday ~ 02/18/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Try not to discuss important matters with colleagues.  You may want to try your hand at a little creative writing.  Don't let your boss get the better of you.  Don't let them blame you.  You are capable of controlling your destiny today and A supernatural phenomenon could increase your luck today.  The Eight of Cups - This is a good day for spiritual discovery.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 91 - 51 - 98 - 87 - 21 - 55 - 4


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Think before you act.  Be firm when dealing with matters pertaining to your environment.  Don't overdo it.  You need to enjoy yourself.  The hand of fate is seeking you today and forces from the supernatural world are working to improve your fortunes today.  The Knight of Wands - Do not let people push your buttons and anger you today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 20 - 78 - 60 - 8 - 53 - 28 - 5

    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events.  You may find out that someone is trying to undermine you.  Take time to find out all you can.  You will find your fate today and the numerology symbols are in your favor today.  The Two of Wands - You have the ability to create something new today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 23 - 80 - 53 - 52 - 71 - 2 - 6

    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Don't let relatives get the better of you.  Resist any idle chatter.  If it can make you extra cash, it will be even better.  The scions of fate will protect you and the fortune teller speaks of decreased luck today.  The Queen of Pentacles - This is a good day to smile.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 98 - 22 - 46 - 30 - 50 - 23 - 37


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    You may want to look into warm vacation spots.  You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations.  Dead end projects could plague you.  Merciful fate is on your side today and the fortune teller speaks of average luck today.  The High Priestess - Look beyond what your eyes see.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 67 - 90 - 71 - 21 - 11 - 28 - 92


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    You will find the perfect outfit if you shop today.  You will have a problem with your boss if you haven't done your job.  You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn't been well.  The sword of destiny cuts both ways and supernatural phenomena could change your luck today.  The Nine of Pentacles - You may experience a sense of self confidence today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 52 - 58 - 27 - 12 - 63 - 92 - 23


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Relationships will become stronger.  Don't jump too quickly regarding an investment that appears to be good.  Don't cause a scene, but when you get home let your partner know how you feel and why.  A simple twist of fate can change your destiny today and your hidden supernatural abilities could change your fortunes today.  The Moon - You need to avoid self delusion today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 89 - 98 - 20 - 22 - 65 - 6 - 52


    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    The experience will be good.  Changes in your home are apparent, and you must be willing to bend if you don't want to find yourself alone.  You have more than enough on your plate already.  The sisters of fate have a surprise in store for you today and high paranormal activity will increase your luck today.  The Sun - Today is a good day to trust in yourself.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 63 - 91 - 12 - 80 - 4 - 33 - 51


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    The distance may make you both appreciate each other more.  Your creative ideas must be put to good use.  Beware of individuals who are not that reliable or well known to you.  You can not escape your fate today and magic numbers can change your luck today.  The High Priestess - You have the potential accomplish more.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 89 - 15 - 92 - 38 - 82 - 88 - 34


    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    You need to interact with others if you want to expand your knowledge.  Don't evade important issues; you may find yourself backed into a corner.  Concentrate on your career and on making money.  Your destiny could be fulfilled today and A paranormal experience could increase your luck today.  The Six of Cups - This is a good day for recreation.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 49 - 10 - 36 - 69 - 80 - 22 - 20


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Your boss may not be in the best of moods today.  You'll find it easy to meet new people.  Don't be afraid to pursue unfamiliar grounds.  The sisters of fate will favor you today and the magic touch could bring you luck today.  The Emperor - You are in command today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 38 - 42 - 60 - 98 - 4 - 69 - 67

    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    Your personal situation is fluctuating.  Secret affairs can only lead to devastating circumstances.  Female members of your family may be difficult to deal with.  The scion of fate will guard you and the forces of the mystics will change your fortunes today.  The King of Cups - You have the ability to give good advice today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 88 - 77 - 37 - 59 - 94 - 28







  • ~~ Horoscopes for Friday ~ 02/19/2010 ~~


    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Don't be too confident that coworkers are on your side.  Don't expect anything for nothing and you won't be disappointed.  Throw yourself into your profession.  You might fulfill your destiny today and the magic touch could bring you luck today.  Justice - Do not do anything wrong today there is a high probability you might get caught.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 66 - 52 - 24 - 64 - 98 - 32 - 50


    Taurus - April 21 - May 20

    Be careful what you say.  Use your charm to get your own way.  Creative educational pursuits will payoff.  The three fates cannot be avoided today and forces from the supernatural world are working to change your luck today.  The Hermit - Today is a good day to step aside, look inside yourself and choose a new direction in life


    Gemini - May 21 - June 21

    Your mate is going to want and need some attention.  A passionate party for two might be just the remedy.  You're best to channel your energy into work.  My destiny reading tells of changes for you today and good luck will be yours today.  The Three of Cups - You may experience high energy levels today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 39 - 13 - 68 - 36 - 3 - 40 - 52


    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Get involved in sports events that will benefit your physical appearance.  You have more than enough on your plate already.  Don't hesitate to voice your opinions when it comes to matters pertaining to work.  The hand of fate is seeking you today and the numerology symbols are in your favor today.  The Six of Wands - You will be rewarded for your achievements today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 17 - 50 - 55 - 96 - 39 - 11 - 6


    Leo - July 23 -August 22

    You will be able to make financial gains.  You are ahead of your time, and trying to stay in one spot could be asking too much.  You need to get out and challenge yourself.  You cannot escape the chains of fate today and A supernatural phenomenon could improve your fortunes today.  The Seven of Cups - If you do not pay attention things could fall apart today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 72 - 17 - 5 - 27 - 48 - 76


    Virgo - August 23 - September 22

    You will get bored quickly, so make sure that you have scheduled enough activity to hold your interest.  You're in the mood to party.  A passionate encounter with your mate should help alleviate that pent-up energy.  The sisters of fate on are on your side today and A paranormal experience could bring you luck today.  Wheel of Fortune - Today your fate will turn just as fast as you want it to.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 7 - 53 - 89 - 82 - 17 - 50 - 67


    Libra - September 23 - October 22

    Close deals that have been up in the air and move on to new ones that appear to be profitable.  Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home.  Don't gossip.  The chains of fate can be broken today and paranormal phenomena could increase your luck today.  The Sun - Enlightenment can be yours today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 34 - 58 - 83 - 47 - 69 - 92 - 22

    Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

    Be careful not to reveal private information.  Take time to reevaluate your motives regarding friendships.  Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters.  Merciful fate is on your side today and the fortune teller speaks of mystic forces today.  The Lovers - Your own passionate desire can make physically attractive.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 57 - 4 - 69 - 80 - 14 - 77 - 49


    Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

    You may want to take a trip; however, before you do, make sure that your car is serviced properly.  Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways.  Financial limitations will not be as adverse as they appear.  You have a date with destiny today and you can increase your luck today.  The Seven of Pentacles - The choices you made in the past will pay off today. Daily Lucky Numbers - 44 - 26 - 69 - 48 - 24 - 98 - 64

    Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

    Put your efforts into moneymaking ventures.  Look into career choices and courses being offered.  Communication will be your strong point and you should be able to persuade others to see things your way.  A simple twist of fate can change your destiny today and A magical starsign will bring you fortune today.  The Ten of Wands -You might feel as though you face an uphill climb today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 67 - 74 - 22 - 72 - 80 - 19 - 61


    Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

    Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined.  You can set your goals and make a beeline for your target.  You should get into some of those creative hobbies that you always said you wanted to do.  The scion of fate will guard you and the mystics of fortune wish you luck today.  The Hierophant - Be loyal to others and others will be loyal to you.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 50 - 79 - 78 - 90 - 42 - 11 - 25


    Pisces - February 19 - March 20

    You must take care of health problems that have been lingering.  You may have the opportunity to get involved in some interesting conversations.  Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend.  You will find your fate today and the good luck symbols speak of better luck today.  The King of Swords - Your creative thinking will bear fruit today.  Daily Lucky Numbers - 52 - 26 - 63 - 36 - 62 - 93 - 74





  • You are ahead of your time, and trying to stay in one spot could be asking too much. 

    RFLAMO!!! That is soooooooo me!!!      You will be able to make financial gains. -> well...this is a good one!

    Thanks, Shelli for my reading. :-*

  • You may want to take a trip; however, before you do, make sure that your car is serviced properly.


    I am taking a trip in 2 weeks time but I'm not driving!  Ooh dear.


    The Seven of Pentacles - The choices you made in the past will pay off today.


    Sounds interesting - I can't think of anything that would "pay off".  I'll have to think about that one.


    Thanks as ever Mystic Shelli.



  • Nan, I know about you and "staying in one spot" lol  I do hope you made financial gains today!!!!!!


    Blue,  Be SURE whoever is driving gets their car serviced! I am sure some choice you made in the past will EVENTUALLY PAY OFF!!!!!! hehe



  • Blue,  Be SURE whoever is driving gets their car serviced! I am sure some choice you made in the past will EVENTUALLY PAY OFF!!!!!! hehe


    Hi Shelli,


    Fortunately, she had it serviced recently so all should be ok (fingers crossed).


    No Horoscope today?




  • Oh No, I have no horoscope yet today.


    I have no idea if I should go to work or not. LOL


    I depend on these Mystic Shelli to know if I should get out of bed or not.


    A bad reading means I stay in bed and dont go to work. HAHA



  • Oh No, I have no horoscope yet today.


    I have no idea if I should go to work or not. LOL


    I depend on these Mystic Shelli to know if I should get out of bed or not.


    A bad reading means I stay in bed and dont go to work. HAHA




    Heh heh Pam - have you ever actually stayed off work due to your horoscope reading?


    I'm intrigued to know.



  • OMG!!!  I did them!!!!!!!!!!!  Actually early for me, it was just after 11pm LCB time!  WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 


    I am sorry guys, I will get them done right away!  ;)


    Unfortunatly my "crystal ball" thinks that it is Sunday already!!  So I can't get todays horoscope.  Waaaaaaaaaa


    Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!

  • OMG!!!  I did them!!!!!!!!!!!  Actually early for me, it was just after 11pm LCB time!  WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 


    I am sorry guys, I will get them done right away!  ;)


    No worries Shelli. The day is already over here - in fact it's Sunday already.



  • My CRYSTAL BALL must be ENGLISH!!!!! lmao

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