Time to throw down the muffler PMM and make them hands useful!!!
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Hi Gang:
Thought I would get us some horoscopes, so we know how to live each day. LOL
I dont have a fancy name yet, maybe you all could help me get one. :D
Most important, enjoy the horoscopes. I hope they are to your liking.
04/11/2010 - This is a good day for self-enlightenment, for sprucing up your appearance, and for contacting people with whom you expect to do business during the rest of the month. You could be called upon to bear more than your share of family burdens at this time.
Fortunate astrological number: 874
Financial outlook: strong
Compatible sign: Capricorn
04/11/2010 - It may be hard for you to get going before noon today. Use the morning for tasks that call for little thought. You pick up momentum this afternoon and by early evening are going strong. Friendship thrives and stimulates as well as relaxes you.
Fortunate astrological number: 526
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Leo
04/11/2010 - This is a good day for clearing up odds and ends in work that have been left hanging for some time. Good financial support during the afternoon allows you to make decisions that you couldn't make a few days ago. Hobbies bring peace of mind and encourage family unity this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 734
Financial outlook: poor
Compatible sign: Gemini
04/11/2010 - This is a good day for your earning power and income and for getting the boss's agreement and approval. Co-workers are well disposed to what you have to say now. Keep any purchases under ten dollars; don't buy anything that's expensive now.
Fortunate astrological number: 723
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Gemini
04/11/2010 - Your plans for the day may need to be modified. Travel is not pleasantly aspected. This is a good day for catching up on chores around the house and in the yard. Your diet needs some adjustments. Music and theater can bring rich rewards tonight.
Fortunate astrological number: 968
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Capricorn
04/11/2010 - This is a most rewarding day. Your sense of creativity is expansive, and you can use your originality to make friends, family members, and neighbors happy. The aspects favor taking part in community projects and expressing your views on important matters.
Fortunate astrological number: 208
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Leo
04/11/2010 - Possessions, earning power, and income get the nod during the morning hours. Shopping is enjoyable this afternoon, with wardrobe accessories, beach gear, and tools being favored purchases. A lecture, a play, or a foreign film can give color to the evening hours.
Fortunate astrological number: 689
Financial outlook: weak
Compatible sign: Capricorn
04/11/2010 - Don't request favors today but be prepared to do a little extra for others. By showing that you don't mind doing something unpleasant, you can win the goodwill of someone who has been slightly opposed to you and your ideas. Make phone calls and write letters this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 430
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Leo
04/11/2010 - This is an excellent day for beginning new projects and for compromising and adapting tot he wishes of others. You have good support now for selling, buying, and shopping. You are in the driver's seat in all love and adventure matters.
Fortunate astrological number: 848
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Capricorn
04/11/2010 - Inspiration abounds today. Explorations of the community, going to a play, hearing a good lecture, and spending time outdoors all are highly rewarding. Romance is favored this evening. A message from a distant relative could call for traveling in the near future.
Fortunate astrological number: 732
Financial outlook: good
Compatible sign: Taurus
04/11/2010 - Enjoy this day to the fullest. Under the current aspects, you tend to be given more and more preferment now: you are included in something from which you were once excluded, or you get the romantic nod where earlier there was a refusal.
Fortunate astrological number: 634
Financial outlook: strong
Compatible sign: Libra
04/11/2010 - You have excess stamina to serve you in large-scale financial transactions today. Limit your social commitments to those you can handle comfortably. The evening spotlight is on romance, meeting unusual people, and having stimulating conversations.
Fortunate astrological number: 747
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Gemini
I was going nuts without the horoscopes, you put a piece in my puzzle to life!!!
04/11/2010 - Possessions, earning power, and income get the nod during the morning hours. Shopping is enjoyable this afternoon, with wardrobe accessories, beach gear, and tools being favored purchases. A lecture, a play, or a foreign film can give color to the evening hours
I simply love my reading, so happy with it
Thank you so kindly my so Powerful Pam!!
04/11/2010 - It may be hard for you to get going before noon today. Use the morning for tasks that call for little thought.
Wow is the the truth for me, i am a nightowl. I always enjoyed reading horoscopes in here. It's one thing that kept me coming back.
Hi Ronda....Glad your enjoying the horoscopes.
I will start doing these in the AM, so everyone can wake up to them, as long as they dont get up earler than I do. HAHA
Morning Gang:
Here is your horoscopes for 4/12/2010 :) :) :)
04/12/2010 - Today's focus is on your long-range possibilities. Advanced study is favored, and ideas, suggestions, hunches, and new starts are all well aspected. It's a day for true enlightenment and a good day to start a new romance. You can take a new creative approach to love.
Fortunate astrological number: 598
Financial outlook: fair
Compatible sign: Gemini
04/12/2010 - Face this morning with self-confidence and the knowledge that you can get the job done. The aspects are fine for traveling locally and for contacting those who will be financially or economically significant in your life during the days ahead.
Fortunate astrological number: 675
Financial outlook: fair
Compatible sign: Leo
04/12/2010 - Domestic chores get a real boost in your horoscope during the morning hours. Stopping by to visit a neighbor cheers you up. New and adventurous ideas are associated with this evening. You will enjoy your mate, neighbors, in-laws, and community contacts now.
Fortunate astrological number: 987
Financial outlook: poor
Compatible sign: Aquarius
04/12/2010 - Under today's currents, observe all laws, rules, and regulations and abide by accepted standards and conventions. Expect more from friendship than romance now. Marital harmony will require some help this evening. Courtship tends to reveal character flaws.
Fortunate astrological number: 364
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Aquarius
04/12/2010 - Plans can be changed today, and duty may summon you elsewhere. Be careful in traffic. Give some time to relaxation this afternoon. The evening brings a quest for solitude. It's a good time to communicate with relatives and friends you have neglected.
Fortunate astrological number: 754
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Pisces
04/12/2010 - Use a practical approach to your health routines under this morning's planetary vibrations. Steer clear of emotional upsets and failures. You have good support for taking care of those tasks you've been putting off and getting your place in order.
Fortunate astrological number: 739
Financial outlook: poor
Compatible sign: Leo
04/12/2010 - This is a good day for local travel, particularly when you can combine business with pleasure. Socializing in your own community is favored this evening, and humanitarian interests have the green light. Romance and courtship are spectacular this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 674
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Aquarius
04/12/2010 - Big plans for entertainment can be invigorating today. The aspects show wisdom in your social life and an ingenious approach to the arrangements. Be sure to get sound financial advice before making plans for large-scale investment. Accept an offer to speak in public.
Fortunate astrological number: 859
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Pisces
04/12/2010 - This is a good day for catching up on work that has been left hanging for some time. Your health is excellent, but the health of children may require some attention. The evening is almost completely social, with hospitality and romantic overtures well aspected.
Fortunate astrological number: 598
Financial outlook: fair
Compatible sign: Libra
04/12/2010 - This is an excellent day for love, travel, and your health. It's less good for money matters, for you can spend too much and are in danger of losing money or a valued possession. You have the go signal for love all the way, and evening may find you enraptured with a loved one.
Fortunate astrological number: 487
Financial outlook: poor
Compatible sign: Taurus
04/12/2010 - Hard work makes this day special. you can make enormous progress in small chores, including those around your home. News from loved ones tends to be especially favorable today. The evening holds a promise of happiness and much stimulation in romance.
Fortunate astrological number: 934
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Taurus
04/12/2010 - The outlook is sunny--it's an ideal day for love, partnership, festivity, and shared interests. Personal initiative, your health, and good grooming are favored, and you may get ideas for increasing your earning power. Chores are handled easily this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 592
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Aquarius
Watering my roses in the backyard, i was talking to my gorgeous neighbor for like an hour. Got my housework all done early, now i'm ready for some bingo, BUT i wonder what adventurous ideas are coming for this evening.
Hope it has something to do with chocolate syrup and whip cream :o
Thank you so much my Oh Powerful Pam!!
My reading was right on time!!!
Morning Gang:
Hope everyones reading is to their liking!!!!
04/13/2010 - Do things today that are not ordinarily on your schedule. The unusual, the surprising, and the difficult all can be to your advantage. The more versatility you show now, the more your efforts are appreciated. Travel plans can materialize this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 621
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Leo
04/13/2010 - Your morale gets a boost from those around you this morning. Trust, honor, dignity, and patience prevail. The evening is ideal for a personal achievement, an inspection of a home or living area, or a demonstration of what you can do in the way of avocational effort.
Fortunate astrological number: 800
Financial outlook: strong
Compatible sign: Aries
04/13/2010 - This is a good day for concluding business and financial matters and for talking about the future with your supervisors and co-workers. Marital and business partnerships are well aspected. You can make progress in tax, insurance, and long-range security affairs now.
Fortunate astrological number: 356
Financial outlook: excellent
Compatible sign: Libra
04/13/2010 - This is a fine day for your earning power--you can uncover a new source of additional income. It's also good for opening up new channels of communication with difficult people. Determination and patience are required of you this afternoon.
Fortunate astrological number: 394
Financial outlook: poor
Compatible sign: Taurus
04/13/2010 - You are very sensitive to any slight that comes your way today. Be on guard against giving the wrong answer when someone tries to sell you something, for irritating high-pressure sales tactics are represented in your chart.
Fortunate astrological number: 876
Financial outlook: weak
Compatible sign: Libra
04/13/2010 - This is a good day for fund-raising activities and general festivities, and it's a day on which you are likely to attract favorable attention. Experimentation, investigation, pioneering, and a show of self-confidence are all favored now.
Fortunate astrological number: 625
Financial outlook: good
Compatible sign: Sagittarius
04/13/2010 - This is an excellent day to spruce up your living room and dining room. By doing the positive, you will receive emotional and spiritual returns. The evening brings a mad social rush, and unexpected visitors are likely to pop in. Your sense of adventure is to the fore.
Compatible sign: Scorpio
Fortunate astrological number: 287
Financial outlook: poor
04/13/2010 - Keep alert to traffic patterns in the late afternoon to avoid getting involved in a traffic jam. Household chores can be accomplished early in the day, but allow for some pleasant interruptions and distractions. Entertaining friends this evening makes you feel important.
Fortunate astrological number: 875
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Virgo
04/13/2010 - This is a good day for sifting and sorting, weeding out the unimportant in order to concentrate on the job at hand. Nothing is unobtainable if you set your mind to finishing whatever you start. Personal matters dominate the late afternoon.
Fortunate astrological number: 347
Financial outlook: strong
Compatible sign: Taurus
04/13/2010 - Your serious approach to business affairs is conducive to teamwork today. A good financial tip may come your way from an unexpected source this afternoon. A sudden change in your evening plans brings some pleasant surprises. Upsets turn into delightful times today.
Fortunate astrological number: 979
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Aries
04/13/2010 - An associate may prove to be stubborn or arbitrary under today's trends. Don't fret or worry if things don't go your way this morning. Things improve and you are in a better frame of mind this afternoon. Realistically re-examine your exaggerated notions about an upcoming date.
Fortunate astrological number: 253
Financial outlook: very good
Compatible sign: Virgo
04/13/2010 - The prospects of having unexpected visitors pop in are strong on this day. You could be singled out for a special and favorable assignment. Domestic interests are favored as the evening approaches. Romance and courtship do well this evening.
Fortunate astrological number: 871
Financial outlook: strong
Compatible sign: Leo
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