Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • "Pams parlour"  sounds like it belongs in the red light district. hahahahahah


    Way funny.....




  • Household chores can be accomplished early in the day, but allow for some pleasant interruptions and distractions.

    Ha ha ha...I've been cleaning the house ever since 6:30 this morning and yes I do need to go enjoy my beautiful flowers and relax...while drinking coffee!!!


    Thanks for reading, "Madam" Pam!!! :)

  • "Pams parlour"  sounds like it belongs in the red light district. hahahahahah


    Way funny.....





    Heheh - I couldn't resist it.  It does have a nice ring to it though.



  • Thank you for my reading Pam...


    I love Pam's Parlour!!! but Palmist Pam sounds just like red light district too.. if you kinda really, i mean really think about it... lmaooo, oh gosh me and my naughty mind


    How about Miss "Pam Predicts"

  • Pam Predicts...I like it.


    And yes you are naughty Imagin but it did make me laugh.  :P :P :P



  • Morning Gang:

        Here are todays Horoscopes....

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!!!








    04/14/2010 - This is a good day for figuring out what the other fellow has in mind. Health matters, partnership matters, and selling, buying, and shopping are all fine today. It's a great day for visiting somebody who may have the answers you are seeking.


    Fortunate astrological number:  875

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/14/2010 - It's best not to tackle a tedious job or do any unnecessary traveling today. It's also a good idea to turn down a dinner engagement with a friend, for you're not very compatible with others today and are at risk for having a dispute. Unwelcome advice can come your way.


    Fortunate astrological number:  734

    Financial outlook:  excellent

    Compatible sign:  Aries




    04/14/2010 - Intuition is working for you today, but don't give away its secrets. In general, you're better off with people of your own age. You may have to take a brief trip, but longer-distance travel is not advisable. Heed the advice of a loved one tonight.


    Fortunate astrological number:  138

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Aquarius






    04/14/2010 - Your personal wishes, hopes, and dreams are to the fore today, and you tend to make a good impression on those who can help you. Travel, studies, ideas, visits and hospitality, and parties and other forms of entertainment are all well aspected.


    Fortunate astrological number:  875

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Leo





    04/14/2010 - This is a good day for real estate transactions and for meeting the public at large. It's excellent for taking changes and making investments. You feel on top of things now, in control, and appreciative of your material possessions.


    Fortunate astrological number:  484

    Financial outlook:  strong

    Compatible sign:  Scorpio





    04/14/2010 - You can achieve a lot at work this morning and then sit back and relax. Following advice that comes to you this afternoon will be to your benefit. The evening is ideal for your personal plans, and romance will do a lot for you tonight.


    Fortunate astrological number:  873

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Sagittarius





    04/14/2010 - Decision making and problem solving are to the fore this morning as you cogitate and mull things over. You project an image of friendliness and concern this afternoon and evening, and you can make a lot of progress in romance and courtship.


    Fortunate astrological number:  425

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Taurus





    04/14/2010 - Get the house ready for guests and be prepared for unexpected callers. This is a fine day for beginning a trip and for sending the children on an outing that appeals to them. Control your late-afternoon blues by keeping busy or seeking kindred spirits.


    Fortunate astrological number:  863

    Financial outlook:  weak

    Compatible sign:  Scorpio





    04/14/2010 - You accrue unexpected expenses today, and your career welfare may be threatened. It's a day for prudence in all things. If traveling, make it brief and don't rush. Don't postpone medical care for a health matter. It's up to you to keep what you want in your love life.


    Fortunate astrological number:  258

    Financial outlook:  fair

    Compatible sign:  Taurus





    04/14/2010 - This is an excellent day for beginning a short trip and going away for a time. Visits with friends you haven't seen in a long time go well. Older loved ones tend to be cooperative and helpful. The evening can be quite social and romantic.


    Fortunate astrological number:  875

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Capricorn





    04/14/2010 - The morning is restful but can also involve a change of pace or scenery. People are rather idealistic now. There's no reason to resist or argue with someone who wants to change you a little. The evening finds you contented, strong, and patient in love matters.


    Fortunate astrological number:  753

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/14/2010 - This is a good day for personal matters and for making a personal sacrifice that solves someone else's problem. It's fine for baby-sitting, for pinch-hitting for someone who's been called away, and for making your presence felt in large groups.


    Fortunate astrological number:  278

    Financial outlook:  strong

    Compatible sign:  Virgo





  • Libra

    04/14/2010 - This is a good day for real estate transactions and for meeting the public at large. It's excellent for taking changes and making investments. You feel on top of things now, in control, and appreciative of your material possessions.


    Fortunate astrological number:  484

    Financial outlook:  strong

    Compatible sign:  Scorpio



    Oh my goodness my reading is excellent today! Even my financial outloook is good!!


    Thank you so Kindly my oh so Powerful, Pam Predicts!!!

  • his is a good day for personal matters and for making a personal sacrifice that solves someone else's problem.

    Feels like I do this all the time... :P :P :P

    Thank you so very much,Pam for working so hard for everyone...

    You really are a true LCB star! :-*


    Morning Gang:

        Here is todays reading:  Enjoy!!!!






    04/15/2010 - This is a good day for taking care of your yard and garden. Your household is a prime target for improvement, with an accent on comfort and organization. Some good bargains can be uncovered if you state your needs clearly and cheerfully.


    Fortunate astrological number:  589

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Sagittarius





    04/15/2010 - The lunar aspects stress the development of ideas and ideals as well as a strengthening of your feelings for others who are in trouble. Practical approaches in your work routines will help you to steer clear of failures and upsets. The legality of a situation is brought into focus this evening.


    Fortunate astrological number:  987

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Aries




    04/15/2010 - Make this day a quiet one, although you may be tempted to pick up the pace and go out to seek pleasure. Talk things over with older relative today and don't yield to a tendency to worry too much. Strive to attain and keep an optimistic point of view.


    Fortunate astrological number:  845

    Financial outlook:  good

    Compatible sign:  Capricorn




    04/15/2010 - Work steadily at any task you undertake today, and let nothing prevent your completing it. Financial matters are going well behind the scenes, but don't spend much now. Let a well-known person know about your admiration for him or her. Do a kind deed for a neighbor tonight.


    Fortunate astrological number:  380

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Gemini




    04/15/2010 - This is a day to revise, readjust, and save the valuable while discarding the useless. Speed is your enemy today, so travel slowly and take your time making decisions. You may get a chance today to show some skill in a career task you've never done before. Love continues to give you pleasure.


    Fortunate astrological number:  809

    Financial outlook:  excellent

    Compatible sign:  Scorpio





    04/15/2010 - Tonight's entertainment could be your biggest of the month, and you may need to spend some time during the day preparing for it. For the most part, your work is routine and boring. Conditions are all right for a short trip. You may be humming a love song now.


    Fortunate astrological number:  932

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Taurus




    04/15/2010 - People seem evasive and you feel a undercurrent of secrets, even gossip, today. Be careful of glib sales talk and shoddy merchandise when shopping. Your love can become more stabilized if you're married. If single, it's best to avoid romance now.


    Fortunate astrological number:  074

    Financial outlook:  weak

    Compatible sign:  Gemini




    04/15/2010 - Something you did in the past will be rewarded today. Money may come your way from an unusual source. You may receive an exciting invitation later in the day. Your creative talents make a good impression. Love may be silent but very strong this evening.


    Fortunate astrological number:  310

    Financial outlook:  excellent

    Compatible sign:  Aries





    04/15/2010 - This is an active day, during which the horizons of your ambition are expanded. You can see the way ahead more clearly now, and business transactions favor you. Your mind is clicking away, and it's a good day to make a major decision. Avoid being cynical about your romantic life.


    Fortunate astrological number:  343

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Taurus





    04/15/2010 - You may find that making a choice is very difficult today. Your more humble thoughts take precedence, and you feel inadequate to make a decision, but it must be done. Confide in someone you seldom talk to; your confidence will be appreciated. It's an exciting evening for love.


    Fortunate astrological number:  109

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/15/2010 - Friendships and activities in groups are best today. don't tie yourself down to plans or any single person's ideas. Your health is good if you take care not to overeat. An older neighbor may upset you, but you can simply forgive and forget.


    Fortunate astrological number:  578

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Virgo





    04/15/2010 - Your career prestige and reputation can get a big boost under today's aspects. Your earning power, income, and possessions are all well aspected. You have the stamina to serve you in your work. This evening you could be asked questions for which there are no ready answers.


    Fortunate astrological number:  560

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Gemini













  • Earning power......i better make a deposit :P :P :P

  • 04/15/2010 - People seem evasive and you feel a undercurrent of secrets, even gossip, today. Be careful of glib sales talk and shoddy merchandise when shopping. Your love can become more stabilized if you're married. If single, it's best to avoid romance now.



    Who's talking 'bout me!!? Don't be hiding!!! lol

    Guess i better avoid romance today... maybe tomorrow i'll get me some :D


    Thank You Miss Pam Predicts, i like that name it's really catchy, and so perfect for this!

  • 04/15/2010 - People seem evasive and you feel a undercurrent of secrets, even gossip, today. Be careful of glib sales talk and shoddy merchandise when shopping. Your love can become more stabilized if you're married. If single, it's best to avoid romance now.



    Who's talking 'bout me!!? Don't be hiding!!! lol

    Guess i better avoid romance today... maybe tomorrow i'll get me some :D


    Thank You Miss Pam Predicts, i like that name it's really catchy, and so perfect for this!



    "MIss Pam predicts..." I like it......heheheheh


    "Be careful of glib sales talk and shoddy merchandise when shopping." 


    That made me laugh.  Don't go buying any dollar store merchandise today Imagin. and stay away from Ronco products. HAHAHAHAH


    I am so glad your enjoying the horoscopes.  I do them when I wake up, so it is a miracle they are right.  haha



  • LOL.. i'm loaded with Ronco stuff, choppers, mixers, bakers, fryers.. i was such a sucker for those 3 am commercials, how about the magic bullet? knives? george foreman grills? air bake? rubber bakery.. lmao... puddy?

  • We are all guilty of Ronco products I bet.


    Just dont go to the doctor who gratuated from the "Ronco School of Medicene."


    I got a flu shot once, and I thought it was a Flu shot by Ronco, as I was sicker than a dawg a month later. 





  • Good Morning Gang: :) :) :)

        Miss Pam predicts here with your daily horoscopes.

    Have a wonderful day.






    04/16/2010 - There is a lot of good fortune in your chart now. This is an active day, a day for making new contacts, discovering a new friend, or making progress in learning. Help is available for you. Take advantage of an unusual opportunity in your social life tonight.


    Fortunate astrological number:  528

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Sagittarius





    04/16/2010 - Push business, money, and employment matters this morning. You can feel in control of things, with plenty of stamina to serve your purposes. Others become more cooperative as the day goes on. The feeling that you are able to do something unique is reinforced this evening.


    Fortunate astrological number:  876

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Pisces




    04/16/2010 - Your awareness and intuition are strong this morning. Organize your day unselfishly and give support to those who need you. Give thought to spiritual ideas that arise; you may reach a new plane of cosmic understanding. Avoid making any promises in love.


    Fortunate astrological number:  979

    Financial outlook:  excellent

    Compatible sign:  Aquarius





    04/16/2010 - The aspects for love and friendship are vivid today. Your health is so-so and tension can mount about your financial security. Give thought to how you can increase your earning power. The romantic interest of another could lead to an undesirable situation later, so be slow to respond.


    Fortunate astrological number:  735

    Financial outlook:  excellent

    Compatible sign:  Leo




    04/16/2010 - Opposition may come from an unexpected quarter today. You may have to dig hard to get enough cash to pay your debts and proceed with your intended course of action, but be thankful for all you get. Your love may fade under a very realistic insight tonight.


    Fortunate astrological number:  250

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Libra



    04/16/2010 - You may suddenly find yourself restless today. Your work responsibilities may diminish now, and a careless attitude could win the disapproval of others. Avoid flirtation today. Avoid incurring extra debt today and focus your attention on payment schedules.


    Fortunate astrological number:  625

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Virgo





    04/16/2010 - This is an excellent time for a partnership affair, such as getting married or uniting to pursue a business venture. Traveling is well aspected, and you feel light, breezy, and happy today. A shopping venture can include a pleasant romantic encounter.


    Fortunate astrological number:  837

    Financial outlook:  strong

    Compatible sign:  Pisces





    04/16/2010 - You have vitality and enthusiasm that allow you to accomplish a lot today. Your health is good, but don't let your emotions get stirred up. An ambitious course of action can make your money situation touch and go now. It's a good day for traveling, but love is at an impasse.


    Fortunate astrological number:  283

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Taurus





    04/16/2010 - A calm atmosphere prevails today and is helpful to your work and your health. You make good progress on all you undertake. Keep your mind clear for what is important and put the things that bother you out of your mind. A vacation begun today goes well.


    Fortunate astrological number:  558

    Financial outlook:  strong

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/16/2010 - The disposition of your associates may call for special handling today. There is a certain passive aspect to the day, so it's not a good time for you to be aggressive. Traveling is discouraged, but thoughtful shopping could be quite successful.


    Fortunate astrological number:  801

    Financial outlook:  very good

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/16/2010 - Spending time with children now gives you a strong sense of achievement and reward. Local travel, such as sightseeing, as well as hobbies and sports have good support this afternoon. The evening is ultra-romantic, especially if spent under the stars.


    Fortunate astrological number:  518

    Financial outlook:  weak

    Compatible sign:  Libra





    04/16/2010 - Patience and an altruistic attitude regenerate your spirit and do you a lot of good today. News you receive later in the day can make you apprehensive. Traveling is not well aspected. Keep the evening calm, and someone may seek your romantic companionship.


    Fortunate astrological number:  342

    Financial outlook:  poor

    Compatible sign:  Scorpio















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