Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • I just realized what my horoscope said yesterday, and what happened with my sister :o


    It came true! WOW.





  • I just realized what my horoscope said yesterday, and what happened with my sister :o


    It came true! WOW.



    Hah...I was thinking the same thing yesterday!!!  ;)

  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 10 / 07 / 2010.





    Sometimes, you just have to have faith and believe.


    Love & Relationships

    It's time for you and your sweetie to move forward, even the thought of change terrifies you both.



    You're particularly adept with sweet little means of communication, so reach on out!


    Lucky number : 91





    When was the last time you walked on the wild side? Make a date with destiny today.


    Love & Relationships

    You will feel the desire to know new physical and intellectual experiences, particularly if you're entertaining relationships with a person whom you met recently.



    A propitious day for financial or real estate deals.


    Lucky number : 27





    If you let yourself be led along by others, you can't complain about where you are.


    Love & Relationships

    You can't go hunting for true love.



    You have one job on this planet, and that's to be the best you only you can be.


    Lucky number : 99





    Good intentions are nice, but you know that the road to you-know-where is paved with 'em.


    Love & Relationships

    Your sweetheart comes bearing gifts.



    Nonverbal communication is critical today.


    Lucky number : 69





    Sometimes the only thing to do is take a day off to appreciate all the great things, small and large, about your life.


    Love & Relationships

    A certain someone may be occupying your heart and mind, but make sure you're not placing this person on a pedestal.



    Communication isn't sparking between you and a certain someone so much as going up in flames when one of you says a word the other misinterprets.


    Lucky number : 97





    If you're free, you'll meet your ideal soul mate; if you're living as a couple, your mutual relations will deepen.


    Love & Relationships

    Ask your sweetheart for a different perspective on your relentless quest.



    Performing a feat of daring in the realm of romance not only feels exhilarating, it can work out pretty terrifically right about now.


    Lucky number : 48





    Enough with reality TV.


    Love & Relationships

    The responsibility of love is one you're ready for -- expect it to be given soon.



    A postponement is not the end of the world -- things will work out when they should.


    Lucky number : 1





    You're a visionary.


    Love & Relationships

    It's time to follow your heart.



    Fun is at your fingertips, and you ought to work your magic on as big a crowd as possible.


    Lucky number : 44





    Your charming smile disguises the fact that you're still seething on the inside over a recent slight.


    Love & Relationships

    Very affectionate relationships with your close friends; they'll understand you well and will give you a helping hand if necessary.



    Work your charisma for all it's worth.


    Lucky number : 92





    It's not a bad idea for you to throw away your old notions of social behavior for the day.


    Love & Relationships

    Your capacity for love is boundless.



    A combative has-been reminds you how valuable your good communication skills are.


    Lucky number : 50





    Your perspective is useful to others.


    Love & Relationships

    You don't need to hide your feelings because of what your sweetie might think.



    True understanding only happens when communication is profound.


    Lucky number : 8





    You've arrived at a more inward phase.


    Love & Relationships

    Your amorous enterprises will come to a standstill, but this will allow you to review your behavior.



    A promotion of your career is probable, but beware of overwork and stress.


    Lucky number : 75


    Have a wonderful day!!!

  • Nan - do these ever have "luck" forecasts in them?



  • "Sometimes, you just have to have faith and believe". I believe i can fly.......i believe i can touch the sky......he he he!


    See what an inspiration you are!! Ya made me think of this song and it kicked started me into good spirits! Thanks for your guidance nan!



  • Very affectionate relationships with your close friends; they'll understand you well and will give you a helping hand if necessary.



    That's you guys here at LCB ;) !





  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 13 / 07 / 2010.





    Just how long can this party go on, anyway? The stars have made you the astrological host with the most, so you'll be welcoming the revels for at least a little while longer.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll be inclined to a simple life philosophy: to love well-done work and quiet family life.



    If the outlines are too vague for you to work with, be open but firm about what you require to move forward.


    Lucky number : 81





    Want to ensure you won't max out your credit cards? Leave all of them at home today.


    Love & Relationships

    A potential romantic interest isn't what they appear.



    Be involved in your finances, and don't let someone else make a decision about your money without your consent.


    Lucky number : 51





    If things aren't going the way you want, it's time to take control and make changes.


    Love & Relationships

    You love doling out words of wisdom, and usually your friends love hearing them.



    There won't be a better time than this to carry out an important financial transaction or to solve a thorny money problem.


    Lucky number : 65





    You may be tempted to lash out or say something inappropriate just for the sake of shocking your people, but try to rein it in.


    Love & Relationships

    Fact is indeed stranger than fiction (especially when it comes to the mysteries of love), and right now it may be hard even to disentangle the two.



    It's so tempting to try to force something to work out the way you think it should, but will that really be the best solution in the end? It almost never works out as neatly as you'd have believed.


    Lucky number : 74





    Investigate the perks of membership today.


    Love & Relationships

    Things are coming together in a relationship -- not necessarily in a romantic way.



    Establish close communications with someone who can help you complete things.


    Lucky number : 24





    The sense of contact, which is inherent in your sign, will be reinforced; profit by it to present certain delicate requests or to hasten the conclusion of certain affairs.


    Love & Relationships

    Invest some energy on your heart and soul.



    In your couple, financial questions must be tackled with much tact.


    Lucky number : 40





    You will be inspired and nothing will stop you; you'll want to spend without counting and live the way you like.


    Love & Relationships

    You're a great listener now, and nothing's sexier than being found fascinating by you.



    In a work environment, you'll be given a chance to show your motivational skills.


    Lucky number : 10





    The current astrological conditions encourage growth, renewal and rebirth.


    Love & Relationships

    Been too busy and too broke to get away from it all, even though you two sorely need a little rest and relaxation? Make some practical financial moves now, and you'll be vacationing in style before you know it.



    You'll have great chances to do your work in particularly favorable conditions; if you're looking for a good associate, you'll find them at this time.


    Lucky number : 41





    Take advantage of technology to find a new, smarter way to reorganize your stuff.


    Love & Relationships

    If you decide to get off of the beaten path, you'll see new sentimental prospects opening up to you.



    Your business will be on its good way; profit by this situation to devote some of your time and energy to your intellectual and cultural life.


    Lucky number : 66





    It's a good time for you to pull back socially and take care of your own business.


    Love & Relationships

    Being open and honest clears the way for a fresh start between you two.



    If work calls, don't answer.


    Lucky number : 71





    Hey, ceremonies and rituals are important.


    Love & Relationships

    You attract what you put out -- so isn't it time you stepped up and took responsibility for what you're putting out there? You might find that you start receiving more beauty, wealth and love right now.

    Love & Relationships

    You have something important to get off your chest, but your sweetheart may not be quite ready to hear it.



    A sincere and generous attitude can really work wonders.


    Lucky number : 96





    Feeling strongly about something doesn't necessarily make it right -- especially if you're coming up against someone else's equally solid sense of values.



    Your communications with a friend have been strained, but things will improve soon.


    Lucky number : 20

  • Thank you!!!! I do need to learn to organize better!!



  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 14 / 07 / 2010.





    You will definitely have time to relax and enjoy life.


    Love & Relationships

    A friendship that's beginning or burgeoning now carries promise when it comes to your love life.



    It's so tempting to try to force something to work out the way you think it should, but will that really be the best solution in the end? It almost never works out as neatly as you'd have believed.


    Lucky number : 38





    Why wake up from that amazing daydream? You may be in a bit of a haze, but make it a pleasant one and enjoy the good energy the stars are sending.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll meet charming persons or will create useful relationships; your popularity will reach a high.



    Your business will be on its good way; profit by this situation to devote some of your time and energy to your intellectual and cultural life.


    Lucky number : 90





    All of your major problems will be resolved in a tidy fashion if you can just let yourself trust in the universe.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll conjugate the verb 'love' on all fronts, all registers; harmony and sentimental balance will be granted to you, and you'll even want to stop time, because you'll feel so happy.



    Take a trip down memory lane and look at how you get and spend your resources -- financial, emotional and spiritual.


    Lucky number : 72





    Striving to be unique all the time can be exhausting.


    Love & Relationships

    Prepare for an 'a-ha!' moment regarding your love life.



    Don't panic -- a financial setback is a minor obstacle in the grand scheme of things.


    Lucky number : 77





    A social situation may seem like so much fluff to you at the moment, but as you're looking on in bemusement, you just might catch the eye of another skeptic.


    Love & Relationships

    Your relationships with your entourage will take priority; you'll try to create a warm, relaxed climate around you.



    What's really important in life? If you said your car, job or money -- well, you're way off base.


    Lucky number : 18





    Ever thought about regularly scheduling some time for just you? That's right -- no people to meet, no multitasking -- just some good, old-fashioned loafing around.


    Love & Relationships

    Your sweetheart needs some financial advice or maybe some cash.



    Try to single out those of your acquaintances who deserve to be retained and cultivated; have no pity for nuisances! At work you must beware of the risk of chasing shadows.


    Lucky number : 53





    Be sure to maintain a healthy distance.


    Love & Relationships

    Running into an ex brings home exactly how lucky you are to be with your current sweetie.



    Say goodbye to unpleasant work issues.


    Lucky number : 96





    Listen to your dreams and follow through.


    Love & Relationships

    A big relationship issue needs some kind of resolution, but keep in mind that you still may not reach full emotional closure.



    You don't have to quit your job and turn your life over to charity, but the stars definitely emphasize thinking of ways to help your fellow human.


    Lucky number : 72





    It's time for a change.


    Love & Relationships

    Your sweetheart is taking an argumentative stance just to be perverse.



    At your work you'll be well supported by your self-assurance and superb capacities; you'll be in a position to hatch out ambitious projects, but numerous obstacles will have to be overcome.


    Lucky number : 66





    Today it will be wise to stay in objective mood.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll be strongly tempted to conquer hearts, and you'll have many successes.



    In your work, it would be better to work with a team than to act on your own.


    Lucky number : 89





    Training is ending today -- you are ready to move forward, so stretch your wings!


    Love & Relationships

    You two need to find new ways to relate.



    Be careful in commercial transactions! Don't overstep chance by snatching a contract or a signature.


    Lucky number : 68





    You feel more intensely connected to your people than usual, and they're most likely looking to you for guidance through these weird days.


    Love & Relationships

    Your sweetheart understands, but too much indecision could become annoying.



    Go to the source and work your charm.


    Lucky number : 14


    Happy day!!!

  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 15 / 07 / 2010.





    For now, keep your focus on work.


    Love & Relationships

    The projects that are dearest to your heart are well on the way to success.



    Don't let yourself be deceived by merchants of illusions who'll promise you fake jobs, panaceas for all ills, or miracle formulas; as things are at present, it's difficult not to be naive and to play the fool for the benefit of unscrupulous people.


    Lucky number : 13





    Defy conventional wisdom.


    Love & Relationships

    Trying to further your own personal romantic agenda is less important now than cultivating good overall love karma.



    Financial problems will arise, and it will not be a propitious time to embark on a shaky affair.


    Lucky number : 80





    Nothing is perfect -- so keep your outlook positive if things aren't always ideal.


    Love & Relationships

    Even if you think you know what's going on in the love department, you're definitely in a gray area now.



    Your professional life will be sufficiently stimulating; you'll work with dedication and motivation, and success seems assured.


    Lucky number : 32





    Real change takes time, although today you'll get a neat chance to speed things up.


    Love & Relationships

    If you've got a romantic prospect -- or plural romantic prospects -- you can expect the pace to pick up in an exciting way right about now.



    Beware of overwork today! This will be the principal pitfall to avoid if you want to remain in good health and in full possession of your capacities.


    Lucky number : 86





    You've got so much momentum behind you right now that the sky's the limit.


    Love & Relationships

    You and your sweetie should definitely egg each other on -- the wilder the scheme, the better! The universe just make take the hint.



    Good management of your finances.


    Lucky number : 59





    Sacrificing a bit of your personal time today will pay off big, so share yourself.


    Love & Relationships

    You feel like you should know all the answers to this relationship, but that's simply an illusion -- and one that you need to get rid of, pronto.



    Unforeseeable financial upheavals might cause you to lose much money if you don't take the advice of specialists.


    Lucky number : 64





    Get ready for change.


    Love & Relationships

    Your charming power will grow tenfold; this charm, you'll use not only in love but also to obtain financial support or help.



    Stand your ground or someone could maneuver you into taking on work that isn't yours.


    Lucky number : 97





    Attending to your responsibilities satisfies your soul.


    Love & Relationships

    Express what's in your heart, and you'll soon see changes in this relationship.



    Taking a risk when it comes to a communication matter is actually smarter than it appears.


    Lucky number : 77





    Learn from old memories rather than dwelling on them.


    Love & Relationships

    Your love life will be threatened by monotony and routine; appeal to your imagination.



    Supremely dependable, you can accomplish -- and often do -- the work of ten.


    Lucky number : 89





    If a friend is in need, let them know you're at their service.


    Love & Relationships

    If yours is a heart to be taken, then you'll have great chances to find your soul mate.



    If you're at work or busy with school or art, you'll be amazed at how much you get done today.


    Lucky number : 59





    Grab someone who can (almost) equal your sense of adventure and explore a new neighborhood, cuisine or whatever grabs your fancy -- or go it alone for added excitement.


    Love & Relationships

    Money can't buy the two most important things in life: love and a sense of humor.



    Very good financial prospects.


    Lucky number : 92





    The hard choices you're making today are going to push your life in a new direction.


    Love & Relationships

    If you deem that your present sentimental situation is not entirely satisfactory, profit by this favorable astral ambiance to improve it; in any case, remember that to love is to give much more than to receive.



    You've been going like gangbusters, but you're still frustrated that you haven't seen more immediate financial rewards.


    Lucky number : 18


    Have a wonderful day! :-*

  •                                             Horoscope of the Month...(12th July to 9th Aug. 2010)


                                            Okay...today I am going to add a monthly horoscope for each sign. Every once in a while(wink) I will try to do something different. I would also like to thank everyone who has been reading and left me many kind words...much appreciated.  Please enjoy it!


                       Rat---1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008  

    HEALTH: Skeletal or joint injury is likely to cause serious pain to those that have been involved in an accident. One should not underestimate the seriousness of such old injury at this stage and IF one feels that the present treatment is not making much progress, then one should start to seek alternative treatment. Taking painkillers over a prolonged period is not likely to cure the injury, merely easing the suffering of the pain. Remember to abstain from eating acidic food and drink until one has fully recovered from the injury.


    LUCK: Instead of adopting your usual determination to overcome opposition, first investigate the source of problems. Obviously this is going to take longer than envisaged. However you will begin a process of exploration that will reveal far more than the reasons behind the difficulties you are facing. Some involve changes in circumstances of which you were unaware. Others may make you realise you are fighting for something no longer of importance to you; it is about time to make some changes.


    MONEY: The trick to handling current financial concerns about unruly circumstances, others' problems and your own is "to do nothing". It may sound strange or bizarre, but these are part of a much more far-reaching pattern of change that extends into early next month. Not until then will you have any better idea about what you are dealing with.


    ROMANCE: Forgive and forget are likely to be the motto of the month especially for those that are having a bad moment with loved ones. One should have known by now that no human being is perfect on this planet, including oneself. Hence why kick up a major fuss over minor matters? The ability to balance the practice of giving and taking from both parties should certainly improve the relationship. Maybe it is time to have a hearty one to one talk; hopefully ironing out any misunderstanding.


                               Ox---1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

    HEALTH:It is perfectly natural and normal that one wants to know what one is getting into before reaching any agreements relating to personal or loved one's health. There is not much point or benefit in driving yourself and loved ones crazy with questions about minor details and practices that should work out anyway. Over-concern for their well-being may seem to be natural and a caring thing to do, but at times one should also try to let things rest and take its natural course.


    LUCK: Obviously you want to keep meaningful arrangements afloat. However you are in the midst of a far-reaching pattern of change. Struggle to sustain plans and you will only need to rearrange them promptly. Regard them as tentative and when working with others, encourage them to do the same and together you will explore the wide range of options appearing. Knowing that when the time is right, you will be able to pick and choose.


    MONEY: At the beginning of the period, you will finally realise that you must not take responsibilities for others' unwise decisions. Instead of worrying, discuss your concerns and seek solutions together. With the emphasis on new ideas, you are better off learning as much as you can. Add the facts that circumstances are shifting progressively, and life is about exploration, as an interim measure, tidying up loose plans into proper order would be recommended. Once the right note appears, strike without hesitation.


    ROMANCE: For ages, someone close at heart has been hinting that if one could manage to be patient, something could happen that may resolve numerous issues involving personal relationship. No doubt one is dubious about the initial thoughts and since then one has become cynical about things ever breaking what one regards as a relentless pattern. Recent events could restore faith and one will be amazed when things that appear from out of the blue work out so spectacularly well.


                              Rabbit ---1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999

    HEALTH: Sudden changes in circumstances and run-ins with family members are about eliminating confusion. You have been glossing over tensions for ages, feeling there was little likelihood of remedying such persistent issues. Similarly misunderstandings involving medical fees or who is responsible for what have become so complicated that one has to focus on putting those behind you. In these situations, one should be outspoken about the facts and make your feelings known. Be prepared for disagreement with those affected.


    LUCK: Discussions may be either irritating or require you to reveal more than you like. However within days they are bringing you far more - in terms of unexpected support and insights about others than you anticipated. This could be the spur for a new openness and flexibility in arrangements, personal or otherwise about which you have recently been rather protective. This is the perfect timing as it prepares you for coming unsettling but ultimately remarkable developments.


    MONEY: Frustrating as delays may be, each offers a valuable insight. Some concern the situations you are dealing with. Even more important these are forcing you to move at a slower pace than is your style. Obviously this is irritating but it forces you to review the actual situations in question. While this may seem pointless now, you will be prepared for the swift decisions demanded in three weeks time, which promises to transform your life.


    ROMANCE: You may already be experiencing the combination of excitement and anxiety that comes with this month's new moon. Remember this when facing this period's seemingly minor but unsettling changes. Question them but with an eye to learning where they could take you. Judging by the excitement this new cycle is triggering, this is only the beginning of a thrilling journey.


                           Dragon---1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000  


    HEALTH: To you, life is too short to waste time counting the small change, both literally and metaphorically. However with the current intense focus on personal or loved ones health situation, everything from your time and ideas to events are forcing you to do exactly that and in several different ways. You may be shocked to learn that you are depriving those you care about most, while unimportant matters are getting the lion's share of your attention.


    LUCK: Luck appears in many guises or formats and often what is ultimately most welcome is most disruptive in the short term. While you have felt restless for ages, you have had no clear direction, and as the world itself is in profound transition, but you will not be in the same situation; instead try to explore for the sheer joy of it and you will be amazed at what you discover. Either you can treat it as a miracle or something beyond your wildest dreams.


    MONEY: Those who offer financial advice based on pure logic mean well but have no understanding of the nature of the situation you are dealing with and even less of your awareness. So listen politely, and you can choose to ignore them after that. Your instincts are telling you correctly that you simply cannot make decisions until after any life changing insights and positive events. Until then, explore absolutely everything and promise nothing.


    ROMANCE: It is not that you dislike change; it is that before you get entangled in anything new, you want to know what is involved. However, recent developments that are triggered by social gathering will be so unexpected that even with a detailed explanation, you remain mystified. So try to do something completely out of character, plunge in headfirst. Challenging, as this may seem now, what you learn and discover may more than justify the courage required.


                               Snake---1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001  

    HEALTH: Strange as making pivotal decisions without consulting those involved seems, you have little choice. Instead of seeking others' agreement, you are forced to explore all sorts of unconventional options. This is not just informative; it substantially alters your perspective on the situation and sometimes loved ones involved. The resulting insights make you realise that you are on your own. Just as important, you realise even the simplest of plans must be regarded as tentative.


    LUCK: Much as you dislike even considering the idea, it is possible that somebody is not being entirely straight with you. This could apply to practical, business or financial matters or those of a more personal nature. There were hints of such things not too long ago and if you followed these up, you may already have been dealing with the issues and the individual involved. If not, it is time to investigate anything that just does not add up.


    MONEY: By now you probably begin to realise that some of the recent dilemmas you thought you would just have to live with are becoming part of the past. This is not merely a relief; it renews your faith about other equally complex situations. By the latter part of the month, positive circumstances accent your assets and financial situations, beginning a cycle during which some of these more persistent problems will gradually varnish completely.


    ROMANCE: The rather tricky developments reshaping elements of your relationship and world around have already convinced you that progress must come in stages. Unlikely as it seems, many of the irritating problems and contentious issues you are facing actually offer an opportunity to get to the bottom of situations you have long regarded as suspicious. There is no better thing than to confront the issues head on whenever possible, but remember to exercise great diplomacy.


                                      Horse---1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002  

    HEALTH: Obviously one must make personal views abundantly clear to loved ones or family members, so do not assume that one should resist the changes taking place concerning your health. Some of them may start to change your life style without consulting you. It may be true that one can be worried that others are taking over, but one is not capable of making certain vital decisions, one may just have to leave fate in the hands of those who know best under such circumstances. The situation may not be a bad as one fears.


    LUCK: You have already sensed that elements of your way of living and working are in transition. Now you learn more about these potential changes. While every sign and indeed the world around you will be significantly altered by profound shifts. There must be some forthright conversations and serious improvements; otherwise these will have to go. Although you may not have all the facts, you already sense that something far better is coming your way.


    MONEY: Do not mistake problems as a sign that promising events are going wrong. It is just that developments are moving so swiftly and are so far reaching that some chaos is inevitable. While your instincts are telling you this, others are obsessing about concerns, which actually worsens them. Tempting, as it is to defend your ideas, say nothing at this stage if you can. By the middle of the month, things will look very different and those huge anxieties should be history.


    ROMANCE: The unceremonious changes currently causing certain chaos in elements of your relationship are best dealt with by thinking back to past situations that were equally negative but which as one is viewing them in retrospect, actually constituted a positive outcome. One seems to be reliving similar experiences or perhaps considers to be trapped in the "twilight zone", but should be wiser by now not to be repeating the same mistakes, do decide which route to take and hope for the best outcome.



  •                               Goat---1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

    HEALTH: As can happen to anyone, you may accidentally discover a situation in which you have acted unwisely. Ideally you catch it before others notice, so you can make emergency repairs. However during this month, you are unlikely to be able to keep anything under wraps. Your best strategy is not just to be open, but also to seek medical professional guidance. It is never too late to confront the issue promptly and there is nothing to feel embarrassed about personal privacy.


    LUCK: When rather personal issues first arose, you tended to employ the techniques you usually use to avoid answering invasive questions. However you are now recognising that one or two individuals know more than you realise and are in a unique position to advise you. Trust does not come easy, yet if you are to benefit from their wisdom, it is vital. Bizarrely, once you reveal certain facts, you wonder why you struggled so to keep them under wraps.


    MONEY: The unceremonious changes in your work or lifestyle triggered by the recent government's economical budget tightening regimes, may be causing disarray but they are also forcing you to recognise how draining certain activities or alliances are. There must be some forthright conversations and serious improvements; otherwise these will have to go. Although you may not have all the facts until mid-month that you already sense something far better is coming your way.


    ROMANCE: What began as worrying discussions about which you care deeply, swiftly deteriorate into rather worrying setbacks. Obviously one is not happy about this. However this is only highlighting matters that need to be discussed or dealt with anyway. Doubts or feelings of powerlessness are never easy to face but once you are grappling with them, one will discover the appropriate solutions. They have always been there but due to anger, frustration or hatred, one failed to uncover the layers of obstacles.


                                          Monkey---1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004


    HEALTH: One does not have to worry excessively about being slightly overweight and influenced by the obesity obsessed media publication. It is more important to stay healthy; enjoy life rather than having to slim down to meet public expectation. What is possibly beneficial to others might not necessarily be good for you. There is no guarantee that the majority of the slimming diets will work permanently. If one is still concerned about how one looks in public, then perhaps one could start by eating more sensibly, stay away from high sugar, protein or fatty foods and get more exercise. Adopting a sensible approach will be more effective than mere speculation.


    LUCK: Urgent as things seem, responding swiftly to unsettling events will merely complicate matters. Even seemingly straightforward changes are part of a more complex pattern that may not be clear immediately. Well, until then life can seem restless. Acknowledging that, make whatever necessary adjustments you must or could, always conscious that you will be making lots more before all is said and done.


    MONEY: You are not in any mood of exploration your options. Instead you are contending with worrying developments in several situations, which are not helping much. Urgent as these seem, the ground on which they are based is shifting continuously, which means the time you invest in putting things could be wasted. Unwise as it may be to allow things to disintegrate, what has the strength and energy to survive the current unruly period will last and what does not will be replaced by something far better or efficient.


    ROMANCE: Frequent changing temperamental scenarios are affecting those in a relationship, especially those with a considerable age gap difference or from different cultural backgrounds. One needs to tread carefully and calm down before responding to arguments or confrontation. In such a relationship, situations can change under various circumstances and one should be mindful from the outset of the relationship. For younger lovers, they too are experiencing quite a heated or short-burst relationship during this period and hopefully will make-up in the end. Both parties need to control or suppress each other's unstable temperament.


                                          Rooster---1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

    HEALTH: When the body aches more than during the usual daily work or regular exercises, it is trying to warn you that the physical body is unable to cope and ageing quicker than the mindset. When certain weather conditions cause pain to certain parts of the body, it implies that the body is suffering from lack of nutrients and appropriate care. Hence it is about time to take corrective steps to rejuvenate or recuperate the tired body's needs before the whole situation becomes more acute. Never too late to prevent such condition from happening at this stage as long as one believes and decides to make amends in order to stay healthy.


    LUCK: Between the unexpected developments creating upheaval in part of your life and fending off certain individuals who think they know what is best for you, life can be exhausting. Unwelcome as this chaos is, most of what is taking place is in your best interests. While your instincts are probably telling you that, there remains a huge resistance to leaving familiar elements of your life behind. Still what is coming more than justifies it.


    MONEY: There are those who will ask your advice then totally ignore it and plunge into risky arrangement anyway. In the past you have bailed them out on various occasions. Recently you begin a cycle of intense focus and review your approach. Ultimately this will result in dramatic changes and it means that you simply cannot allow yourself to be distracted easily again by the dramas of others. Perhaps you have awakened to look after number one first.


    ROMANCE: Ignoring pressure from those you care and love about is never easy. However good his/her intentions are, he/she is having little understanding about the situations you are dealing with. So thank him/her graciously for the advice, then quietly do what you know is best, even if you are conscious that eventually there will be comments. Perhaps, by then things will have revealed how wise your decisions were. Just bear in mind not to step onto his/her toes or hurt their pride.


                                              Dog---1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

    HEALTH: You may have wanted to alter your approach to a better health but are unsure where to begin. This period, it gets you thinking what you are happy with, what not and what you like more of. You will be challenging relentless doubts and getting ready to confront obstacles, dislikes or medical facts. Difficult as it may be to ignore emotional feelings that you must face. There is no easy answer to your preference but the ultimate answer lies within you. If one decides to ignore healthy practices as recommended or suggested by the medical professionals, then do not blame others but only yourself.


    LUCK: Illogical and disruptive as the obstacles you are facing seem, each offers a valuable insight. Some have to do with practical issues, others force you to change views based more on past experiences rather than the future. You are intrigued, but cannot be convinced about everything, at least not immediately. While there will be obstacles on virtually every front, they are minor. Actually these complex events are not your biggest challenge; it is maintaining a positive attitude when it is so easy to complain.


    MONEY: Sometimes decisions others insist are pressing really are not that urgent. They are merely rushing things for their convenience. Now it is the reverse; even seemingly simple arrangements must be dealt with immediately or sudden changes in the circumstances involved could make decisions for you, meaning the opportunity simply vanishes. If in doubt, trust your instincts. In one or two situations, you have been rehearsing this moment for a while.


    ROMANCE: Looking back recently, you will recognize certain insights as having changed your life. While you are living it out, however it will seem that circumstances are unfair and certain individuals uncaring. Part of the problem is they are more aware of potentially troublesome background activities and basing their decisions on that knowledge. They may simply be keeping this to themselves or when tried explaining, you may have dismissed it as pure fiction. It may sound that way, but you are going through a period of change. Acknowledging that is the first step to understanding what is happening and hopefully leads to love and harmony.


                                            Pig---1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

    HEALTH: By now you have probably discovered that urgent as certain obligations seem, the focus is on creating a balance between life's duties and comforts. Until recently, both seemed obvious. Then events forced you to acknowledge that things must change. However that is not your biggest challenge; it is the painstaking review of priorities you do regard as rock solid. As they shift, you are discovering options that quite literally you never realised existed.


    LUCK: Either you have done too much and should try to retreat to reflect on your present position, in terms of time, money and energy or perhaps you have over committed for the coming weeks. Once you actually begin to explore your options, you will discover what you have been missing. This is also a good moment, as friends, those at work and those at home are already discussing revolutionary change. While this means relinquishing what is familiar, you will soon relish the freedom you gain.


    MONEY: The biggest challenge for you this month is recognising that even you at your canniest, you could not possibly have anticipated the events currently creating such disarray around you. Equally nobody can predict his or her outcome analysing developments. Instead, you will enjoy this thrilling and often-unruly cycle that lasts throughout this period, and is eliminating obstacles you thought you would simply have to live with for some time.


    ROMANCE: It may sound odd to be told that you should pick and choose your passions. However, certain individual and pastimes are beginning to take over from those that are more important to you. Recent dramas further heightened the fascination of those latest interests and could even damage to what, ultimately means far more. While you cannot go back, you can think carefully about what you can do next.

  • Wow Nan - this is a fantastic addition.


    Thank you so much.



  • Thanks much Blue...I do really appreciate all your support and kind words.


    If you ever get a chance, you may want to check out the Lunar Calendar...kinda interesting and there are many great stories based on it(them)...most of Asian stories are based on morals and consequences...and of course Karma!!! ;)

  • Thanks Nan.  I did have a look and it's quite interesting.  I've never really looked at a lunar calendar before.



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