Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • Very interesting stuff Nan..I love it ;)






  • Thank you sweet lady.....i love it!



  • Thank you so very much everyone for all your kind, generous words...

    When I am over with this sickness and now my monkey boy, I would love to share the funniest stories regarding my son's birth and the year he was born...

    Anyway, here is your daily ----Horoscope for 17 / 07 / 2010.





    Sometimes the only thing to do is take a day off to appreciate all the great things, small and large, about your life.


    Love & Relationships

    Your love affairs will go as well as possible; but you must care for them and, above all, do not take them for granted.



    Remember the concept of play? It's key right now, especially when it comes to communication.


    Lucky number : 45





    Too much excess can cloud your judgment.


    Love & Relationships

    Heartwise, it will be necessary to have the courage to put an end to a union that proves inconvenient or that offers no possibility of an improvement.



    Try to moderate your obstinate mind so as to prevent squabbles with your work entourage.


    Lucky number : 94





    Some people only talk about their passionate beliefs, but you actually live them.


    Love & Relationships

    Animated relationships with people whom you haven't seen for some time.



    If you think you can do a better job than someone else, you're right! Take control.


    Lucky number : 94





    Stifle your impatience and wait for the right moment.


    Love & Relationships

    Try your health, your relationships and your heartfelt contribution to the community around you.



    It's always a good idea to have a little financial cushion, especially in case of emergencies.


    Lucky number : 64





    You encounter someone who works entirely from their emotions and sensations.


    Love & Relationships

    Love's light is in your eyes -- or it very well could be.



    Shared financial concerns are on your mind.


    Lucky number : 31





    Have fun, but make sure you don't go overboard.


    Love & Relationships

    Your romantic ideals and your relationship may not match up, but that's all part of the plan.



    Don't overwork yourself, and be sure to avoid heated discussions and conflictual situations.


    Lucky number : 74





    You may be extra fickle at the moment, so don't take any dramatic steps.


    Love & Relationships

    When's the last time you literally wished upon a star? Getting specific about your romantic hopes can't hurt now -- in fact, if you keep an open mind about what form they'll take, it's a stellar idea.



    You may feel inspired to do some advance work today, but resist the temptation.


    Lucky number : 94





    Beware of excesses of all kinds; don't eat too much meat today and do some exercise.


    Love & Relationships

    Cold logic isn't the answer to every problem -- use your heart to heal some wounds.



    You're pretty sharp on your own, but when you work with others your intelligence could cut glass.


    Lucky number : 25





    Get rid of all the white noise that's distracting you from the task at hand.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll be very sensitive to prestige and social status, so much so that you may empty your bank account in order to satisfy your present penchant for it.



    It's time you enjoyed yourself, especially before you embark on the next round of work projects and social activities.


    Lucky number : 89





    Victory is right around the corner.


    Love & Relationships

    There are unseen but very significant changes coming in your relationship, especially regarding how you two operate together.



    In the future, try to finish up work before you have any panic-inducing deadlines.


    Lucky number : 31





    If you feel high-spirited today, share your happiness with everyone around you.


    Love & Relationships

    How many old relationships are you acting out through your current one? It's time to take a close look at the past and how it interacts with your present.



    It's an opportune moment to look at your finances.


    Lucky number : 19





    Call upon your strong sense of self as people around you try to affect your choices.


    Love & Relationships

    You're satisfied with your life, but your loved ones seem to be in a constant state of grumpiness.



    Work with what you know.


    Lucky number : 28


  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 07/18/ 2010.




    Romance and friendship bring both challenges and opportunities today. You may get a long-held wish, but discover that you do have to make a great many adjustments in order to make things work. Remember to be patient and understanding - especially with yourself.




    You have some good money news coming your way, and will be looking at ways to leverage a social advantage into personal or financial gain. You will have wild and exciting ideas that you can use to advantage in your career later in the week.




    You are very much looking forward to getting away for some fun in the sun soon. You may find that there are some short-term delays, but once you get your family into gear, you'll end up having a wonderful time. You may be buying a gift for a child.




    Use your intuition to decide what to do about your work, career and investment situation. A budget or long-term plan could prove to save you a large amount of money over the long term, and would help you achieve better peace of mind. Try thinking out of the box and see what creative ideas you come up with.




    Relationships will be exciting, interesting and unusual in some way today. If you are still single, you may meet someone strange or unusual, from outside your normal social circle. If you are already married, you may decide to try out something new tonight.




    You may be offered a trip, but now is not the time to go. Today, you will have tremendous potential to greatly improve your work life, health and well-being if you stay at home, stay on the job, or stay focused on the core values and investments that most matter to you.




    You will be answering and making a lot of phone calls today. You will be in great demand by loved ones who are seeking your attention. You may find that a new romance has a downside - it is apparent that some of you are out spending too much money on the dating game.




    You can mend a rift in your family with a simple gift today. Find some music they love, buy them some art supplies. You might be swallowing your pride but it can be well worth the risk to reach out. Someone could be planning to do the same for you.




    You have a lot of energy today and will be in great demand as a traveling companion, even if the trip is only to a local amusement park or movie theatre. There is a lot of love and laughter in the air - everyone is acting like a crowd of big, happy kids.




    You have an opportunity to make some extra money today, or to save some money. Follow your intuition, it will lead you on a treasure hunt of one form or another that could yield profitable results. Use your creativity if you are brainstorming today.




    You may be the center of attention right now, just not always in the way you'd like. With friends and coworkers, you are the life of the party, but your significant other may be making demands or requests that you feel that you can't meet today.




    Your intuition is amazing right now, particularly where it comes to debts, investments and shared income. You have a particularly good idea that will turn your creative, musical, or artistic interests into a project that could generate income.

  • You have a lot of energy today and will be in great demand as a traveling companion Oh its tough to be in demand for a traveling companion.....NOT!!!


    Thanks nan as always



  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 23 / 07 / 2010.




    Learn to take quiet periods and rest regularly.


    Love & Relationships

    If you've got a romantic prospect -- or plural romantic prospects -- you can expect the pace to pick up in an exciting way right about now.



    Taking criticism is hard, but there are ways to deal with it so it actually benefits you and the work you're presenting.


    Lucky number : 12




    You won't be spared some annoyances at your home or at your work; don't get angry, because such annoyances are normally a part of life.


    Love & Relationships

    Speak kindly and from the heart.



    Work pressures are mounting, but don't let your personal life fall totally by the wayside.


    Lucky number : 63




    Not everyone is able to take things to a deeper level -- know when to stop trying.


    Love & Relationships

    Reread that flirtatious email before you click send -- what you think is hilarious could leave a certain someone confused and nonplussed right now.



    Family constraints will seem to you heavier than ever, but you'll have enough courage to work through them; bravo! Do yourself pleasure by increasing your hobbies and all activities capable of interesting you passionately.


    Lucky number : 11




    Your ideas may differ radically from those of your friends, family and coworkers, but that doesn't mean they're wrong.


    Love & Relationships

    Curling up and doing nothing is actually very conducive to productivity and progress in this relationship.



    Your schedule is freeing up a bit, but use this free time to relax, not work ahead.


    Lucky number : 15




    Don't take any risks at this time, for a backlash is almost inevitable.


    Love & Relationships

    With your usual high level of romantic intelligence boosted by the stars, you're pretty much a genius now when it comes to matters of the heart.



    You finally get a foot in the door when it comes to that big financial deal you've been trying to finagle.


    Lucky number : 85




    Your own plan for tonight is very likely the best one for you, despite someone else's attempts to cajole you into doing something different.


    Love & Relationships

    Some concerns may affect your humor and you may have tense relationships with your entourage; try to have a detached view of your current problem and then you'll feel better at ease.



    Family and work don't have to be opposites, but they need to balance each other out.


    Lucky number : 36




    Not everyone likes your decision, but you know that it's the right one.


    Love & Relationships

    Sometimes the bigger things (love, for example) tend to go best when allowed to evolve.



    The more work you put into something, the better it will turn out.


    Lucky number : 91




    If you don't suit up, you'll never get a chance to play.


    Love & Relationships

    The stars will obscure your judgment on sentimental matters: You may totally lack clear-mindedness concerning the persons whom you love.



    You'll hatch out a good plan with a view to obtaining a promotion in your work or some additional earnings.


    Lucky number : 34




    So just try to do your best.


    Love & Relationships

    Is it realistic to expect your lover to meet every single one of your needs? No -- and it's unfair, both to your partner and to yourself.



    Usually you're the very definition of understanding, but someone else's mistake could mean extra work and longer hours for you.


    Lucky number : 42




    A companion's off-hand comment may actually hold a deeper message for you.


    Love & Relationships

    You may not make any huge strides in your love life at the moment, but something that starts small could eventually really go places.



    Pay attention to the details, and lay the groundwork as thoroughly as only you can.


    Lucky number : 93




    You're able to intuit almost exactly what other people need and want.


    Love & Relationships

    If you're single, flirtation can offer you pleasurable moments but not prospects of a marriage.



    Don't embark on hazy financial operations.


    Lucky number : 17




    Point things where you want them to go now.


    Love & Relationships

    A romantic matter requires a decision, especially if the situation has been in a gray area for the last few weeks.



    It's something you simply must work for.


    Lucky number : 19


    Have a great day!

  • "Usually you're the very definition of understanding, but someone else's mistake could mean extra work and longer hours for you."


    Uh-Oh...I sure hope not :(




    Thanks Nan.





  • (((((((Nan))))))) i missed you like crazy!!! So happy you are back to guide us through our day!!



  • Awww, Lips...


    I have missed you very much too...no matter where I am when I am not around, my mind stays with my family at LCB...:) Thanks so kind for all your support and friendship. :-*

  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 24 / 07 / 2010.




    If you're so afraid of being wrong, you'll never be able to figure out what's actually right.


    Love & Relationships

    Relationships are the key to life -- all relationships, from the most casual to the most important.



    Meanwhile, let the stars work on the rest.


    Lucky number : 69




    Pay attention to what your body tells you when you're not sure what to do next.


    Love & Relationships

    Wouldn't you rather be loved for your own self rather than for some idea of what you think a lovable person is? The truth is, your genuine personality is far more lovable than any facade you might put up in its place.



    You're particularly adept with sweet little means of communication, so reach on out!


    Lucky number : 21




    While you're emotional, they're aloof -- it's just a coping mechanism.


    Love & Relationships

    Love is a powerful force in all your relationships -- not just in terms of romance.



    You've got stellar abilities, but that's no reason to slack off on the job.


    Lucky number : 82




    The stars promise you sure support, which will help you fulfill your desires.


    Love & Relationships

    You two are committed to this relationship, but you also understand the importance of doing your own thing and enjoying your own schedules.



    Your sense of business will be acute, capable of helping you carry out juicy transactions.


    Lucky number : 94




    Sometimes you have to make a split decision as to what you're going to be.


    Love & Relationships

    Sharing secrets is a great way to build (and test) trust in a growing relationship.



    Unforeseeable financial upheavals might cause you to lose much money if you don't take the advice of specialists.


    Lucky number : 98




    How can you know which choice is the right one? You don't have nearly enough information to make a decision, right? Nonsense! You have all the info you need.


    Love & Relationships

    Playfulness is a very important part of a healthy relationship.



    Your financial luck is about to take a major turn for the better.


    Lucky number : 90




    Don't be jealous of the luxuries others may enjoy.


    Love & Relationships

    Business prospects land in your lap and new romantic prospects fly into your arms.



    Good luck will smile to you, so if you want to make financial investments, don't hesitate -- you'll make the most of them.


    Lucky number : 91




    Acknowledge your feelings rather than try to disown them.


    Love & Relationships

    Someone important -- maybe your boss, maybe your sweetie -- is going to pitch a fit over something that is totally out of your control.



    Why burn any bridges? The old 'let's be friends' line might actually work for you at the moment, if you mean it sincerely.


    Lucky number : 79




    You're a more impetuous type, so it's hard to get used to the deliberate, measured pace the stars are currently imposing on your plans.


    Love & Relationships

    Dying for an adventure? First take care of some relationship business on the home front before you embark on that jungle safari or rock climbing expedition.



    You would be wise to keep your sense of just proportions if you want to see your business succeed.


    Lucky number : 53




    Expect some unusual money coming in.


    Love & Relationships

    You'll try your best to maintain a climate of harmony and complicity with those whom you love.



    To keep work problems from overflowing into your real life, make your home a refuge.


    Lucky number : 70




    Watch out for confrontations and, if you're pushed, don't push back.


    Love & Relationships

    Your poetic way with words is intoxicating to your sweetheart.



    Beware of overwork today! This will be the principal pitfall to avoid if you want to remain in good health and in full possession of your capacities.


    Lucky number : 83




    Fuel your ambitions with hard work.


    Love & Relationships

    Small trips will favor happy encounters; love at first sight is possible and even probable at this time.



    Work will be a drag if you have to go in today -- though playing hooky will come with its own problems.


    Lucky number : 47


    Have a fantastic day!!!

  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 26 / 07 / 2010.




    It's useless to hope to win a fortune by spending your savings unwisely; continue patiently to earn your bread by the sweat of your brow.


    Love & Relationships

    Someone in your family probably just doesn't get what's going on with your love life -- and maybe it's not really their business.



    Your lack of flexibility in your work may bring about some difficulties; in any case, don't dramatize any event whatsoever.


    Lucky number : 92




    Get ready to make some changes.


    Love & Relationships

    The true test of a couple is seeing how they argue -- and when the two of you have to tussle, you both fight fair.



    Whether you're at work or walking in the park, you're due to meet someone who turns your mind around -- once again.


    Lucky number : 49




    Under the prevailing difficult economic circumstances, show utmost vigilance so as not to fall into the traps of swindlers and rip-off merchants of all kinds.


    Love & Relationships

    Your loved ones feel like you're putting them to the test -- and handing out scores before all the answers are in.



    Good prospects if you do an intellectual job; manual workers will benefit from less positive influxes.


    Lucky number : 68




    Even if nothing materializes right away, your good intentions will start lining up all the elements you need.


    Love & Relationships

    Intentions come to fruition even before you realize it, especially when it comes to intimate relationship.



    Misunderstanding with the children, increased worries concerning aged parents, and financial entanglements can hardly be avoided.


    Lucky number : 23




    When you're ready to take the leap, the ground will be there to support you.


    Love & Relationships

    It could be a trip, a relationship, a job or practically anything else, as long as you don't feel stagnant.



    If you have to work late, at least take a break to answer a certain email, call a certain someone or take a look at the online personals.


    Lucky number : 55




    A certain someone wants you to get a little closer, but you're not sure if you're ready for all the demands an increased sense of intimacy will place upon you.


    Love & Relationships

    Sentimentally, you could sail in stormy waters; an unexpected event might arise suddenly to signify the end of a love story or perhaps even a hope.



    How on earth are you going to deliver on all those promises you've made? An immediate solution may not be apparent, but don't panic -- just let your subconscious work on it.


    Lucky number : 13




    Friendship will be greatly favored today.


    Love & Relationships

    A very good day to get betrothed, to marry, to declare one's love or to renew it if you haven't thought about it for a long time.



    Your mind will tend to be a little tortuous, and this may give rise to complications in your work as well as in your private life.


    Lucky number : 60




    Career success can come at a high cost if you don't check in with other, equally important areas of your life.


    Love & Relationships

    It's about time you recognized the direct relationship between clear and effective communication and tangibly improved results, both on the job and in your personal life.



    The stars light up your work and financial sectors, which means you can expect some good fiscal news very soon.


    Lucky number : 56




    Have old friends over for dinner.


    Love & Relationships

    Everyone loves a makeover -- and there's nothing you love more than being the mastermind behind one.



    Today you'll enjoy learning a trick or two that will give you a financial edge.


    Lucky number : 77




    Dream big!


    Love & Relationships

    Your relationships with others will tend to be more tense and aggressive.



    It's up to you to establish communications today.


    Lucky number : 49




    Once you learn to relax and let the universe drive, you might end up at a surprisingly pleasant destination.


    Love & Relationships

    You have something important to get off your chest, but your sweetheart may not be quite ready to hear it.



    Work toward the most benevolent outcome.


    Lucky number : 61




    Discover a new sense of self by building up your confidence.


    Love & Relationships

    Speak from your heart.



    Some of your domestic bliss might be challenged today, but all will work out fine.


    Lucky number : 46

  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 27 / 07 / 2010.




    Your independence is one of the qualities that first attracted your mate, but remember that people need to be needed.


    Love & Relationships

    Your sentimental life could be subjected to a sudden and brutal change for the worse, but more probably for the better.



    Get ready to find new insights toward a particularly confusing work situation now.


    Lucky number : 74




    You won't have to worry about anyone telling you any stories, but you might not be able to get your people to believe you, either.


    Love & Relationships

    Not to worry: The universe (and your lover) is taking note.



    Your work will be well influenced; but show patience, and don't try to get ahead of schedule.


    Lucky number : 52




    You won't have the last word to say at home.


    Love & Relationships

    You're more of a thinker and a feeler than an actor when it comes to the love department now, and that's probably a good thing.



    If you work closely with others, show much patience, otherwise there'll be clashes and your words may exceed your thoughts.


    Lucky number : 92




    Pace yourself, though.


    Love & Relationships

    You understand what you're saying, but does your sweetheart? Get their feedback just to make sure that you're both on the same page.



    Problems with your colleagues at work seem inevitable, but you can choose to react with coolness and firmness.


    Lucky number : 95




    Go ahead and take a leap of faith.


    Love & Relationships

    If you feel like someone's giving you the romantic run-around, it's definitely time to cut to the chase.



    If you do some do-it-yourself work or precision work, expect some annoyances; make use of patience.


    Lucky number : 68




    You're roaring like a lion and floating like a butterfly now -- a social butterfly, that is.


    Love & Relationships

    Listen to your soul's voice, and you have a good chance to take a quantum leap when it comes to a certain matter dear to your heart.



    Meanwhile, let the stars work on the rest.


    Lucky number : 26




    Friends are not all in sync with you today -- spend more time with those who are.


    Love & Relationships

    Stubbornness is your sweetheart's prevailing characteristic right now.



    What's really important in life? If you said your car, job or money -- well, you're way off base.


    Lucky number : 63




    Someone special sees your full potential.


    Love & Relationships

    Your social scene is in full swing, and there's nothing you love more than making the rounds and putting in an appearance at all the latest hot spots.



    Your present sense of opportunity will allow you enjoy certain luck in financial matters; unexpected gains seem quite possible, but on condition that you do not kill the hen that lays the golden egg.


    Lucky number : 33




    An unexpected comment could leave you on the defensive, but try to keep perspective.


    Love & Relationships

    Emotional instability in the form of a disbanding, new relationships, unexpected encounters or temptations may prevail because of this astral environment.



    If you take the first steps instead of waiting for people to come to you, then you'll have beautiful satisfactions, at your work as well as in your home.


    Lucky number : 49




    In your search for the cause, ignore the symptoms of problems and get to the root.


    Love & Relationships

    Someone in your sweetheart's inner circle just irritates you beyond belief.



    Beware of extravagant expenses! Also, refrain from engaging in hazardous financial deals.


    Lucky number : 67




    Your feelings don't necessarily correlate or support your actions right now.


    Love & Relationships

    Your way with words is powerful, but your sweetheart may feel as if you're preaching to the choir.



    A financial windfall lands in your lap due to a close relative or a surprising family situation.


    Lucky number : 14




    Your feelings don't necessarily correlate or support your actions right now.


    Love & Relationships

    Your way with words is powerful, but your sweetheart may feel as if you're preaching to the choir.



    A financial windfall lands in your lap due to a close relative or a surprising family situation.


    Lucky number : 14


  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 28 / 07 / 2010.




    You will be on the telephone a lot today, answering a lot of emails, and getting a lot of paperwork done. You have information that other people want to know. You may be able to parlay that information into better social or career conditions if you are willing to take on extra responsibility. It's time to get out some duct tape, plant it firmly across your mouth and write on it "Do not open until Day is over". Normally you are reluctant to speak your mind, but today you could feel compelled to speak out on all the wrong topics. Humor is not only a tonic it can be absolutely vital to your well-being.




    You are frustrated with ongoing troubles in the financial houses, and while you may not be able to get out of those conditions entirely, you do have opportunities that you may not be following up on. A home-based or family-oriented business is one possibility that keeps coming up.




    You are the center of a struggle between home and office today. Both sides are pulling at you at the same time, both are demanding to be first. How to decide? Decide what you really want to handle first. Don't become the subject a human tug of war.




    You may find that it is suddenly difficult to get your ideas cross to others, because there are too many of them rattling around in your head. Don't let yourself be pushed into a corner by someone in your family who is insisting that you act right now.




    Friends and companions could introduce you to new artwork interests, hobbies, or music today. You will have some fun and laughter and may even make some new friends. Allow yourself the freedom to have some fun, even if you can only afford to sneak in a few moments under your headphones.




    You may be invited to a dinner party or gathering that puts you into a better social circle, but you may be nervous about meeting some important person. Don't worry so much - just be yourself. You'll make a better impression if you are not so self-conscious.




    If you are feeling uptight or uncertain of yourself today, get out to a local book store and get yourself some low-brow reading material. A hot and steamy gothic romance novel or anything you call a "guilty pleasure" should be about right.




    Leave the plastic at home if you want to avoid making impulsive purchases that you cannot afford. You may find yourself drawn to big-ticket items for the home, electronic items that break down easily or that fail to live up to the promises made in their advertising.




    Oops, you did it again. You annoyed someone close to your significant other - or you managed to annoy one of your own parents. There is likely to be an argument that starts with "Why can't you ever ... fill in the blank with desire of grumpy parental unit."




    Your workplace seems a little unsettled right now, probably because a workplace friend or a friendly coworker is going through a personal challenge, or because you are feeling uncertain about their loyalties. You don't know the full picture yet, so withhold judgement.




    Children, education and entertainment conspire to make a significant hole in your pocketbook. You really seem to be burning through the cash. Avoid credit cards today. The arrival of unexpected guests could complicate the picture even further.




    There is still a lot of good news floating around, but later in the afternoon you may hear a sour note coming out of a family member. Someone has been a little less than honest with themselves about a drug or alcohol problem, and it may be up to you to get them some help.

  • In Chinese culture, certain numbers are believed by some to be auspicious or inauspicious based on the Chinese word that the number name sounds similar to.

    Because of the supposed auspiciousness of certain numbers, some people will often choose, attempt to obtain, or pay large sums for numbers that are considered to be lucky for their phone numbers, street addresses, residence floor (in a multi-story building), driver's license number, vehicle license plate number, bank account number, etc..........

    Lucky numbers are based on Chinese words that sound similar to other Chinese words. The numbers 6, 8, and 9 are believed to have auspicious meanings because their names sound similar to words that have positive meanings.


    Hey guys!!! Today, I would to tell you the numbers in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures...

    Each culture does have own language but also uses Chinese characters.

    Thought it would be fun to share how different that is...

    I remember when I was a kid and if I didn't like someone, I wrote that person's name in red ink-supposedly cursing that someone a bad luck...writing down number 4 in any area was a taboo not to mention that given that number meant I was forever screwed...and here is why! ;D 


    Lucky numbers



    The number 2(二) is a good number in Chinese culture. There is a Chinese saying "good things come in pairs". It is common to use double symbols in product brand names, e.g. double happiness, double coin, double elephants etc.



    The number 3 (三)sounds similar to the character for "birth" (生), and is thus considered a lucky number.



    The number 5 (五) is associated with the five elements-next time I will tell you all about what it is...:) (water, wood, fire, earth and metal) in Chinese philosophy.



    The number 6 (六) represents happiness.  :o



    The number 7 (七) symbolizes "togetherness". It is a lucky number for relationships. It is also recognized as the luckiest number in the West, and is one of the rare numbers that is great in both Chinese and many Western cultures. It is a lucky number in Chinese culture, because it sounds alike to the Chinese character 起, meaning arise.




    The word for "eight" (八) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth".

    There is also a visual resemblance between two digits, "88", and 囍,('double joy'), a popular decorative design composed of two stylized characters 喜, meaning 'joy' or 'happiness').


    The number 8 is viewed as such an auspicious number that even being assigned a number with several eights is considered very lucky.


        * A telephone number with all digits being eights was sold for USD$270,723 in Chengdu, China.

        * The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing began on 8/8/08 at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm (local time).

        * A man in Hangzhou offered to sell his license plate reading A88888 for RMB 1.12 million (roughly USD164,000).

        * The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia has 88 Floors.

        * Dragon Fish Industry in Singapore, a breeder of rare Asian Arowanas (which are "lucky fish" themselves, and, being a rare species, are required to be microchipped), makes sure to use numbers with plenty of eights in their microchip tag numbers, and appears to reserve particular numbers especially rich in eights and sixes (e.g. 702088880006688) for particularly valuable specimens.

        * The value of eight could also be linked with Buddhism and the meaning of Lotus flower (eight petals).

        * As part of grand opening promotions, a Commerce Bank branch in New York's Chinatown raffled off safety deposit box No. 888.

      * An "auspicious" numbering system was adopted by the developers of 39 Conduit Road Hong Kong, where the top floor was "88" – Chinese for double fortune. It is already common in Hong Kong for ~4th floors not to exist; there is no requirement by the Buildings Department for numbering other than that it being "made in a logical order."A total of 43 intermediate floor numbers are omitted from 39 Conduit Road: those missing include 14, 24, 34, 64, all floors between 40 and 59; the floor number which follows 68 is 88.



    The number 9 (九), being the greatest of single-digit numbers, was historically associated with the Emperor of China; the Emperor's robes often had nine dragons, and Chinese mythology held that the dragon has nine children.

    Moreover, the number 9 is a homophone of the word for "longlasting", and as such is often used in weddings.


    Unlucky numbers



    Number 4 (四) is considered an unlucky number in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cultures because it is nearly homophonous to the word "death" (死). Due to that, many numbered product lines skip the "4": e.g. Nokia cell phones (there is no series beginning with a 4), Palm[citation needed] PDAs, Canon PowerShot G's series (after G3 goes G5), etc.

    In East Asia, some buildings do not have a 4th floor. (Compare with the Western practice of some buildings not having a 13th floor because 13 is considered unlucky.) In these cultures, some high-rise residential buildings literally miss all floor numbers with "4", e.g. 4, 14, 24, 34 and all 40–49 floors. As a result, a building whose highest floor is number 50 may actually have only 36 physical floors.


    Number 14 is considered to be one of the unluckiest numbers. Although 14 is usually said in Mandarin as 十四 which sounds like 十死-death- "ten die", it can also be said as 一四, literally "one four". Thus, 14 can also be said as "yāo sì," literally "one four," but it also sounds like "want to die" (要死). In Cantonese, 14, meaning "certainly die" (實死).



    Seven is considered spiritist or ghostly. The seventh month of the Chinese calendar is also called the "Ghost Month". During this month, the gates of hell are said to be open so ghosts and spirits are permitted to visit the living realm. However, the Chinese lunar calendar also has July 7 as Chinese Valentine's Day-July 7th is my birthday in lunar calendar!!! :D-, so the number 7 is not generally associated with bad luck. In most of the regions in China number 7 remains neutral or associated with luck.


    Hope it was not too boring to read...if it was...That's too bad...ha ha ha!!!

    No, seriously...there are so many differences in many other cultures and mostly amazing to learn...like I have always been so fascinated by culture of England...;)


  • That's an eye opener Nan.  I usually pick 7 as my lucky number.  Thank goodness I never pick 4.


    I had no idea about the cell phones not using 4 either. 


    It was not boiring at all.  Thanks so much.



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