Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • Can you predict what numbers are going to be called iin a bingo game?

    Bingo has always been considered a game of luck - you need a lot of luck to score a truly big prize. But is this really true? Is there anything we can do to beat the odds?

    Yes! According to Renato Gianella, mathematician from Brazil, it is possible to predict the most common winning numbers using complex mathematical operations.

    His study, The Geometry of Chance: Lotto Numbers Follow a Predicted Pattern, is based on more than 20 lotteries from all over the world, probability theories and the law of large numbers. The conclusions he came to say that as more lottery or bingo draws are performed or repeated, the expected result will equal the average of all results, indicating that a pattern for these combinations exists. The right choice of combinations can greatly increase your chances of picking the winning combination in your next lottery ticket.

    Gianella made an app to help you establish patterns and predict results easily, without the need to know complex math. 

    Eurojackpot, the largest european international lottery, made an analysis of the results of the last 8 years. here's what they discovered:

    The most frequently called numbers are: 49, 19, 7, 35, 18, 8 and 5, but have in mind that 8 and 5 are much more frequent than the rest. 

    On the other hand, these are the numbers that are rarely called: 48, 50, 27, 2, 37, 10 and 9, with number 9 the rarest of all. 

  • New Year 2022 is swiftly approaching. We are eager to leave problems in the past and move on to bigger and better things. Don’t we all wish the same: good fortune and life-changing wins! 

    Not all zodiac signs will be equally fortunate, but the stars seem very optimistic when it comes 4 luckiest signs in 2022:



    Hard-working, ambitious and analytic, the following year brings Virgo double the luck they have had in 2021. 

    Your career will flourish – look forward you a surge of excellent new ideas, many opportunities to advance and your cherished business plans finally coming to fruition. 

    Romance is on the horizon for you - there are high chances to meet a compatible person and make them your loving life-long partner. 

    Be mindful of your lucky days 6 – 12 and lucky numbers 41- 43.



    The only thing tough awaiting you in 2022 is choosing between so many opportunities. Whatever you touch will turn to gold and the signs of fortune will be noticeable from the very beginning. 

    Make good use of all of these chances, even take up a new hobby and you might even see it turning into life-long career. 

    The stars predict a former partner reappearing in your life – it’s on you whether or not to accept their advances and reignite old passions. 

    Your lucky days are 6 and 12, and lucky numbers 41 – 43. 



    2022 is one of the most opportune years you have ever had. This is the period when you will be wise, gentle, understanding and filled with creative energy. All areas of life will flourish thanks to these qualities that will guide you unmistakably on a path to success: your health, career and love life will undergo high-impact changes. 

    Do not resist or be frightened by these changes, instead welcome them and enjoy!

    Your lucky days will be 8 and 26, and your lucky numbers 48 – 53.



    New friendships and precious experiences will mark the following year. 

    You will be particularly adept at your job advancing significant new projects, so there’s a high chance for a promotion. 

    Single or in a relationship, Scorpio is about to enjoy a fairytale romance.

    Your lucky days will be 5 and 17, and your lucky numbers 29 – 38.

  • The Magic of Numbers

    Numbers and their relations have been fascinating the humankind for thousands of years. We tend to see something mysterious, even mystical in numbers and often see links between our lucky and unlucky moments and certain numbers. True or not, there are many ways to calculate your very own lucky number. Let’s see what some of these ways are!

    Date of Birth

    This is the easiest way to find out what your lucky number is. The only thing you need is your birthday. For example, if you were born on November 7, then your lucky number is 7. But, if your date of birth contains two numbers, add them. Let’s take May 21: 2+1 is 3. 

    1. Number 1 is connected to successful beginnings. Having this number as your lucky one means that you effortlessly reach your goals and make your ambitious plans come true without too much trouble. 
    2. Deuce means you are always in the right place and the right time.
    3. Lucky number 3 denotes incredible problem-solving skills.
    4. Number four acts as talisman against financial misfortunes.
    5. The mark of energetic and vigorous personalities that rarely become complacent. 
    6. If this is your lucky number, you are by far the luckiest, most fortunate gambler. 
    7. Seven means that you are always three steps ahead of anyone and anything. 
    8. Eight is the best and luckiest number for women – it brings good fortune in romantic and familial relationships. 
    9. Nine is the sign of those who hunger for new knowledge, of scholars and persons with great and varied learning and skills.

    There is also another, slightly more difficult way to calculate your lucky number according to date of birth. To do this, you have to use all the numbers in your date of birth. Let’s say you were born on November 7, 1983. That’s 11/7/1983. Add these numbers and you’ll get 30. Now add 3 and 0 and the final result is 3.

    The Magic of Name

    Numerology also suggests finding your lucky number according to your name. To do this, you have to know which letters correspond to numbers from 1 to 9. 

    • a, d, t, u - 1 
    • b, k, y, i - 2 
    • v, l, f - 3 
    • g, m, x - 4 
    • d, n, c - 5 
    • e, e, oh, h - 6 
    • w, n, w, u - 7 
    • s, p, b - 8 
    •  i, s, e - 9 

    Adding numbers until getting one-digit numbers is necessary here as well, but with one exception: aim for numbers between 1 and 7. If your final result is 8, equate it with 4. If your final result is 9, equate this with 3.

    What do these numbers mean?

    1. Your personality is marked by leadership qualities. 
    2. You are undecisive and require support from your loved ones to carry out any major decision. However, once you embrace your talent for psychology and communicating with others, you may see yourself maturing into an ambitious, driven and independent individual. 
    3. Lasting love towards life and the ability to enjoy existence in each and every moment and any situation. 
    4. Love of material possessions, of numbers and impartial analysis. Aloof and difficult to get to know. 
    5. You live in the moment and go through life guided by impulse and need for new experiences. This can be both good and bad, but one thing is certain – there’s no lack of excitement in your life.
    6. The comfort of home and familiar environment is more important to you than anything else. 
    7. There’s a philosopher in you – you enjoy solitude and the little world that you created for yourself. Although, when and if you want to, social status and great finances are easily achievable. 

    In the East, numbers have slightly different meanings:

    • 1 - victory; good fortune
    • 2 - effortlessness
    • 3 - profit
    • 4 - death
    • 5 – hard work
    • 6 – luxury
    • 7 – wisdom; refinement
    • 8 - success
    • 9 -luck; long life. 
  • Did you know that each of us has "a love number" that provides insight into the subtleties of interpersonal relationships and emotional issues?

    Thanks to astronumerology, we can calculate love numbers easily using only our first and last name, and a table with numerical values of letters:  

    1 = A, I, J, Q, Y.
    2 = B, K, R.
    3 = C, G, L, S.
    4 = D, M, T.
    5 = E, H, N, X.
    6 = U, V, W.
    7 = O, Z.
    8 = F, P.

    Let's say your name is John Smith. Using the above table, we will determine a number for each of the letters comprising the name and then add the numbers until we come up with a single digit value:

    JOHN: 1+7+5+5 = 18 = 1+8 = 9
    SMITH: 3+4+1+4+5 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
    Love Number: 8+9 = 17 = 1+7 = 8


    Number Meanings

    Number 1
    Persons with number 1 as their love number base their intimate relationships on intellectual compatibility first and foremost. These individuals have very strong personalities and respond negatively on any controlling aspects of their partners personalities. Relationships with them are dynamic, interesting and stable. 
    Number 2
    This is the love number of persons who are very picky: they seek intelligent and practical partners who can provide loving, stable and comfortable relationships without much drama. 
    Number 3
    Intuition is very strong with 3s and they should definitely mind its subtle signals when choosing partners. Their tendency to respect and completely trust their loved ones often gets exploited and taken advantage of.
    Number 4
    If you're under the influence of number 4,  you are definitely fond of traditional marriages and relationships. You don't like to waste time and dating is always with the purpose of finding a lifelong partner and forever love. Peace, comfort and stability is most important and benefitial to you temperament and wellbeing. 
    Number 5
    Love for life is your motto or more precisely - the grass is greener where you water it. You can forgive and work on any issue except dishonesty and cheating. To you, real love goes beyond infatuation and honeymoon period and is based on respect, honesty and communication. 
    Number 6
    You can be very moody and these emotional storms often take a toll on your partners. You fall in love easily and this may trap you in unfullfiling longterms relationships that you have trouble escaping from. 
    Luckily, persons with this love number usually mellow out in their mid-thirties, when there's a real chance to begin and maintain a healthy relationship.
    Number 7
    This is certainly the most romantic love number with lots of relationships  throughout life. You enjoy meeting new people, adventures and flirting. Given that you are very active and your life is constantly changing, you would do best not to commit to early before you can develop the strenght of character and definite tastes. 
    Number 8
    This number symbolizes travel, adventure and change. You are a restless spirit and often have multiple marriages behind. 
    Committed to careers and personal growth, you often marry for good late in life with significantly older partners. 
    Number 9
    When young, you seek mature partners, and when you yourself get older, you find younger partners more desirable, which can often lead to massive emotional disappointments. 

    Channel your feelings the right way and you will take huge strides in overcoming false beliefs and realizing your longterm goals in love and life.

  • Numerology Forecast for 2022

    Do you wish to know what the future holds in the coming year? Let’s turn to numerology for answers and see what the mystical world of numbers predicts in 2022!

    First, we need to calculate our personal biorhythm number. To do this, take your date of birth and add all the figures until you come up with a single digit number. Let’s say you were born on 12.05.1982: 


    To complete the calculations for 2022, add 5 to number 8:

    8+5=13; 1+3=4. 

    In this case, the biorhythm number is 4.


    Expect mostly mixed results in the coming year. Things will be pretty rough in the first quarter, especially in your private life. Keep working hard and the results of your labor will become apparent by the middle of the year. 

    For single people with this number, this is not the time to start new relationships or consider marriage – it’s much better to focus on your career, new business opportunities and self-improvement. Avoid conflicts of any kind and be patient with yourself, you will need a lot of energy to pull through the challenges that await. It will be difficult, but consider this upcoming period a unique chance to grow and develop both professionally and personally.


    2022 brings ample time to recreate many aspects of your life from scratch. The past mistakes that you have been wanting to correct will no longer haunt you, as there is a very good chance that you will find wise ways to make things right, learn from your mistakes and let go of the past to welcome a better future. 

    You’ll be much more productive at work then the homelife, but whatever project you take on will likely not fail as long as you can keep your head straight and remain firmly grounded in reality with a clear goal in mind. 

    When it comes to love and romance, 2022 will certainly not be boring. Being single or in a committed relationship will not make much difference when it comes to potential lovers that will come into your life looking for attention, romance and quality time. It is up to you to proceed as you think is best. 


    You’ll find it hard to determine priorities in life and get a handle of all the different things that will be happening in the first quarter of the year, especially at work. You would do wise to refrain from taking any radical measures or making life-altering decisions during this time. By midyear, things will vastly improve and your life will enter a period of calm. 

    As far as love is concerned, just be your refined and gentle self while a new romance looms on the horizon. 


    2022 is the year of hope and new opportunities in life for you. Your efforts at work and romantic and familial relationship will pay off. Don’t be afraid of fresh ideas – implementing opportune changes in your work routine and life in general will prove very beneficial to your overall wellbeing. 

    Even though you might feel emotionally spent, opening your hearth for new people will infuse much needed, revitalizing energies into your life. For those who are married or in committed long-term relationship, resist the temptation to start affairs, nothing good will come out of it in the end and you will certainly regret losing it all over a short, passionate fling. 


    The upcoming year will be a time of growth, development, and most of all, important changes. You’ll be so busy all throughout and days will feel very short. Still, your hard work and dedication will result in prosperity for you and loved ones. Keep this in mind and persevere whenever you feel overwhelmed and like giving up. 

    You will be too emotional and sensitive to start and maintain a serious relationship with marriage potential. Although an Eight will try to win over your hearth, you just won’t have the energy to invest into growing this relationship and it will most likely fail. Be patient, this will be the time for you to grow professionally and character-wise, love can wait. 


    Time to rejoice! You’ll be happy, charismatic, attractive and very popular with the opposite sex. When it comes to career, this will be your time to shine thanks to a surge of creativity and imaginative powers you’ll be blessed with very soon. This is definitely your year no matter what kind of work you do: long-awaited goals and desires will come true. 

    There will be a significant other in 2022, whether new or existent. Despite being a bit clingy and possessive, you will prove your devotion and loyalty and, provided you learn how to manage the strongest emotions, this relationship might progress to the next stage.


    Be active, energetic, fast-thinking and relentless. There will be tons of competition in your field of work and only so many opportunities and chances. Dedicating yourself entirely to a goal is the only way to manage something in 2022. Try out some of those new techniques and innovations you’ve been thinking about and there’s no way to be pushed out by competition. 

    Your private and romantic life will be joyous and balanced. There is a Two in your life who seeks passion and tumultuous romance – you can give in if don’t particularly care for long-term stability. Still, it might be wiser to give that wonderful Six a chance- they are much more suited to you and your values. 


    This will be the year of adventures! There is constant need to explore, live excitingly and learn new things, that you will find it hard to balance all aspects of your life and maintain some sense of harmony. If you care about your current career, take good care to subdue your aggressive and temperamental side or risk losing important associates. 

    Someone is looking to start a relationship with you motivated by interest and practical benefits. This is not bad in itself, but if you’re a hopeless romantic and believe in love above all else, be very careful who you allow into your private little world. 


    Finally, a chance to start a healthy and prosperous romantic relationship after you have managed to drive out toxic people out of your life and hearth. The world looks so much brighter and things will turn out well for you, especially in the second quarter of 2022. 

    Prepare for numerous emotionally challenging situations and people, but you’ve worked hard and learned great things from your past mistakes, so use your newfound wisdom to address any issue – at work or at home. Whatever you choose to do in the new year – work hard or rest and recharge – is a good choice. Don’t be afraid to simply take some time to rest, nurture and cherish yourself.

  • Today’s date has a special significance in numerology. Here’s why!


    Today is 12.12., a number which numerologists consider very important. There are many reasons why number 12 is so significant and the clues can be found all throughout history. 

    Take a look at any culture or civilization and you’ll see this number embedded into numerological, mathematical, archetypal and spiritual motifs: our calendar year is divided into 12 months; we use the 12-hour clock; there are 12 signs of the Zodiac and the Chinese horoscope. As you can see, 12 is everywhere!

    Now, let’s divide number 12 and see where that takes us:

    12 consists of 1 and 2. In numerology, number 1 signifies independence, individuality and new beginnings. Number 2 signifies sensibility and patience. Adding 1 and 2 results in 3, which signifies emotions and relationships. 

    The full date numerology is - 12.12. – is: 1+2+1+2= 6. Number 6 relates to idealism and most of all, the idea that we ourselves have the power to bring about desired changes through hard work. 

    Every time we come across this number, it means something’s coming to an end and something new is about to begin. 

    Appropriately, the year 2021 is about to end, and with it, we should be getting ready to leave behind our bad habits and past hurts and sail into the new year resolute and courageous.

    Get ready to enter a new phase of growth and personal development. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet?

  • There are the Luckiest Days in 2022 for Every Zodiac Sign


    Having endured hardships in 2020 and 2021, we are still not too sure what to expect in 2022. Let’s consult the stars and see what they have to say!


    2022 should be a good enough year for the majority of the Zodiac signs. Each sign will get a special day when the chance for fortune and prosperity will be the highest and most favorable:


    Aquarius: 6 March 2022 - Venus in conjunction with Mars

    Pisces: 12 April 2022 - Jupiter (traditional ruler of Pisces) meets Neptun

    Aries: 18 August 2022 - Jupiter in Aries and Trigon with Venus

    Taurus: 13 May 2022 - North node in part of fortune in conjunction of the Sun in Taurus

    Gemini: 30 May 2022 - Young Moon in Gemini, Mars in conjunction with Jupiter on 29 May

    Cancer: 17 July 2022 - Sun in conjunction with Mercury, Trigon - Neptun

    Leo: 31 July 2022 - Sun in Leo in Trigon with Jupiter

    Virgo: 16 February 2022 - Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 9th house

    Libra: 22 October 2022 - Venus star point (Sun and Venus in Libra)

    Scorpio: 15 November 2022 - Jupiter - Trigon - Venus in the 5th house

    Capricorn: 23 November 2022 - Young Moon in Capricorn, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, Sun and Moon in harmonious connection with Jupiter (ruling planet of Capricorn)

  • Lucky Days in January 2022


    We can't wait for this year's lucky streaks to begin. January brings opportunities for a fresh new start in our gaming adventures and the astrological forecast for 2022 looks very hopeful.

    January days of fortune, power and strength await as gateways to realizing our most desired goals: important decisions, personal growth or innermost ambitions and yes - lucky wins too!

    January 1: Magical Sequence 1-1

    01.01. is an important day which symbolizes fortune in a new business project. Even though you may not feel like it, spend this day working to bring forth lots of positive energy into this part of your life.

    January 2: The Transit of Mercury in the Sign of Aquarius

    The planet arrives in the eleventh house where it will remain until january 25. This day and the next 3 weeks will be excellent for business, shopping, communication and making new acquaintances. 

    January 3 and 4: The Quadrantid Meteor Shower

    Quadrantids will be active from the very start of 2022, but they will however reach their peak on January 3 and 4. This meteor shower carries a very powerful energy beneficial for solving problems or starting new projects. 

    January 18: End of Uranus Retrograde

    On this day, try to let go of any accumulated negative energy that you may have carried over from the previous year. Forget the past and look into the future: Uranus will cleanse you from your fears and insecurities. Expect pleasant surprises. 

    January 24: The Transit of Mars in the Sign of Capricorn

    The planet will enter Capricorn on January 24 and remain until March 5. This is excellent time for any financial projects because Mars creates great conditions for work and prosperity in the 10th house. Get out of your comfort zone and be productive. 

    January 29: End of Venus Retrograde

    Venus brings positive romantic energies strongly influencing us to be more productive and most importantly, inspiring us to be the best possible versions of ourselves.

    January 30: Descendant in Capricorn

    On this day, the distance between Moon and Earth will be on the minimum, which will make the Moon's influence and lunar energy very strong: many will dedicate this time to their greatest goals and ambitions. 

  • Did you know that you can calculate your CODE of DESTINY based on current year and find out what the year brings? If you're curious as to what 2022 brings, let's see how you can predict future in terms of romance, finance and career.

    According to numerology, every year has its own special meaning.  To come up with your own code of destiny, add all figures in your date of birth, as well as all figures in the year 2022. Remember: numerology only accounts for figures 1-9, so you have to keep adding the figures until you come up with one single digit number.

    Let's say you were born on April 19, 1995. Add all the figures including 2022: 

    1 + 9 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 44. 4 + 4 = 8

    In this case, the code of destiny is 8. 

    One - Individuals with number 1 as their code of destiny should surround themselves with positive, loving people such as family and loyal friends. Long-term loneliness can have devastating consequences and the emotional support you will get from kind companions will counter any and all negativity in your life throughout the year. Develop your cooperation and team building skills. Housework, homemaking and quiet time will be crucial for your mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

    Two - this is the code of joy and happiness for driven and ambitious individuals. Make sure to plan carefully and don't take too many or too great risks in your career or family life. This is not a good time for risky moves, but that doesn't mean you should stick to your comfort zone - get out and enjoy life, but maintain inner piece and serenity. 

    Three - if this is your number, 2022 will be a very peaceful and calm year. This is the ideal time to dedicate to spiritual and psychological work. You will be very much in tune with your inner self and your true desires and needs will be very clear to you. What's left is to find a way to manifest these desires in a way that will prove most beneficial to you. 

    Four - Number 4 is the symbol of harmony and equality. This means that 2022 will bring you much needed peace. It will be an interesting and pleasant time in any walk of life. It is strongly recommended that you be open and honest with the people around you. 

    Five - This number suggests that you should perhaps try to act more determined this year, but don't forget the importance of rest and leisure time. Dedicate some of your time to organizing and reorganizing in your life - not just in terms of work, but also in terms of communication, privacy, shopping and savings. 

    Six - This is the best code of the year - if you get this number, it means you will be the most fortunate of the bunch. This is definitely your year, your time to shine. Act and don't waste time or energy on unimportant things and toxic people. There is a very good chance to advance your career and love life to levels you desire. 

    Seven - If it is your destiny to encounter difficulties in 2022, then number 7 will help you get out of trouble and towards success. This is a good time for those traveling for work or those looking for the meaning of life. Seven is on your side and won't let you sulk or give up, but make you look towards the stars. 

    Eight - Number 8 signifies material things in life and it perfectly encapsulates this year for you. This is your chance to achieve success at work and manage your finances with ease and results. Excellent time to shop, change jobs or start a new business. 

    Nine - The end of the numerological sequence of the codes of destiny. Nine means that you must focus on finishing the important projects that you have already started. Do not begin any new projects until you have successfully dealt with things from the past, be it relationships, debts or promises. 

  • More Accurate than Western: Indian Horoscope Reveals 3 Luckiest Signs in 2022

    Western horoscopes do not account for the changes in the orienation of Earth's axis and the fact that the planet's position is now different than the position from several thousand years ago. 

    Indian horoscope does account for these changes and it is one of the oldest organized astrological systems in the world. It is comprised of 12 astrological star signs similar to the western-type horoscopes.

    Some experts even claim that the Indian horoscope is far more accurate, because it account for the 23 degrees change in Earth's axis and applies the correct calculations to ascendants.

    According to the Indian horoscope, these 3 signs will be especially lucky in 2022:


    Even the start of 2022 brings beneficial aspects to this zodiac sign. Astrologists recommend making the best out of this unique opportunity and make plans for the rest of the year accordingly. 

    Of course, there are bound to be some obstacles on your road to success, but your efforts will pay off in the end. 
    Take the initiative and don't be afraid of the risks it will take to achieve your goals. 


    Gemini can look forward to a very special year. Even though you'll be working hard to make your goals come true, success after success that's to come will still be surprising.  

    Don't be too shocked if you see all your plans unfolding just as you imagined. Your career milestones will be motivate you to seek fulfillment in romance as well. 


    2022 will be a great year for you, but only if you're willing to experiment and take calculated risks. This will apply to all areas of life. The stars favor brave souls introducing and promoting new ideas and innovative solutions to improve the quality of life. 

    Not only will you benefit from this strategy, but the experience gained will prove precious in all future endeavours. 

  • Greatest Bingo Players According to the Zodiac

    True Bingo players are competitive, courageous and willing to win - all attributes that reflect their attitudes in all other areas of life. 

    If you're not afraid to lose and enjoy the thrill of the game itself, there's a lack of fear but also, there's the knowing when to stop, cut your losses and return another day. 


    This star sign's aignature virtue is its high self esteem with the courage to face any challenge. They can be greedy however, and sometimes enjoy taking far too many and large risks. 

    If they work on claming their nerves and controlling volatile emotions, they can enjoy some lighter bingo fun with smaller investments and some real chances to win cash.


    Loves bingo and gambling parlors, scratch cards and trading in valuables. Jupiter rules this sign and directs its competitive spirit and business savvy nature. 

    Their quick thinking and timely reactions are excellent when dealing with crypto trade, so they should look for bingo rooms that offer cryptocurrencies to increase their chances of winning and later make good use of that money. 


    Born gamblers, excellent traders and pattern spotters. They appear cold blooded, calm and calculated, which is why they can pull off bluffing very well. 

    Scorpio enjoys thinking of new ways to win and devising inventive strategies, in addition to carefully budgeting and playing within their means. 

  • Your Lucky Charm According to Horoscope


    Sphere figurine – it is best to carry this lucky charm everywhere you go and close to your body. It will serve well to boost your creative expression and potentially curb strong impulses (the weakest point of the Aries sign) that may jeopardize rational decision making. 



    Horse figurine – this charm symbolizes strength and loyalty and encourages and promotes healthy stoicism. You may carry it with you or keep it on a table that you often use. 



    Vintage key – You can store it anywhere in the house, but to bring out its greatest potential and positive effects, it is best to carry it around in your pocket. The vintage key is the symbol of extroversion, openness, light spirit and sharp intellect. 



    Buddha figurine - The bedroom is the best place to keep this lucky charm. This is where its most beneficial effects will take place bringing wisdom and longevity.  



    Poker chip – To free your mind, help the thoughts flow more readily and promote mindfulness, place your poker chip charm on your working table. To make the charm’s influence even more potent, find one with a heart, horse or four-leaf clover painted or carved into in.  



    Button – You are always in need of more creative energy and inspiration. Take this charm to help your inner artist and prevent rumination on the small and unimportant minutiae of life. 



    Heart-shaped charm or crystal – Libra needs a strong emotional core or a fulfilling romantic relationship to function optimally in other areas of life. This charm should help you do just that if you keep it under the pillow. 



    Metal coin – You appreciate travels and material goods and this charm will keep you safe and financially viable, so put it in your wallet and carry it around everywhere you go. 



    Dog figurine – Financial stability and loyalty are your weak points and it’s always one or the other (or both) that causes issues in your life. Obtain a lucky charm in the shape of dog figurine and keep it on a frequently used table or even better – bedroom. 



    Postage stamp – Although most often used as a collector’s item, postage stamps are excellent lucky charms that should be kept in a night stand. They are very beneficial to Capricorns due to positive effects on their travel and social aspirations. Virtues such as punctuality, willfulness and patience are amplified with the help of this lucky charm. 



    Small glass ball or marble – Anything unusual or brightly colored works great for Aquarius. Something to make you think and to carry in your pocket or purse. Marbles will help you reach your goals. 



    Fish figurine – This charm will help Pisces improve interpersonal relationships and develop healthy self-esteem in all walks of life. 

  • Your Lucky Lotto & Bingo Numbers According to the Zodiac


    Each Zodiac sign has their own lucky bingo and lotto number. Which one is yours?



    This star sign is quite lucky in all kinds of gambling games. To further boost the luck factor, they should pick their lottery and bingo numbers on Tuesdays. Aries does this quickly and impulsively with great intensity, as they simply choose number that first cross their mind without too much fuss. They usually pick number 1 in any combination (11, 21, 31) or the numbers of their date of birth.



    You want to win, but ironically, you never count on it. As soon as you fill in the ticket, you have no hopes left and consider it a loss. Still, that doesn’t stop you from trying! You prefer round numbers and avoid number 13 at all costs. 25 is also among your favorites, and so is your house number. Avoid the pitfall of using the same numbers every week!



    Games of luck are very exciting and wherever there’s excitement, you can count on Gemini to join in. Your favorite go-to numbers are those found on receipts at supermarkets and other stores. The options are limitless: add, subtract, multiply or divide. Still, you often stick to number 2 in any combination.



    You don’t have much faith in winning and often make fun of superstitious and naïve players. Yes, you protest out loud, yet buy and fill in tickets in secret. To offset your wariness, you will create a winning strategy, down to the way you’re going to spend the money! Your go-to numbers are your family members’ dates of birth: parents, spouse, children and friends.



    Luck seems to favor you in everyday life, but when it comes to bingo and lottery – not so much! Your lucky numbers are 3, 33, 7, 35 (any combination of 3 except 13!). You can be predictable in this way and usually opt for numbers on your vehicle registration plate, clothes size, or height.



    Though not a big believer when it comes to games of luck, you will still shoot your shoot from time to time and buy a ticket with the hopes of winning. Except you won’t be relying on chance alone. Being logical and systematic in your thinking and daily life, you will try to improve your odds by choosing the numbers least likely to win. You’re not in a hurry and often take time filling in the ticket – for weeks even. Still, number 4 seems to be your favorite.



    It’s all about the highlife for this sophisticated star sign. However, you are well aware that such lifestyle can be hard to maintain. That’s why you occasionally indulge in games of chance and luck to try and improve your finances. It is not surprising to catch Libras choosing bingo numbers according to their appearance – looks are, after all, important to you. If a number is visually pleasing written down, you’ll be sure to pick it! 22, 44 and 11 might be your cup of tea.



    You believe that you are fully entitled to win playing bingo or lottery. Not just win once or win small occasionally – you want it all and you’re not afraid to pursue your dreams. Because of this, Scorpio often chooses numbers that most other people avoid, like 4 and 5, or 19 and 21. On the other hand, number 7 is a must and you don’t shy away from the ill-fated number 13.



    Sagittarius is one of the luckiest signs of the Zodiac, but that doesn’t mean that they are not sore losers. When it comes to bingo and lotto numbers, this sign needs each number to have meaning and purpose. Finding inspiration in history and the past is not unusual: great wars or date of birth of some important historical figure; or their own life: birthday, first kiss, starting college, getting married or having kids. They are also fond of number 9 and gladly use it. 



    You are very rational and unfortunately, sometimes you just know when circumstances are not favorable for gambling. For example, there have been disproportionally more losers than winners throughout the year and this is not a good omen at all! Still, you will fill in a ticket or two carefully studying patterns, numbers and coincidences. Once you come up with as many unlikely combinations as you can possibly conceive, you will rest assured that you’ve done everything you could to nudge the outcome of the game in your favor.



    Who else to take the victory, but you! Or at least, this is what you’re secretly thinking. Fill in the ticket as you do all other things in life – eccentrically. Even with your eyes closed, you will choose whatever number seems most interesting. Look at the clock and pick whatever numbers show the time. A genuine Aquarius will never use the same numbers twice – it would be boring and predictable. Instead, count the steps of your staircase or ask your significant other for the first number that crosses their mind.



    You are very superstitious and that is how you choose numbers as well. You hope to win, but you’re not even sure what would you do with all that money. What numbers to pick? Well, that’s easy enough – those that have always been lucky for you: the date of your big raise, or the date when you barely escaped with your life in a car crash. If you dream certain number, make sure to use them.

  • Do you play bingo, lotto or bet on sports? Maybe scratch cards are your cup of tea? How about slots and card games? Some of us don’t hold much faith in knowledge and skill. Instead, we rely on Lady Luck and fervently believe that our star sign has something to do with our ability to win massive prizes playing games of luck. 

    Renowned astrologists have been studying the link between the Zodiac and gambling games, yet none has ever discovered any irrefutable proof that the stars or date of birth have an effect on how fortunate we may be. However, there are certain patterns that cannot be denied and speak in favor of this greatly sought out link. 

    According to these astrologists, there are 3 Zodiac signs that have a strong disposition towards gambling games and are often said to be by far the luckiest star signs: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn

    Taurus is very patient, persistent and rational – they don’t give up easily and therefore always calculate their moves in advance. Although often considered a character flaw, their signature stubbornness is very useful in gambling, because it allows them to recognize or establish and follow patterns, which eventually leads to favorable outcomes. This is especially useful in sports betting or card games where even the most boring or monotonous events are no match for the lucky Taurus. 

    Cancer is verifiably one of the luckiest signs of the Zodiac when it comes to gambling of any kind. Have you ever noticed their innate ability to sense or predict future events? It is precisely their strong intuition that lends them this prized ability. Coupled with sensible reasoning and planning, it is a powerful tool for scoring winning combos. 

    Capricorn is a gifted gambler. More than any other Zodiac sign, they have a knack for figuring out hidden links and patterns and using it to their advantage. Most of all, they are very good at calculating risks and winning odds no matter the undertaking, which is why they rarely end up losers. Astrologists often claim that Capricorn has the best alignment of stars and planets for all practical intents and purposes.

  • Friday the 13th and Mercury Retrograde – Should We Expect Chaos?


    The planet Mercury is the closest to Earth in the Zodiac, after the Moon. This is why it often travels in a retrograde manner, at least three to four times a year. 

    Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and symbolizes youth, children, communication, travel, writing. When the planet is in retrograde, all its positive symbolism turns negative and upside down. 

    We fear this phenomenon because we know how badly it can influence events in our daily lives. However, it is important to know that this transition does not necessarily have to affect all of us negatively or even the same. 

    Yet, we should definitely brace ourselves for problems in communication – this is almost a given, having in mind that today is the dreaded Friday the 13th. 

    Astrologists warn that this potentially chaotic combo may cause some of us to feel out of sorts a bit, and the advice is to take things slow and think any and all decisions through. 

    Still, there is one star sign that doesn’t really have to worry over this menacing alignment – Aries!

    As far as the month of May goes, the following days might be troublesome: 

    May 16th – the first Moon eclipse in 2022, in Scorpio will affect all types of relationships. 

    May 18th - Mars will make us greedy and unwilling to compromise.

    Mat 21st – Trouble awaits all those irresponsible and immature.

    May 23rd - The peak of retrograde Mercury will bring negative influences that will extend all the way through to June 12, making the planet lose almost all of its positive energy. Do not take any risks during this period. This also goes for new business projects or any deals or contracts. 

    May 29th – Mars and Jupiter meet in Aries: extremely dangerous situation for any communications and work field. We will be too assertive and pushy, almost willing to make use of others. Conflicts are certain, so be careful with your words and actions.

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