Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • January 12, 2011




    Changes in the health or lifestyle of an elder family member may force the re-evaluation of the family's spiritual beliefs of commitment. You may find that you are questioning your deepest spiritual values as a result to a power change in your family.




    You may wonder if your partner has lost his or her mind today. They'll seem to be flying all over the place. Have a little patience, tolerance or understanding. If you are single, this is not the best night to be out on the prowl for a serious partner, and be cautious of any "one night stands".




    You could have more luck bargain hunting today. You may find though that traffic is still heavy, that the malls are still crowded, but there may be financial opportunities that were not open to you earlier in the week. Be patient with other bargain-seekers.




    Unexpected personal adjustments are occurring because of changes in your family. If you are a new parent, aunt or uncle, you are discovering that there are a lot more responsibilities to be shouldered right now. You may be considering taking classes or lessons soon.




    You could benefit a lot from a family member's odd or opposition opinions, even if they are a tad annoying right now. They see things you don't see from your position - like the forest you are not seeing for trees. Step back and you will get a unique perspective.




    Whatever you do, keep your mouth shut today - tight as you possibly can. Gossip and innuendo could get you into a heap of trouble with the women you work or live with, and remember, what goes around, comes around. You'll have high energy today and working on a career or business plan could help you focus.




    Any impulse purchases you fall prey to today could come down to a lesson in avoiding excess. Avoid making large purchases, and make sure anything that you do buy comes in as a need rather than a want. Your spending habits are likely being driven by subconscious needs right now.




    You are likely in the process of re-evaluating your life, especially where it comes to romance. You and your significant other are likely at something of a crossroads. You may have to decide something serious soon. A crisis that is provoked today could prove to be a blessing in disguise.




    Follow the anxiety or feeling of caution your inner voice is using today when it shouts "not now!" just as you are about to spill the beans or open up about a family secret. Avoid confiding in friends and loved ones today, especially about your love life.




    You are not being practical or realistic about the intentions or behaviour of a friend or family member. Chances are that they are hiding the truth from you, and you are willfully refusing to see there is a problem. If you suspect something is going on, it likely is.




    Your career is a little confusing to you right now. You need a little time to sort out the direction you want to go in the future. You may be exploring a lot of different options, or deciding between two or three different job offers. Take your time.




    You may be traveling soon. If you are heading out for a vacation, make sure that you have all the medications and travel insurance you may need. If you are heading across town, you may have unexpected yet positive encounters with unusual people.





  • January 13, 2011




    Avoid the evening news tonight, it's only likely to depress you. You will be feeling strongly about world issues and concerns, and if you focus on things you can't control or affect, it will bring you down. You feel a strong need to help others today.




    Be careful when taking advantage of a last minute tip today if money is involved. You could find that conditions do not remain stable, and you are suddenly facing problems you did not anticipate. Keep an open mind, but invest with caution.




    You and your partner are going to have to talk. Yes, one of "those" talks. The kind that you cringe from. It won't be the nightmare you make it out to be - unless you try to avoid it. You can be your own worst enemy today, so be a listener rather than a talker. Don't let yourself get defensive.




    You may want to spend the day getting a lot of chores cleared off your plate, but you may find that family members don't share your enthusiasm for neatness right now. You may find that it is better if you declare "Goof Off Day" today, and schedule the chores for another time.




    Dramatic changes are coming in your love life as a result of changing values, changes in friendships, or changes in your beliefs about "right and wrong". You may be growing toward a better understanding, or are growing apart from someone who has chosen to stay frozen in the past.




    You may end up having something of a tough day if you have to spend much of it around family members or loved ones today. Someone just does not want to deal with some needed medical or healthcare concerns, and you may find it impossible to stay silent.




    You have some interesting opportunities to speak your mind today, but it might be a good idea to be very tactful about a romantic matter. You will be tempted to let someone have it right between the eyes, and they may well deserve it - but it is the outcome that matters, right?




    You may get challenging financial news today, but don't let it get to you. If you stay focused, you may come across a lucky break or unusual opportunity that puts you back into happy camper territory. You may soon forget about unexpected bills, because you'll soon have a way to pay for them.




    You could have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your family. Someone you love has a milestone to celebrate, but others may be jealous, and you need to take a special role in keeping everyone's thoughts focused on what really matters the most.




    Your subconscious mind is getting in the way of your best interests today. You may feel that the strange encounters you have with authority figures are a "bad karma" situation, but in some way you are acting as your own worst enemy. When you figure that out, things will improve.




    You may be considering giving a generous gift to a friend or to a local charity. If you know someone who is struggling financially, and you know they can't or won't ask for help, slip an envelope with some cash or grocery gift certificates under their door.




    An official or authority figure gets in your face today, making strange demands or requests you don't understand. If you are patient, you will be able to turn an unpleasant or confusing encounter into something positive. Pushing for reform in your health plan could bring rewards.

  • January 15, 2011




    You may have learned something new that could help you improve relationships in your family, but it may require some significant attitude adjustments on both sides. You may be ready for a change, but you can't push your loved ones just now.




    You may feel a little bummed out when a friend fails to be supportive of a spiritual or intellectual insight today, but your belief in yourself and in the idea will be strong. You may be considering investing in your home or in a family-run business.




    You and your partner are likely to disagree about a painting or the décor of a room in your home today. If you are willing to compromise, you may find this is an opportunity for a trade-off. You can get something you want if you will only allow them to hang that ugly painting over the bed.




    Listen to your gut feel. It is telling you that you need a creative outlet in your work, and you are not getting that where you are at right now. This is the time to plan changes rather than to take immediate action, though, as conditions are subject to unexpected changes.




    You are way overdue for some fun. You have been working too hard lately, and your body is screaming "Slow down!" at you. That may manifest in the form of a cold, some aches and pains, or strange coincidences that push you out of ""ork think" into "play mode".




    Your family seems to have developed split personalities and a mood-swing problem today. Everyone seems confused and out of sorts, even though there is some very good news flying around. The older members of your family may need some breathing room.




    You actually do know it all today, and some of the people who dismissed or ignored you yesterday are coming back to you with apologies or sheepish requests for your input. Be generous, but don't let any flattery go to your head. Remember, they are trying to get something out of you.




    You are in "comfort spender impulsive shopper" mode. The merchants at the mall have got your number and they can see you coming a mile away. So leave the credit cards safely at home and ask yourself before each purchase, "Do I need this or is it just a temporary desire?"




    You want to give to others today, to the point where you could over-extend yourself. Don't be afraid to insist that others share the responsibility, that someone picks themselves up a bit, and make sure that you get enough rest and recovery time so you can do what is needed.




    You are still under the influence of strongly subconscious urges today and you may feel tense and irritable. You need to be totally selfish and demand your own space right now to sort out your feelings. Structure, security and stability are the helpful concepts you want to explore today.




    You might not like what your friends are telling you right now, but they are right. You need to get more active. So challenge them to practice what they are preaching, find some way you can all get more physically active, but avoid competitive sports today.




    Your career path looks challenging today, despite some recent gains, but don't get discouraged. You still have opportunities to move up the corporate ladder. Something that seems to be a setback could actually be a big booster later on, after the dust settles.

  • January 16, 2011




    You will be getting news about a promotion, improvements to your staff budget, or an important new client could improve your business picture. You have new and important friends. Look to older, better-established people who can improve both social and career prospects.




    You will enjoy traveling, especially if family members or children are present or part of your entertainment plans. You may be less thrilled with your love partner right now, but if the two of you can compromise, you'll be able to sort out a fair agreement.




    Financial investments are well featured today. You have some interesting ideas, and people are likely to be helpful to you in sorting out an important decision. Don't let yourself be pressured into making any immediate decisions. You will have time to decide.




    You are romantic and idealistic today. You may meet someone who is highly attractive, exciting, intelligent and sensual, who returns your attentions with interest. You'll have a lot in common, and will be able to talk all night long about nothing in particular.




    If you have been having some trouble with your health lately you could have some bad news and good news today. You may have to make some lifestyle changes, but there is a positive treatment or remedy available and things are going to heal up better than you expected.




    You will not feel like working today, you will want to play and fool around. You might actually be just what the doctor ordered for a loved one or companion who needs a lesson in how to re-create themselves, to relax, unwind and re-center yourself.




    Looks like you are seriously considering moving. All very well and good if your bills are paid and you have a continuing income, but you may be overly optimistic right now, and despite recent gains, this is not the time to take big risks.




    Good news is coming your way. You will be hearing about big opportunities to make new friends and meet new people in unusual ways. You may join one of those online chat boards, or call up one of those telephone chat lines for a lark. It could be more fun than you think.




    Expect good news or a breakthrough in the financial department. You may not get that Knight or Princess in shining armor, in fact you still have to come to your own rescue, but at least now you have a few quills in your quiver, and some hope in your heart.




    You just want to lay in the sun and have a good time today, but circumstances may not support your desire for self-indulgent relaxation. That won't be too big a problem though, because all that hard work you may be forced to do could pay off in some practical rewards.




    You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight today that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad. One of those fleeting impressions is golden.




    You have good luck and fun with women friends today, but there are challenges with the men in your life, especially when the topic drifts towards relationships, partnerships and equality between the sexes. The guys have no sense of humor right now.

  • January 17, 2011




    The workplace is likely really busy, active and anxious right now. Everyone seems to have had one or two too many cups of coffee this morning. The upside to that is that everyone will be able to get a lot of work done, and you'll be very productive.




    You may have had to revise some travel plans at the last minute, but the changes suddenly rebound in your favor. You may be given an upgrade, better room, or find that there are unexpected perks or treats offered along the way. Expect good news via email.




    You will meet a spiritual teacher today. Most spiritual teachers are not the wizened gurus we see in the popular media. In fact, they often come to us in disguise. What does the homeless hobo, the stray dog, or the child down the street have to teach you?




    You have a sudden urge to spoil your spouse or partner with a large, pricey present, but what they really want is the gift of your time and attention. If you want to splurge, you can't go wrong with a smaller gift of one of those expensive ice creams.



    You are so glad that the day is over that you can't wait to get out of the office today. You might be able to sneak off early, but you may decide to stay late at the last minute because there is an exciting new project that you want to be part of.




    You may be buying some new electronic gadget, toy or a new DVD to enjoy for this evening, or be going out to see a movie soon. You are way overdue for a little playtime. Someone could call up out of the blue and ask you if you'd like to come out and play.




    If you aren't the one bringing home news about more money, you could arrive to a happy face from a spouse or partner who will be bringing home more of the bacon themselves. Either way, it may be you have a reason to get out and celebrate this evening.




    You have been playing telephone tag with someone for a few days and you are finally able to hook up together. You may be getting good news about someone's career aspirations, or good news from an older man you care about who has had some medical problems.




    If you are looking for a financial or business partner, you might want to hook up with a tall, dark, Scorpio type. You will have opportunities, but may not be able to manage all of them on your own. You may need to learn to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others. Trust is the big issue.




    You are afraid to take on a leadership role right now, either because you fear your own power, or you fear the changes this might bring into your life. Believe in yourself! If you are put in a position of authority right now it will be because you have more than earned it.




    You have a sudden urge to change your house around. You may be satisfied by changing the furniture around or tidying up, but you'll really want to dramatically transform your living space. You may be thinking about tearing down walls to build an addition.




    This is a good day to sit down with some friends and companions and share your mutual love of politics, religion or spirituality. If you are still single, you could meet a potential partner in the company of your friends. If you are married, get out with some friends today.

  • January 19, 2011




    You may have annoyed a friend over a budget or investment discussion, but you'll see an opportunity to heal any hurt feelings today. You must stick to your position but you can agree to disagree and remain friends. You may decide to forgive a loan.




    If you want to move ahead in your career you will have to stick your neck out, and take on a leadership role in mentoring or teaching others. You could learn a lot from the experience of teaching others. You may meet someone interesting at a work-related gathering.




    You and a friend could be taking classes together soon. If you are thinking of going alone, you may make new friends in a place where learning, reading or sharing ideas takes place. You may be traveling soon with friends and companions.




    You have a strong feeling of self-confidence and your personal connection with your spiritual source is powerful today. Mediation, prayer, or spiritual studies are incredibly important to your personal growth right now. You may connect with family members who share your beliefs today.




    You may be spending a lot of time on the phone today with siblings and friends, and if you are single, one of them fancies themselves something of a matchmaker. If you are not single, and you want to make a good impression on your significant other, consider giving them a massage.




    You will be having a busy productive day today, when you are called aside by your boss or a "higher-up" and asked to take on a leadership role. You may be eager for the opportunity, just keep in mind that it is going to require adjustments in your work schedule.




    You may be invited out to a sporting or recreational event today. You can expect to have a good time, but it could be a little pricier than you expect, or there could be some aspect to the event that takes you by surprise. Bring your sense of humor along for the ride.




    Family members will be planning some kind of group activity and you will be invited to attend. Don't pass this one up. It's an excellent opportunity to rebuild bridges, to better establish intimacy and to strengthen your love for one another.




    You may be spending a lot of time talking about some hot new alternative medicine or herbal treatment with a friend or group of friends who share your interests. You may be asked to make a presentation, speech or to tutor or mentor others.




    There will be sudden changes or breakthroughs in financial concerns today. Some will be gifted with unexpected bonuses, while others have unexpected bills. Either way, you may find that there is an element of "blessing in disguise" to any events that are troublesome.




    You have an unexpected opportunity to take on a new leadership role on the Internet, or together with others in some kind of technology-based community of interest. You may find that it is easier to connect with like-minded people online.




    Your intuition will seem stifled or blocked through much of the day, but it will come back in force in the evening. You may find that you are invited to a spiritual event or a large group gathering tonight that focuses on taking action on an important project.

  • I just wanted to thank you  Wnanhee for putting all of this together. I can imagine it takes a lot of time and effort. I enjoy reading them!

  • Awww,Deb...


    thanks for your kind words as always...


    Hope things are going great and


    Happy New year to you, your mother and sister! :-*



  • January 20, 2011




    You will benefit from putting your head together with some friends for a little creative brainstorming. You may come up with an idea together that none of you could have imagined alone. It might be fun to get together to think up some way to help out a local charity.




    Paperwork is challenging and communications devices may be problematic today. Commuting to and from the workplace may be a bit challenging today. You may have a disagreement or minor misunderstanding with an older coworker or a client in your business.




    Work-related travel looks particularly challenging today. Commuting is likely to be a nightmare. You may also experience trouble with paperwork, documents, publicity or your work or education history. You may be asked to back up a challenging opinion or idea.




    Friends and companions are suffering from "empty pockets syndrome" and they may come across as cranky or unreasonably demanding today. You can help by distracting the attention from too much talk about money, finances and investments into safer topics today.



    Listen to your hear and not your relatives. You have an unexpected attraction in your chart that may be at odds with your family's values in some way. If you are still single, you may be attracted to someone outside your normal social, racial or political background.




    You have an opportunity to travel for your health, or to visit a spa, but you just don't have the energy to leave the house unless you absolutely have to. You will benefit greatly if you push yourself just a little today.




    You need to take a breather from your ambitious schedule at the moment and find a way to schedule a little "playtime". You may be considering a vacation soon - if so, pick up cancellation insurance, plans are subject to change. You may have to face a detour or two on the way to work.




    Trust your intuition and call up a family member or loved one who is tugging at the corners of your mind today. They may not be feeling well, or are depressed and lonely, and a call from you could make all the difference in their world right now.




    It is not a good idea to spill the beans, spread the gossip or open up about a troubling secret, no matter how difficult that may be right now. Silence is truly golden. Give time and fate a chance to work some magic in the life of a loved one who is close to the edge.




    You need to sort out your financial priorities right now. Someone has you flitting from one extreme to another as you try to make up your mind. It is really very simple when you decide to focus on your priorities, and not on risky ventures that come with a promises of huge future pay-offs.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role, but it may feel more like you are being pushed to the front of a mob. Everyone wants you to tell a loved one how they think, but none of them have the courage to speak up for themselves.



    You may have what seems to be a powerful psychic or emotional insight today, but be careful before you act on it to check out the facts. You are only getting part of the story. The missing pieces could act to change your decisions in a dramatic way.

  • I just wanted to thank you  Wnanhee for putting all of this together. I can imagine it takes a lot of time and effort. I enjoy reading them!

    It sure does and you are a sweetheart to notice!! It is beautifully put together!
  • Don't spill the beans,Lips... :P


    :-* :-* :-*

  • January 21, 2011




    You have an exciting creative idea for a way to get ahead in your career today, but you may find that responsibilities at home are getting in your way. You may have to find a creative compromise, or find a way to delegate some responsibilities to a helpful coworker.




    Friends and associates continue to be a trouble spot, but there are also silver linings in the storm clouds. Turns out someone is a bit jealous of some financial good fortune you have had. It's up to you how to deal with that, but be aware that bragging about your finances is a no-no today.




    You really can't wait for the changes to take place in your career, but you have only just gotten started in making them when you think about it. You need to take more time aside to learn a new skill or focus on what you really want to do with your creative talents.




    Don't end up in a "road rage" incident today. Practice counting to ten, taking deep breaths, remember that the idiot tailgating you or driving slowly in the passing lane could be your own mother, father, sister or brother, and you'll have more understanding.




    You have good financial news related to your long-term career, but a friend, group, or association of some kind is trying to pick your pockets. This could take the form of unwelcome or unexpected utility bills or a demand for a payment from a charity you don't recall joining.




    You and your partner are rather at odds today, and you could find yourself accused of being lazy or self-centered. Might be right - at least for today, but then you have astrological permission to kick back and enjoy yourself. Make sure you arrange things so the "other half" can get some extra rest time too.




    Career changes are the highlight of the day. You may be offered a raise or promotion or even a whole new job, but your mind is really more on the problems of your daily life in the here and now. Your energy will be lower than normal in some ways, but higher in others.




    You need more "playtime" than you are getting. Even something simple, like a movie, or a new game for your television game station or your computer would help you break up the monotony right now, and give you a way to work off some of the stress of your daily life.




    Sudden unexpected news about your home or from your family could distract your attention from the needs of your workday or love life. Your partner and parents could be fighting over your attention right now. Trust your gut if you have to make a choice.




    You might not want to answer the phone right now. It's still ringing off the hook, but right now, people are cranky and erratic, even at times irrational, and you may not want to have to deal with some of the rude or inconsiderate verbiage that may be directed your way.




    There may be a dispute or disagreement about finances or shared investments today. Avoid using your bank's Internet web site or paying bills online unless necessary, as there could be unexpected errors or problems with technology involving your money today.




    You have decided to leap feet first into a leadership challenge today, and this may be a good thing, but you must remember that you will probably be impulsive and not at your most tactful today. Try to motivate from a position of love, rather than making demands.

  • January 22, 2011




    Today you must count on your intuition, your "heart voice", but your mind, your "head voice" keeps getting in the way. There is a battle between the old and the new happening right now in your life. Strength today comes from change and innovation, not the status quo.




    You have a terrific opportunity to make new and important friends today. You'll be popular and may be asked by a club, group or association to take a more direct leadership role in an effort close to your heart. You may find there are scheduling conflicts and unexpected changes today.




    You may find that you have an amazing opportunity to expand your financial potential and career future through your creative gifts today. If you are feeling any confusion about your future path today is a good day to meditate on your choices.




    You can get from place to place more quickly today, and there will be a lot of paperwork to be done today. You have a lot of extra physical energy. There could be an unexpected opportunity for you to travel, get out for some fun and recreation.




    You will be getting good news about a financial investment you have made recently. You followed your intuition to a pot of gold. Today you may be tempted to "cash in". Talk over the options with a trusted advisor, because you will probably be too emotional.




    You may have some challenges with your significant other and your family in arranging schedules and plans for entertainment and recreational activities. You may be having trouble with electronic devices like televisions, computers and video games.




    If there have been some tense moments in the workplace lately today is a good day to stick your neck out and try to build bridges with your coworkers or employer. You may be offered an opportunity to take a class or lessons that improve your career prospects.




    You are thinking of changing your look right now, and while this could be a lot of fun, your playful mindset and the bizarre color combinations you'll be drawn to today could be a little over the top. Disco electric funk is not your normal style, you will weary of it quickly.




    Your head may be spinning because there is simply too much input. Information overload can be stressful even when the news is mostly positive. Make sure to take frequent rest breaks today, especially if you are spending a lot of time at home with active family members.




    Unexpected good news about someone's health condition will perk you up. You may be watching television or listening to the radio when you hear of a new and promising medical treatment that could dramatically improve your life or the life of someone you care for.




    There is more good news in the financial area. A business deal or project you have been working on has been a bit of a pain in the behind, but there are breakthrough energies coming. It was a bit ahead of its time, but time has caught up and you can now move ahead.




    You will be highly active, energetic and will need an outlet for the extra physical energy you will be feeling today. You may decide to take a leadership position in some kind of sporting activity today, but be aware you will be highly impulsive.

  • January 23, 2011




    You may find yourself torn between a book, lecture or class purely for fun or selfish interests and something aimed at building your career. Haven't you been working a little too hard lately anyway? Is there any reason you can't have a little fun while you learn?




    Today you have to proceed carefully and pay special attention to the facts and data rather than following your intuition as you have been lately. This does not mean that your gut feel is wrong, but you could greatly benefit from a second look at your first impression.




    You'll be prying secrets from a friend or companion today. It is suddenly very important to you to find out the truth of a matter involving a friend. Be careful that you don't push to hard, you'll get the information you are seeking without breaking down your friendship.




    You are not stuck on that low rung of the career ladder after all! All you have to do is be as wildly inspired and innovative as you are today and you will be shooting to the top in no time. Take advantage of a big change in your workplace to make a move upwards.




    It's a good day to be thinking about or looking forward to your next vacation, There could be unexpected bargains or opportunities for you to travel as you have been unable to do in the past. You may find yourself taking a short trip to an art gallery or store today.




    You could have an incredible flash of insight tonight that takes you to a whole new level of spiritual understanding. You might have a psychic impression or be reading some piece of spiritual literature that provokes a profound sense of peace and wellbeing.




    If you are not single, your significant other may be feeling a bit lonely and sorry for themselves, and you can help with a little tender loving care. If you are single, it may be that you are feeling a bit lonely. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself.




    The stress you have been feeling recently melts and dissolves and magically heals itself today. You can get a lot of work done and are able to make a positive impression on a business superior or important business contact whose opinions are important to your career.




    You may discover that there is a nice group of people who share your interests, hobbies, or spiritual interests in your community. This could be an incredibly lucky place for you to meet new people, hear new ideas and make new friends right now.




    Family fixer upper time today will bring you and your loved ones together. There might be a dispute about the use of a room in your home - you may want it for a home office, but others want it for entertainment. You will be able to come up with a creative compromise.




    You are in demand today - you may be forgiven for answering the phone with "Grand Central Station, how can I help you?" because you will get so many calls you may not be able to deal with them all. The main culprits are siblings and friends who really are just in a chatterbox mood.




    You might have to make some financial adjustments in order to afford a trip or vacation you have been wanting. It's possible you could be traveling soon, but the budget may need to be stretched, because there are other needs, especially if you are married with a young famil

  • January 24, 2011




    The crisis of faith you are having is in believing in yourself today. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are actually doing a lot better with your latest set of challenges than you have given yourself credit for. Pat yourself on the back, give yourself some kudos, you are awesome!




    You may be feeling a bit tongue-tied today. It seems every time you open your mouth, you say something that you end up regretting. It is a good idea to take a deep breath before you speak your mind today, especially at those times when you are about to lose your temper.




    You will have a happier and more harmonious day today if you avoid getting into political, spiritual or financial arguments with a friend or companion. They may be acting like and opinionated so and so right now, but you won't have the energy to argue with them.




    You may decide to take on extra responsibilities in your workplace because you are hoping for a better spot on the career ladder. Make sure that the quid pro quo is clearly spelled out - don't expect that your boss will magically "get it" and reward you for the extra work.




    Don't get in the middle of an argument about race, culture, education or religion today. Keep yourself out of it, no matter how juicy or tempting the topic. You could risk alienating a friend or companion who is important in your career ambitions.




    You'll have mixed results if you invest on your gut feel or intuition right now. It is best to go the slow route and pursue a low-risk strategy. You may feel a strong impulse to gamble but it's unlikely to pay off. Listen to an authority figure whose advice you can trust.




    Your relationships demand careful nurturing and a heavy dose of discretion today. You may be asked to keep an odd or unusual secret that makes you a little uncomfortable. Trust your intuition - it will likely tell you that you are better off to keep silent for now.




    Listen to everyone who is offering advice on the alternative healthcare treatments that are available to you or ro a sick loved one - but take your time to study the matter through third parties or the Internet before you make up your mind on a new course of treatment.




    Avoid taking any unnecessary medications today. You may find yourself out together with friends when some undesirable effect kicks in - sleepiness most likely. You have to be careful when playing a new sport or being involved in any activity involving water.




    You could benefit from the intervention of an authority figure in a new home improvement project. You may need some zoning changes or a permit in order to get the changes you want. You may still be in the planning stages. Take the time to check out what may be needed.




    You may be having some troubles with the communications department or devices in the workplace today - but don't worry. A stroke of good luck, or a major overhaul will turn what was a challenging battle into an overwhelming success. Just keep at it until you break through.




    This is not the best day to try to gamble on that lucky streak you have had lately. Save or store your wins for a better day. Quit while you're ahead. Don't listen to that nagging little voice that is telling you to get out right now and spend, spend spend.



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drtheolen United Kingdom 2 months ago

Our recent test of UK Bingo revealed a platform that lives up to its reputation as a fun, mobile-friendly online bingo room. Here ’s a concise summary of our tester vladinc's experience: Key...
Real Money Deposit/Withdrawal Process at UK Bingo

naumovk222 Ukraine 2 days ago

Hey guys! I recently started playing at Gold Eagle Casino , and I must say, I’m impressed! The site is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and optimized for Canadian players. They accept all...
Hey guys!

Djekichan 19 hours ago

Good evening! Another impression of https://parimatch.com.in/promo-code/ is their live casino. I really like to play blackjack with live dealers. All broadcasts are lag-free, and this is important...
Hello everyone!