Latest Bingo Bonuses - Bingo Soap Opera Contest!!

Last post made 13 years ago by blueday

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  • Hiya Bingo Guys and Dolls,


    Time for another contest! I thought it would be fun to do a LBB Soap Opera themed story where everyone could participate in a great big storyline.


    We had done this long ago in the General section and it was a lot of fun.


    So here is how it will work.........


    Members will keep adding to the story a sentence at a time. Make it clever and creative. The member who adds the most content that is creative will win.


    The rules are:


    No double posting


    Stay somewhat within a bingo environment.


    One sentence at a time


    Otherwise post as often as you like.


    The winner will win $50.


    The Contest will end one week from today on April Fools day, 4/1/11 at 11:59 EST.


    Get your creative juices flowing and lets make a story that will rock the bingo world!!


    Ok, i will kick it off.........


    As the bingo balls bounced around in the cage i swear one of them spoke!................

  • It was whispering the secret to bingo...

  • to bingo ball 69 and it said i am in the mood to......

  • be the winning number in the next game....

  • when the pattern, nine pack kicks in...

  • and in walks liquorman with a 6 pack under his arm...

  • A very "rotund" lady stands up and waves at liquorman...

  • liquorman is distracted wondering who this woman is and Feelin froggy swipes the beer from under his arm...

  • liquorman turns around to see who stole his beer, he notices the very tasty "legs 11" on Froggy who is giggling uncontrollably....

  • "Ms. Giggles" froggy is thrilled that a player didn't notice they had a bingo cuz she was too nosy watching her swipe the 6 pack and hopes they call her number next......

  • but the caller didn't pull here number the reaper didn't saying you'll get your number if....

  • "Popochis" Bee looked like her cousin playing the frog did not win! and..


    When i was ready to login in the bingo game i prepare for a picnic with a tent and a light! :D


    Great contest, hope you'll win everyone!

  • Alas, Zuga walks in and says, bingo will not continue, untill the beer is returned to the rightfull owner. with that..................

  • ...all the bingo players' eyes fall on Froggy, who gave Liqourman back a much lighter six pack cans of beer...

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