Latest Bingo Bonuses - Bingo Soap Opera Contest!!

Last post made 13 years ago by blueday

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  • "Of course not" Joseph responded.  "I hear they've been after Zuga for a while, to see what he knows...This is it!!", holding the yellowed paper "Zuga's BIG SECRET!!---that's why he bought this Bingo Hall"....the stocky ball examiner exclamed "then who dragged away Zuga?...betcha they were part of that Kennedy clan!"

  • Alas! the "Zuga Secret" is about to be exposed.......there is more then bingo balls bouncing around in everyones mind. But what is this secret and who knows???

  • Just then a taxi pulls up at the front door and out steps a mysterious raven haired beauty followed shortly by who, but Zuga himself!

  • At the entrance door a well-dressed, Fedora topped Zuga taps a floor panel with his cane and a small opening reveals a box.  "This is my very first Bingo win" Zuga says, showing a faded bingo card after opening the box.  "It's brought me luck all these years..."

  • Kattboots and lips know that it is NOT his bingo card and begin to wonder if the taxi came from Chicago because it was all banged up...could this mean Zuga is suffering a concussion or worse yet.........amnesia!

  • Not his bingo card and not his luck... it was clear Zuga's luck was running thin with the events in the bingo hall this day... and any luck he may have had left without the bingo card was used up when he stepped into that cab, yes, in Chicago...

  • Before Zuga could open the box and show off the questionable bingo card, a phone rang.

  • suddenly, bellowing  louder than the ringing tone zuga screams "A CUT!!!... u want ur cut!!"  as he finally spots & notices da stocky bingo examiner that rattled him out, .


     Like Dr Jekyll, * Flick of a thumb *  zuga transform into mr Hyde as he thunders down the hall, eyes blazing with anger, bloodshot from liquormans beers that he had swindled earlier & guzzled down, both fists clenched tightly, swaying abit from side to side but charging like a bull straight towards him & dat woman.


    "U want ur cut?! ...   Ill give u ur cut!.. The only cut youll be gettin is an upper cut!!"


    and wid that being said he swung his arm & hooked.....  


  • another angry bully swinging at his ...

  • Own set of golden bingo balls just narrowly missing them (phew) & gutting his belly-full-o-beer instead, knocking him to da ground with da contents inside his pockets spilling out for all to see

  • Zuga explains, laying on the bingo hall floor, covered in beer, I gotta get out of the bingo bussiness. Lips standing close by, still attending to Rico and his wounds, says I have an idea, and..........................

  • ...But before Lips can continue, the mysterious raven haired beauty that had arrived in the taxi with Zuga steps out of the shadows where she had quietly been observing the situation... and now everyone can see this is not a stranger... no, it is the beautiful nan... ready to bring wisdom and calm to the situation...

  • Without hesitation Nan runs into the bingo hall to calm things down (so everyone thinks)....but she reaches inside her bingo ball and what she pulls out makes the whole hall go quiet......

  • The silence in the room now is almost deafening as everyone stares and things seem to move in slow motion... Nan has pulled out "THE WHISTLE" - she slowly raises it to her mouth and blows that one shrill note... the note that summons Aiden, Nan's nefarious monkey...


  • The silence is broken by liquorman who comes out of a drunken stooper. Not too drunk to remember froggy stoled his six pack. He sees froggy across the room and reaches inside his trench coat and pulls out a bottle of champagne and aims it at her. The cork goes flying across the room and hits rico right between the eyes. Bounces like a bingo ball off his head and smack dab on the nose of kattboots. She thinks lips is the culprit and throws it at her and misses landing in nans bingo basket.

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