$1 Million Capital Raised by Bit Rhymes

$1 Million Capital Raised by Bit Rhymes
Support arrives from angel investors

It appears that San Francisco-based BitRhymes, which went live with its Facebook social game Bingo Bash some months ago, has big business ambitions.

Namely, the company strives to expand its offering to casino style games, in which it has support of some big angel investors, such as IGN founder Mark Jung, World Golf Tour chief executive Yu Chiang, former general counsel of Apple and Oracle Dan Cooperman and Doug Bergeron, the chief executive of VeriFone.

So far, it has raised $1million capital, with which it hopes to localize its product for different markets and introduce 10 language versions, as well as focus on its mobile versions of the game after the release of Bingo Bash HD for the iPad. Another one of its hopes includes the relaxation of restrictive gambling regulations in the US, so that it can cash in on this lucrative market, as well.

According to BitRhymes spokesmen, players who use its Bingo Bash on both iOS and Facebook generate three times the revenue of users on a single platform.
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