123 Bingo Blog Review

123 Bingo…..It’s Easy as Do Re Mi!

Shake it baby, shake it…..wait not Michael Jackson….shake the bingo balls!! I just couldn’t resist the name 123Bingo…as I went into that song and dance tune. With so many Bingo sites to choose from, this name just called out to me and yelled…B-I-N-G-O!

Upon entering 123Bingo a dollar bill was floating across my screen. As it nearly disappeared at the bottom of my screen, i just knew it was eager for me to catch it. One click of my mouse and the dollar soon became MINE! Not without a catch. A guest book with a pencil opens up. . Oh no not a trivia question…if I don’t answer it correctly I will lose my floating dollar. Ahhh this is easy, a simple yes or no question. I answer it….a window pops up. “Must be at least 20 words”…hmmm ok now I have to explain my answer. I give a 20 word reply and a one dollar bill is placed immediately in my account!

Starting with my free $25.00 chip, that now is $26.00 I enter the world of 123Bingo! I have two rooms to choose from. Green Thumb or Bingo Country are my options…being a country girl at heart I anxiously enter Bingo country.

My background screen is a brilliant red….my favorite color. A cute checker table cloth fit for a picnic out in the country lays as my back drop. This is cozy. The chitter chatter of players eagerly await to be the next winner!

I played for nearly 2 hours. Starting out slow in the nickel bingo room. After about 30 minutes of playing…..the lovely announcer declares a B-I-N-G-O! Who’s name appears….none other than mine! Yes…….$16.00 and the pot is all mine!

I had a blast at 123Bingo. I hope the bingo caller didn’t mind as I serenaded to her…”Shake it baby, Shake it!!!

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