123 Bingo Review

123 Bingo Review
I’m a little bit of soul and a whole lot of country….

There is nothing like down home southern country hospitality. I feel right at home with good ole country charm the south has to offer. Having some roots in the south I have had the pleasure of getting away from the hustle, bustle of the big city life and enjoying the slower paced simple pleasures in life. Waking up to a rooster crowing and sipping my morning coffee as the sun comes up as i sitting back and watch the cornfields grow. A red plaid kitchen table cloth with biscuits and gravy served for breakfast. I think there may be a little bit of country in us all.

Heading down yonder to 123 Bingo I set my sights on the Country Bingo room. Saddled up with a few bingo bucks tucked in my cowboy boot i am ready for this .05 a card room. I entered at a good time since it is buy 12 and get 6 free…..yee haw! Sitting pretty with 18 cards it’s time to hopefully holler B-I-N-G-O!

I love the background of this room with the red and white checkered tablecloth with cherries thrown in for decoration. The pattern is the wine glass for a winning a card. I need 11 spaces to fill my card for that winning bingo.

The prize for this game is $100. Not a bad profit for spending .60 total for the game. That is the one thing I love about playing bingo, you can spend a little and win a lot. The odds are not bad either considering the odds on other games. But tonite my competition is a bit stiff as I am up against 59 players, 60 including myself.

After 14 calls I need one number on one card. I was chanting out loud c’mon G-52. As each number was being called I sunk a little deeper in my chair. Every number under the sun was called but the one number I needed! After call 20 someone in the room got a bingo. How lucky they were too that they were the only winner.

I reckon tonite just was not my night for hooping and hollering! No ma’am I think I might just go sit on the front porch swing and watch the corn fields grow.

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