“3am Bingo has now closed.
If you had an account, don't worry: it has been moved to 3ams sister site, Mirror Bingo. You can login right away using your old 3am Bingo username and password. We've moved your full balance over and any outstanding withdrawals will be processed as normal.
If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us.
The Team at 3am Bingo”
3am Bingo's may have just made economic sense. The bingo sites operated by the Daily Mirror were very similar and the decision to merge was likely the most financial sound decision in today's market. A report was recently released regarding the suffering of the online bingo market; however the reasons for 3am Bingo's demise is unknown.
Players will be pleased to know that Mirror Bingo will feature a 3am Bingo room as well as a number of special promotions to welcome 3am Bingo players.
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