All Clear In DC Council Lottery Deal

All Clear In DC Council Lottery Deal
No improprieties found according to the Report

Inspector General Charles J. Willoughby, in his report that is to be released next week, found no improper conduct regarding the selection of a new lottery vendor in the controversial Washington D.C. Council lottery deal.

The 19-page report focuses on the acceptability of winning bidder, Intralot, entering into an agreement with the newly formed Veteran Service Corp (VSC) after being awarded the tender. But the report concluded the relationship between the partners were appropriate.

What was also highlighted in the report is the issue concerning the District's Chief Financial Officer Natwar M. Gandhi for adding online gambling provisions to the contract after the award was given, without calling for another round of bids from interested parties.

On January 26 councilor Jack Evans, one of the controversial bill main political opponents, will chair a committee hearing to determine whether the measure should be repealed despite the support of residents. Inspector Willoughby is expected to testify at the hearing.
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