The purpose of the interview by the gay newspaper appeared to be due to the rise in the number of gay players taking in interest in bingo. The interview went on with rather standards questions about online bingo and Chit Bingo's site until one particular question was asked: “Do you have a lot of other gay players on the site”?
Amit Rattan answered matter of fact by stating: “Obviously as a company we don't know who is gay and who isn't because we don't ask”. Which prompts the question on every players mind does your sexual preference really matter?
The bingo community is definitely one of strong social interaction and that is part of the allure that has historically been one of the keen interests of the game. But it is bingo, not an online dating service; therefore how relevant is it whether you are straight, gay, bisexual, transgender or transvestite?
It does open Pandora's Box because of social media aspects that have taken the internet to a new level thanks to sites like Facebook and Twitter. The internet has become a venue for conversation and has taken the global market by storm as a new way to communicate, stay in touch and widen your social circle of friendships.
What was once considered as taboo to spark up a romance online is now commonplace as more and more couples meet and marry through online dating, chat rooms, forums and other social media sources.
Bingo has known this long before the surge of social media began and has always been a place to meet and develop new friendships with bingo rooms that offer chat box features and private chatting options. And yes, romance has blossomed with a few nuptials along the way that have been reported.
The age old art of playing bingo has advanced to online and has exploded into a billion dollar industry. So it prompts the question; should the social aspect of bingo step it up a notch and stay in tune with all the media hype of online communication?
If so it would transform the whole registration process at online bingo sites with check boxes that would include your sexual preference, single or married, whether or not you are actively seeking a relationship and what you are looking for that would be openly displayed in your profile or under your avatar.
Since bingo is the pioneer in interactive socializing is it time for a change or are something's better left alone?
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Comments (1)

11/27/12, 07:11:00 AM
Somethings are better left alone. However, there does seem to be a market out there for an even more social bingo experience. I have seen sites that cater to the gay community (Gay Pride Bingo, for example) but I don't know any details on whether this has sparked relationships or is just an extra fun feature for members...
Somethings are better left alone. However, there does seem to be a market out there for an even more social bingo experience. I have seen sites that cater to the gay community (Gay Pride Bingo, for example) but I don't know any details on whether this has sparked relationships or is just an extra fun feature for members of the site. I think there is room for anything in bingo and would not be upset if bingo themed dating sites started cropping up. And it wouldn't bother me if these dating sites catered to specific types of dating, such as gay or straight or anything in between. I might not join them as I might not enjoy them as much as no strings attached bingo. But I'll bet there are millions who would! I don't particularly want to divulge so much information in my profile online whether on a social media site or on a bingo site. I wonder if predatory members would cause problems in some way. You never know what can happen when dealing with people, and when you are dealing with sexual issues, even more uncertainty can arise. So for me, I'll stick with the plain vanilla bingo sites. I'm not looking for a relationship at this point nor do I want to be asked if I am interested. But for those of you out there who might be inclined to look for a little more zesty bingo game, I hope you find what you are looking for.
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