Bingo Charm Review

Bingo Charm Review
Don’t throw me over board……..

Swimming with the great white shark takes a brave heart. The sea captain tempts the sharks as he throws in the scent of blood into the ocean. Taking a dive into a cage that is locked and your plunged deep into the abyss with a swarm of white sharks that are thirsty for you now! There is only one thing I would think about……..

Throw me a life preserver quick! Bingo Charm is tempting fate as I enter the bingo room. I buy 24 cards at .25 each. The jackpot is a whopping $6,875.74. If I can win on call 27 the jackpot is all mine!

The prize is without the jackpot is $112.95. I am happy to settle for that. As the game begins the pattern is Life Preserver. Feeling like I am about to be devoured by sharks, I think my chances of winning are slim with 71 players.

As the game progresses I am looking pretty good. I need one number on 4 cards. Will i sink and parish as a great white shark will yell bingo and blow my chance of winning? I need G53, N43, I29 or G53 and the life preserver is all mine!

The bingo caller says I-16…….sigh that is the wrong number under the I. As the ball is about to be announced I pan my cards hoping she will call one of my numbers. G53 is called…and yell B-I-N-G-O! I won $112.95 and the best part is I didn’t have to share a dime of it!

I am handed the life preserver and brought to the surface safe and sound. I think I will hold off awhile longer before deciding to swim with the great white sharks. I will leave that up to the brave hearts of the world.

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