Bingo Empire Review

Aug 11, 2011
When a bingo site rewards its players, it’s a pretty good one in my book. Among the endless bingo sites I’m registered with, not many take care of me like Bingo Empire. No deposit bonuses, free card specials and 1p bingo keeps me coming back. When I felt the tingle for a bit of bingo there was only one choice. Bingo Empire!

The choice is refreshing. Bingo Empire offers 30, 75, 80 and 90 ball bingo rooms. By now I’m sure you know that the more balls the better is my philosophy. A game was already in progress in the 90 ball room so I decided to play the slot mini games within the room while I waited for the next game to begin. These are mini games in the truest sense. I chose the 9 line/ 5 reel Mandarin slot game and it was so tiny that I struggled to see it. There was no way I could play that one. Maximizing the window just distorted the game. Maybe a simpler less “busy” game might be better. The 5 line/3 reel version was much better! I blew through most of my bankroll spinning before bingo even began.

I had just over £5 left. Cards were only 5p so I bought up 24 and had a short wait until game time. If I could bingo within 7 calls the £100 jackpot was mine. Yeah right! Anyway, on to the double line. I was doing horribly. 48 calls in and I still had 3 to go on several cards. I felt my teeth beginning to grind. I had visions of throwing my laptop through the window.

One card with 1 to go and 67 calls out left me feeling hopeless. The TV began to distract me. I heard bingo called and to my surprise it was me! I hadn’t paid much attention to the prize aside from the jackpot amount. I had won £4.77 for the full house. The rooms were fairly empty which affected the prizes. I couldn’t imagine why the rooms were not jammed with players at this site.

Let’s fill up these rooms and boost the prizes at Bingo Empire.


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