Bingo Flash Review

Bingo Flash Review
Don’t Stack em……..Splash em!!

My best friend introduced me to roulette in Las Vegas. Lady luck was on my side as my numbers kept popping for 3 hours and I was $400 ahead. The dealer got a kick out of my shear excitement every time he pushed a stack of chips over to me. At one point he said…don’t stack em…..splash em! This makes it look like even more chips!! I was jumping up and down in my seat yelling…oh yeah!! When I went back the next day to the same dealer he said “oh no here comes the wild one”!! I sit at his table and tell him I am ready for some splish splash!

I have never played roulette online. Mostly because I like the thrill of the action when playing with other people. Today I wanted the online experience. I deposit $50 at Bingo Flash and head for American Roulette.

I play $2.00 a spin. If the ball lands on my number, its $35 to 1 for my bet. If I place a chip on the line between 2 numbers I win half. Placing a number on a corner will divide the $35 win into a four way split, with better odds of four numbers to win on. I play 3 numbers at a time, right in the center of the number. I want my full $35 today!

At first I was a bit disappointed as I played. I couldn’t watch the wheel spin and see where the ball landed. Then I noticed the bigger image of the wheel on the left hand side of the screen. I played my birthday numbers hoping it bring me the luck it brought to me in Vegas. I like the sound of the ball as it spins around the wheel. It’s the same sound heard when playing live. One advantage to playing online I learned is not fighting to get your chips on the table with a sea of arms trying to place their last minute bets.

Watching the wheel spin…….i am saying out loud …..c’mon baby bring it home to me!! Home the chips never came. In just 15 minutes and $50 later I was tapped out. Not a solitary win. When your hot your hot…when your not your not. I think I was a bit hasty and should of placed my chips on a line or corner for better odds.

The only splash I am going to see today is when I head for long hot bubble bath in my tub!!

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