Some players have been known to sneer at anyone who dares to take their table. For example, someone did dare and I watched as a player was forced to be seated somewhere else. She made sure that she stayed close and glared at the poor unsuspecting payers the entire session. They caught her glare several times and realized something was up. During the break, the mean girl went over and told them that #501 was her lucky table and that next time she expects it to be available as she sashayed over to the bar. My jaw dropped.
On another occasion I witnessed a mean girl rant and rave about how bad her luck was and that she hoped it would be much better during the second half. She quickly took that statement back and said it would actually be better if the bingo caller had fallen off a cliff. Of course it was all his fault that she hadn't been winning. Once again I was in awe. Wouldn't you love to sit down with a bingo caller and hear all the stories of what the mean girls have done?
At some bingo halls, you'll find last chance games. All the players that have lost during the main session hang around hoping to win something before they leave. Often the houses are worth £50 or maybe more. This is where the mean girls really show themselves. You are almost afraid to win especially if this is your second win of the session. People complain and claim the games are fixed.
Oh and here's a piece of advice, don't ever win more than once while playing an electronic bingo machine. In fact, you may want to avoid the electronic machines altogether. You could be next on their list. Are you a bingo mean girl?
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