Blind Date Bingo Review

Blind Date Bingo Review
We got the shimmy shimmy shakes!!

I swore I would never do it…..go on a blind date. I open the door to a man standing there and he has the shakes. This is no ordinary shake…..he’s got the shimmy shimmy shakes!! He hands me a present….do I dare look in side? It’s $10 to Blind Date Bingo! Now we both got the shimmy shimmy shakes!!!

We shimmy are way into the .05 card Comedy Lounge. We buy our cards at $2.50 a game and wait for the our first round.I like the color of the cards…a very festive orange for Halloween! When the game begins I don’t know whats shaking more, the balls or me and my date! I need 2 numbers on 5 cards. The state of Utah pattern is what we need to bingo on. A cute little donkey pops up with his arms folded grins from ear to ear as a player bingos. Dang it…3 more rounds to play.

We are down to the last set of cards. The pattern is the waterfall. The prize money is $20 and we both stand up and yell..”shake them balls…faster than our shimmy shimmy shake!! There is only 16 players in our room so we have a fighting chance. I don’t even come close……I need at least 3 numbers. Again the donkey appears with his smirky grin and another player bingos!!

We leave with our tails between our legs……our heads hung low. Our shimmy shakes are over. He walks me to my door and asks “next Friday, same place, same time”? Yes, lets shake it baby!!!

I never even knew his name……..but let me tell you, he knew how to shake them balls!!!

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