Dream Bingo players can win the opportunity to attend one of the celebrity events by taking part in the 'Guess the Soap Star' online competition, which will be advertised in Hearst magazines including Best, Reveal, Real People and Inside Soap magazine.
The awards will take place in London on October 5, 2015 and will give away 18 awards based on public vote.
The ultimate award will be the Best Soap Award with EastEnders fighting for its 7th win in 8 years.
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Comments (1)
SassyGirlMe 10/19/15, 08:10:26 AM
Has anyone found out who the winner from Dream Bingo players won the opportunity to attend one of the celebrity events by taking part in the ‘Guess the Soap Star’ online competition. SInce it happened on Oct 5th someone out there has the story how everything turned out. I would love to hear or read that story. Congrats...
Has anyone found out who the winner from Dream Bingo players won the opportunity to attend one of the celebrity events by taking part in the ‘Guess the Soap Star’ online competition. SInce it happened on Oct 5th someone out there has the story how everything turned out. I would love to hear or read that story. Congrats to whomever won.
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