Eat Sleep Bingo Review

Eat Sleep Bingo Review
If Numbers Could Sprout Wings…….

Numbers play an important role in our lives. Whether it is certain dates of sentimental value or superstitions about avoiding certain numbers all together, the fact remains numbers do matter! To the gambler there is certain numbers that have great relevance. One in particular is the number 7. If numerology can guide our course in life, let it be known the number 7 can change a gambler’s life. Two red 7 sevens with a triple symbol on a dollar machine is sweet. One red 7 with two 10x's symbol on a $5 machine is pure ecstasy! If there is going to be any number that a gambler is going to award it’s wings to, it’s the power of 7.

Eat Sleep Bingo along with other Cozy Game bingo sites have prodigiously honored the 7 with wings! Lucky 7 has sprouted it’s wings and I found it under Instant Games.

This is a Scratch Card with the same concept as a card you would find at your local convenient store. There is a couple slight differences. One is the the auto scratch feature. No digging at the bottom of our purses for a penny to scratch off our cards with this one! The other is you can buy a scratch card for as little as one cent! You won’t find that in any local store.

I am very short on cash with just a little under a .25 in my account. Wanting my money to last for longer play time, I bet .01 per card. The 3 red sevens is the top prize to win with 100x’s your bet. Followed by 7’s with the bar going through it, triple bars, double bars, single bars and cherries.

I hit a couple of triple bars for .50 and before I knew it I was up over $1.50 in less than 5 minutes. Now I realize that doesn’t seem like much, but it gave me a slow steady build to my bankroll. I continued to play for the next twenty minutes or so hovering just under $2.00. If your short on cash and have that playtime urge I suggest this game. Who know’s with angelic 7’s on your side the possibilities are endless!

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