This is the first time a pay and display machine was placed at the 1,800 seat bingo hall since it initially open its doors in 1996.
One player was surprised to see that she had to pay to park on her January 11 visit.
The player, Melanie Morris, said: "I was there from around 7pm to 9.30pm and thought no more about it when I left."
She recently receive a letter requesting payment of an £85 fine since she had no registered her car with the club to prove she was a player there.
"I was told if the fine was not paid with 28 days there would be a surcharge of between £20 and £40. I had been given no indication that a car registration scheme was operated at Gala and when I took up the matter with the staff in Scunthorpe they agreed to waive the fine”, Morris said.
A spokesman for Gala Coral said: "The car parking charges went live in mid-November. It allows customers to be able to park while visiting the club as charges are not applicable to them.
"Notices were displayed 10 days prior to November 17. Stage announcements were made in every session two weeks prior to the 17th and continue to be made.
"We are only doing the same as any other leisure venue in the country – protecting our customers."
"I posted a message on social media and four people – all Gala customers – told me they had also been fined. I did not see the pay and display machine in the dark, there were no notices on the doors and I did not hear any announcements”, was Morris' response.
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