Gina Bingo Review

Jul 04, 2011
Don’t you just love spam emails? Oh they’re my favorite especially when you open one that appears to come from a contact. This actually happened to me. I opened an email that appeared to be from a friend. The subject line was odd and it was a link to an online diet center. I hardly ever read emails unless they stand out in some way or they are sent by my favorite online bingo sites. Gina Bingo is top on my watch list.

I received an email regarding credit I had sitting in my account. Right away hit the 90 ball bingo room. The cards were buy 10 get 2 free. Whoo hoo I was off to a great start. I took 20 cards for a total of £2. The prize was £9.72 for the full house. The game is flying by as usual. No side games for me. Before I know it, I’m playing for two lines. I needed one number. This number always seems to hold things up for me. I can never ever ever bingo on the year I was born. I was waiting for them to call 81 for what felt like ages. No such luck.

In the blink of an eye we’re on to the full house. Call 68 and it seems that I’m playing against myself. I had two cards both in need of number 45. I’m thinking “c’mon” “c’mon” but no cigar. The £9.72 was split amongst multiple players. Their share had to be down to almost nothing.

I hung out for a while to catch another few games but it was not my lucky day. I haven’t given up on my girl Gina though. She’s a long way off from being thrown in the spam pit.


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