Illegal Bingo Operation Raided in Alabama

 Illegal Bingo Operation Raided in Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama police recovered $86,000 in computer equipment during a raid of an illegal electronic bingo establishment.

Officers presented Bingo Bingo with a warrant according to police spokesman Sgt. Johnny Williams Jr.

"This was the result of an ongoing investigation by the vice unit," he said.

Police became involved and began an investigation after complaints about the bingo hall started coming in. Officers initially found that computers were being used for illegal gambling purposes.

Officers took 62 computers worth $1,400 each. No one was caught using the computers and no arrests have been made at this point but charges may be filed.

"The investigation doesn't end when we take the machines," Williams said.

Back in 2011, an illegal bingo operation was raided at the same address. The search warrant issued for Bingo Bingo also list "Take A Step Up” as the business name.

On August 5, 2011, the police department took over 90 bingo machines from this very spot. At this time it is unknown whether or not the two are connected by the same company or individuals.
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