Throughout history the female has fought tooth and nail for equal rights against their male counterparts. Gloria Steinem feminist and journalist lead the way in the late 1960's and 1970's for the women's liberation movement.
Times have changed and women today have made a poignant expression in equal rights. Gone are the days of not having the liberty to vote, run for president or have equal pay for equal jobs that men have.
And the ladies in the bingo community aren't afraid to stand up and cause a public display of dissatisfaction when things aren't running accordingly in the bingo halls.
There have been a lot of reports in the news lately about players getting into brawls over the game of bingo. After all claiming a bingo is a serious business and everyone gets along just fine with this social game until something sets off the old temper meter and all hell breaks loose.
What sets off the ticking time bomb inside players? Shouting Bingo too early or worse yet, the ultimate bingo sin; claiming one as a prankster joke. There is nothing too funny about it according to some players.
But what is it that is tipping the scales causing and erupting a vocal outburst against the player who makes a mistake calling a bingo when they don't have one?
Women are a passionate lot and in reality no different from the opposite sex who wages a war on some fellow that knocks their favorite sports team or lose a hand in what should be friendly game of poker right?
In any game of chance we are in it to win it and there is no time to waste on some silly errors or practical jokes while in the midst of a bingo session.
We may have needed a voice for our equal rights in this world but there has never been an issue when it comes having our say. Women have been known to go down scratching and pulling hair all in the crime of passion.
Add that to the bingo player and you have one potent mix. There are three things to remember about women; don't mess with their man, don't mess with their cooking and don't dare mess with the game of bingo!
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Comments (1)

04/07/13, 01:04:27 PM
I've seen this conflict in action at local events where bingo is being featured as one of the games to play. There is always a good turnout and usually a lot of fun going on. But when there comes a bump in the bingo road, the player's passions do tend to rise quickly to the surface. Now, they don't have the most sophisticated...
I've seen this conflict in action at local events where bingo is being featured as one of the games to play. There is always a good turnout and usually a lot of fun going on. But when there comes a bump in the bingo road, the player's passions do tend to rise quickly to the surface. Now, they don't have the most sophisticated bingo calling methods out here in the country, and the cards are the old-fashioned slider types which can be tricky because they can get sticky. Slide one number and sometimes the whole row slides right along with it. If it wasn't hard enough trying to manage un-marking marked numbers from the faulty cards, then you have the off-chance that the caller will inadvertently light up the wrong ball number on the master list. Oh, boy, when that happens, watch out! They can't undo the lightup once the switch is tripped, so now we have to not only watch our cards so they don't mark the wrong numbers, we have to remember the numbers that aren't really called numbers, too! Of course complications are going to arise, and when it comes down to the end, there are going to be a lot of questions asked. Luckily nobody has come to blows and the police haven't had to be called, but the chaos in bingo calling and marking does grate on the nerves and cause suspicious glances to be thrown about. Lucky for some, the players can always grab a cold beer and calm their nerves to get ready for the next game.
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