And if fate is on our side we will share this Christmas with our loved ones yet another year. The season is known to be a joyous time but for some it can be stressful. Maybe someone very near and dear to your heart won't be sitting at your table this holiday.
This can take away the joy of the holidays as feelings of sadness fill our hearts. Memories of Christmas past shared with grandma, grandpa, mom, dad are just that now……memories.
But there is a beauty in memories that simply can't be taken away. It can't be bought or sold or ever forgotten. It is a sentimental time of year when we reflect on those we love dearly and have fond happy thoughts of a time gone by.
We are here to live on the legacy and keep the spirit and magic in our hearts. Why? Because that is what they have taught us and it is up to us to keep that tradition going to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
The circle is truly never unbroken as it lingers on until eternity. Remember there is angels among us. They guide and protect us and there is a beam of light for every ornament, garland and lights placed on your tree.
And when Christmas morning arrives and presents are opened the angels above, our angels sing a heavenly song of pride of what they left behind. After all they demonstrated to us what the true meaning of Christmas was and still is.
How will you know they are with you this Christmas? Perhaps Jimmy Stewart's daughter said it best in the classic Christmas movie It's a Wonderful Life; “every time you hear a bell another angel gets their wings”.
Ahh yes they have wings alright and you can bet they will be flying overhead straight to your home and hearts this year and ever year thereafter.
From our Bingo house to yours we wish you the merriest Christmas of all this season and may the coming year bring lots prosperity and loads of Jackpot wins!
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