Registration was simple. I had my bonus and was ready to check out the site. I went directly to the bingo rooms. There were many familiar aspects.The highest prize was in the 80 ball Pinnacle Room. I bought 15 cards and got 30 free. Amazingly the cards were buy one, get two free. It’s a rare day when I come across an offer like that. I was using bonus bucks so I was only allowed to purchase a maximum of 15 cards.
I had a minute or so to kill so I played the King of Slots. The minimum was £1 per spin. My bonus had dwindled down to £3. I would’ve blown it all but the game began. In all, I think I won 25p. We were playing for the “I” pattern with a prize of £22.14 then on to the full house for £35.42. The callers voice is the same at all Cozy sites isn't it?
Within 35 calls, 3 winners split the pot for the pattern. I was down to 2 to go on two separate cards. There was a progressive jackpot of £700 if someone could bingo within 30 calls. That went right out the window quickly. By call 68 quite a few players called and had to split the pot. That’s the worst. I don’t like to share my bingo wins. I suppose my loser status was for the best. I wouldn’t have been able to cash out a single penny anyway.
If you’re a member of one Cozy Games site, you’re a member of them all. Why not make it Jackpot Fiesta?
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