Slang words have changed over time and it seems each new decade introduces new lingo. The 1920's kicked off a revolution of slang words that have been lost through the ages but kept alive the concept of expressions. In the 20's we had The Bee's Knees, Cat's Meow and Cat's Pajamas when something or someone was the ultimate. Cheaters weren't about being disloyal to your mate or cheating while playing a game, they were sunglasses while Scram meant get lost!
In the 1930's and 40's it was Murder to what we refer to today as “wow”. Looking to get congratulated you would say Mitt me kid. Shake a leg is hurry up and Make Tracks is leaving in a hurry. Juicy is enjoyable, Keen is great and Kippy is neat.
The 1950's saw a brand new crop of lingo with Frosted for angry, Go Ape for excited, Wet Rag is someone no fun and Made in the Shade is having it all. In the 1960's everything was Groovy and Peace was replaced the goodbyes.
Then there is the 2000's with Bling-Bling for diamonds, Darby meaning ultra-power, Da Bomb for fantastic and Muffin Top for a bulging midriff. Through the years we have held on to a lot of the jargon while most have fallen by the wayside.
Today's lingo is best scripted in the written word with the online social media and text messaging. The expressions have changed drastically since then but there is still some that have endured the test of time which is really quite “Cool”. It has crossed from the virtual world to real world conversation as we exclaim OMG, LOL and WTG.
The Bingo chat rooms are brimming with lingo and reviving the past would extend the vocabulary to new heights. Heading to the next 90 ball game is the bee's knee's and is Murder when hitting the next Progressive Jackpot. Have a juicy time and don't let a Wet Rag ruin leaving you Frosted!
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