The Jackpot Festival poured down a fabulous range of bingo jackpots for all. Each of the jackpot games had an exclusive prize associated to it. Like the Daily Dosh was offering Love2shop voucher worth £20, a Kenwood Smoothie Maker offered in the Rise N Shine game, Rose Champagne and a Retro Sweets Hamper offered in the Tuesday Treats. Plus, there was a Kindle Fire in the game VIPs Only exclusively for VIP players. The offer is scheduled in the days between 12th and 25th August, and if you wish to have these prizes get your cards at RAPchic Bingo soon. In the midst of these special jackpots, do not forget to crack the Friday jackpot. Every Friday at 8PM, RAPchic Bingo offers a guaranteed jackpot worth £150. And, bingo tickets for the game are priced for just a 50p. And, that gives you the opportunity to maximize your card purchases to the core.
This August, trying out the bingo games at RAPchic Bingo, you could take home a good load of loyalty points as well – something like from a share of 100,000lps. These loyalty points are up for grabs in two bounce back sessions happening every Monday and Wednesday at the site. To take your share, you have to lose out 10 games in a row. Well then before the month ends get going for it all at the earliest. New players are greeted with an exotic start of 200% Welcome Bonus offered to the 1st deposit. Plus, do not forget to spin the RAPchic Bingo wheel and win guaranteed bonus up to £2,500. By, now you should be at the bingo rooms of this site already.
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