School Governor Steals £30k to Fund Bingo Habit

School Governor Steals £30k to Fund Bingo Habit
Claire Mosby, 38, stole £30,000 from a safe at the school where she worked as a governor to fund her bingo habit. She took money from the Swarcliffe Primary School, in Leeds, over the course of two years. She has been found guilty of taking £31,000 in cash that was collected from parents for meals as well as school clubs and trips.

Mosby suffered from a gambling addiction and used the cash toward bingo and debts incurred as a result.

According to her banking details, the money was spent on online casino and bingo websites and withdrawn near a Mecca Bingo location.

The judge showed some leniency to the mother of three children and released her until after Christmas with sentencing to follow next year. This decision didn't come without a warning that she should not expect such kindness with sentencing.

Kate Davison, a school finance officer, noticed that the income was low in the schools accounts. She attempted to discuss this with Mosby but was unsuccessful in meeting with her. Davison eventually uncovered a £17,000 discrepancy to which Mosby had no explanation.

At trial, Mosby expressed her fear of reporting the missing cash as she would raise suspicion against headteacher Susan Sanderson.

Mosby spoke to the jury saying, “I thought people would think it was me. I thought if I reported it I was accusing Susan Sanderson of taking it.”

She spent approximately £2,000 playing online and additional cash was spent playing bingo at Mecca with her husband.

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