By taking advantage of various colors and strategic locations for options, the site becomes easier to navigate for current players and more inviting for newer players. Certain web pages or links are more identifiable due to creative and smart selections with the choice of color representing them.
Aside from taking the step toward a more visually appealing site design, South Beach Bingo also offers players with expanded profile options. Included with the new additions, players can update and change information on-the-fly, view promotions being offered, check account activity, and manage VIP status. In order to put profiles to good use, players can now utilize a new “Rate and Review” feature which will allow players to come together more as a community by being able to review various games and hold discussions about them. Rating games also has the added benefit of allowing the site to provide users with recommendations for new games that are catered to more personal tastes. South Beach Bingo is looking to further develop and strengthen their gaming community with the incorporation of these new features.
In a greater push to bring the community together, South Beach Bingo is also introducing new social networking features. Players will now be able to communicate with one another through messaging, update their user statuses, like and share items, and track online activity. Many of these newly introduced components are fairly prevalent across the web which also makes them immediately recognizable and welcoming to most users. Feedback is crucial and does much to benefit the site and other users, so be sure to check out all of the new available options.
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