The gaming industry in the UK has been largely regulated by the UK Gambling Commission and its relevant provisions, resulting in clearly defined rights and responsibilities for everyone involved. Due to the massive expansion in recent years, many new platforaims and gaming forms have come to existence, causing quite a variety of offerings. In order to cater to the needs of players for each segment separately, numerous land-based and online establishments have come to existence. But when it comes to bingo in particular, it's up to the National Bingo Game Association to ensure that players are offered prime, never-ending bingo action.
This game is known as the National Bingo Game, and it is offered at all bingo clubs which participate in the Association. It is a full house bingo game that has been primarily regulated by the NBGA, but also further defined by the individual clubs and their managers.
What Is New about the National Bingo Game?
Starting from April 30, 2018, the National Bingo Game has undergone a change in its format. Namely, the existing 90-ball bingo game that used to bring all the excitement at the bingo clubs was replaced by a 50-ball gameplay. The new format was introduced as a way to create a faster-paced action and thus attract a more wide and varied player pool to their premises.
Another reason behind the remodeling of the National Bingo Game everyone already knew and loved is in the NBGA's attempt to create more winners. Estimated ticket sales and a guaranteed club/venue prize for every game played at a particular bingo club have brought about results amassing up to 5,000 winners per week. This is further supported by the fixed odds jackpot cash prizes at full house only games - you can claim the £100 jackpot in 24 calls or less; the £1,000 jackpot in 20 calls or less; and the £50,000 jackpot in 16 calls or less.
The greater number of prizes does not mean that they exclude each other - in fact, players who have won the jackpot are still eligible to receive the club or venue reward. This roughly translates as there is bound to be one winner in each game you play at the club.
Tickets for this novel National Bingo Game action can be purchased at the price of £1 for each strip of 2 tickets, i.e. £2 for each strip of 5 tickets. These prices, as well as the prize structure, have been set up and adopted by all major bingo industry operators with clubs across the nation, as well as local and minor bingo establishments. With the likes of Gala, Castle, Beacon and Carlton adjusting to the novelty, the climate has swiftly become as agreeable as any. What is more, a Mecca spokesperson further emphasized the benefits of the format change, pointing out to the fact that ‘everyone will be in with the chance to experience that winning feeling!'
Ultimately, the software used for the National Bingo Game so far has also been subject to change, in order to meet the specifications of the newer model. This, in turn, allowed the game to take on a new, online marketplace. After all, the National Bingo Game was due for an entrance for quite some time, especially considering the fact that this is the third change it has seen in over 30 years.
The NBGA on the New National Bingo Game
The provider of this National Bingo Game and the main driver that provoked this change is bound to support the claims for this novel format. This is made all the more evident with the statement made by the National Bingo Game Association's CEO, Mr. Miles Baron. He started off by emphasizing the main advantages of playing this bingo game format:
'...With this latest version of the game we wanted to bring it up to date, with a game that takes less time to play, finds its winners immediately and creates more of them.'
And while the most substantial and massive change has been noted in the software model, Mr. Baron's statement continues in the most supportive fashion:
'Changing to a 50 number fixed odds format has meant that there have had to be substantial changes in the game's software, which has also enabled us to make the game's technology web based and in doing so improve future flexibility and lessen technological barriers for operators seeking to offer the game in their clubs and venues.'

The Rules Applied to the New National Bingo Game
As the National Bingo Game Association updated their bingo game, they also reformed their rules and regulations section in order to maintain consistency with their offering. The sole fact that they are licensed by the Gambling Commission, and operate in compliance with the Gambling Act 2005 is proof enough of their reliability, but the stringent rules and regulations clarify it further.
The rules span over several categories - age requirement, tickets, prizes, playing the National Game, making a claim to a prize, bonus prize payments, problems, reduced liability of the NBGA, complaints procedure and miscellaneous.
On UK territory, all gaming activity regarding games of chance has been restricted to players aged 18 or more, making the matter extremely clear with regards to the first point of the NBGA rulebook. The'Tickets' section covers the ways in which you can purchase tickets - paper or through EBT, the grid structure in which you can purchase them, and the process of canceling a ticket purchase.'Prizes' is aimed to guarantee to each player that their relevant bingo club will openly state all prizes, their odds and the winners, while the fourth section of the NBGA rules deals with each prize and each ticket type separately.
The following rules sections address their relevant issue just as well, aiming to define both the rights and privileges of the players, as well as their responsibilities towards the operators and vice versa. Last added is the 'Miscellaneous' section - it addresses issues of general legal nature that do not belong to any of the nine previously mentioned subsections.
Concluding Thoughts
All in all, there is no doubt that change in this direction is good and rather welcomed. On the one hand side, it has served the basic purpose of improving the gameplay quality - faster action, better chances of winning and a wider range of player prizes are always an improvement. On the other hand, it has taken the entire National Bingo Game experience to the next level - greater tech coordination and online presence of the numerous bingo operators, and hence, an even greater rise in ticket sales and player traffic. On the whole, the New National Bingo Game takes the whole thing to the next level, and evidence so far proves that the only direction it is headed is upwards.
'Mecca Glasgow Forge launches new National Bingo Game', Jenness Mitchell, www.eveningtimes.co.uk
'National Bingo to launch new game format', www.coinslot.co.uk
'NATIONAL BINGO GAME - PLAYERS' RULES', www.nationalbingo.co.uk
'Less numbers means more winners says National Bingo Game', Luke Massey, www.totallygaming.com
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