There are so many languages around the world that learning them all would be an impossible feat. Travelers to go to faraway destinations with a trusty handbook of basic lingo to communicate in the most basic terms to hail a cab, order off a menu and ask directions. Friendly conversation is limited to “hello, how are you and how much.
Although in many parts of the world English is the official language it does not necessarily always help in every corner on earth. A speed course would be the quickest way to learn but not everyone has the time to absorb it in a short amount of time.
However there is a universal language that most players understand and that can be found at any of the online Bingo sites. Even if you are new to playing online and are beginning to stray from the local bingo hall and opting for the modern convenience of playing at home, learning the jargon is a snap!
Bingo is a social network of community players and chat is part of the thrill of playing. Instead of having to learn a separate language for each country players are united in a common conversation everyone understands. And the best part of all is they are not words but rather small abbreviations for simple learning.
Chat lingo is a great way to communicate especially when talking otherwise is near impossible when coming across friends that are do not speak your native tongue. Some of the more common internet lingo players already know through Facebook or other social media networks. But for the Bingo player there are some new and creative chats that are worth learning.
Here is a list of the less than common chat acronyms:
^5: High 5
20: Location
73: Best Regards
88: Love And Kisses
100: Nature Calls/Pit Stop
404: I have no clue (What you get when you enter a wrong URL)
ADN: Any Day Now
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
BL: Belly Laugh
BMGWL: Busting My Gut With Laughter
BTDT: Been There, Done That
BWL: Bursting With Laughter
C&G: Chuckle And Grin
CRBT: Crying Real Big Tears
CSG: Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYAL8R: See You Later
DLTBBB: Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
DTRT: Do The Right Thing
DWB: Don't Write Back
DWPKOTL: Deep Wet Passionate Kiss On The Lips
EG: Evil Grin
EMSG: Email Message
ES: Enough Said
F2F: Face To Face
FC: Fingers Crossed
G: Grin
GAL: Get A Life
GFN: Gone For Now
GMAB: Give Me A Break
GMBO: Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA: Great Minds Think Alike
GNSTDLTBBB: Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
GTSY: Glad To See You
H&K: Hug And Kiss
HAGN: Have A Good Night
HAND: Have A Nice Day
HHIS: Hanging Head In Shame
HI: Laughter
HIG: How's It Going
ILY: I Love You
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
IMS: I'm Sorry
IRL: In Real Life
ITIGBS: I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick
IWALU: I Will Always Love You
J4G: Just For Grins
JAM: Just A Minute
JMO: Just My Opinion
JTLYK: Just To Let You Know
KIT: Keep In Touch
L8R G8R: Later Gator
LHU: Lord Help Us
LTNS: Long Time No See
LY: Love Ya
LY4E: Love You Forever
MTF: More To Follow
NRN: No Reply Necessary
NADT: Not A Darn Thing
PMFJI: Pardon Me For Jumping In
POAHF: Put On A Happy Face
QT: Cutie
RL: Real Life
RME: Rolling My Eyes
RT: Real Time
SETE: Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID: Slaps Head In Disgust
SO: Significant Other
SOTMG: Short Of Time Must Go
STO: Sticking Out Tongue
SWAK: Sealed With A Kiss
SYS: See You Soon
TCOY: Take Care OF Yourself
TIA: Thanks In Advance
TILII: Tell It Like It Is
TNT: Till Next Time
TOY: Thinking Of You
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
WAYD: What Are You Doing
WBS: Write Back Soon
WEG: Wicked Evil Grin
WKF: Well Known Fact
YBS: You'll Be Sorry
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