“Deal or No Deal”, broadcasted on Channel 4, is under investigation as a Gambling Commission regulator suggests that the £250,000 jackpot may be in violation of the law since it doesn't necessarily require skill. Additional red flags surround ITV's popular game show, “Red or Black”.
ITV has reportedly opted to postpone airing a new season of “Play Your Cards Right” until the status of the investigation is made clear. If the programs are deemed a form of gambling, there will be major expense in applying for the appropriate licenses as well as reconsideration to the broadcasting schedule.
A spokesperson of the UK government made the following comment in support of the Gambling Commission's investigation: "The Gambling Commission does not seem to think that there is any skill element to the show. Even though at the beginning of the show, contestants do not have to stake any of their own money, the argument is that once they've picked a box, which could contain a lot of cash, in subsequent rounds they are in effect gambling with their own money."
This opinion may be invalid as gambling constitutes a game of chance for money and involves a player's risk of losing money.
If the Gambling Commission determines that Deal or No Deal involves gambling, it is likely that the outcome will be the same for the other shows under investigation.
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