New profile options will allow for players to instantly update or make changes to their displayed profile information and view their online activity. As an added bonus, players will be able to more easily keep track of their account balances and manage VIP statuses. For an even more streamlined experience, players can also enjoy being able to search for and access games through their profile as well as receive promotions or deals. By actively playing or providing feedback on various games, information will be catered individually to give players a more personalized experience with promotions.
The updated visual appearance of the site was done to implement a more user friendly interface. Easy navigation of the site benefits users by being able to quickly locate and access desired web pages, links, games, and more. Colors are utilized in a creative manner that makes it easy to identify buttons and options which adds to the intuitive design.
A new, highly requested feature is the “Rate and Review” option. While playing or searching games, players can now write or read various reviews of games as well as provide separate feedback by leaving comments. The incorporation of this new feature serves multiple purposes including establishing and building a stronger community and determining the most and least popular games. By giving players a space in which they can openly discuss games, community relationships can be developed and players can find out which games may interest them based on their own tastes or needs.
To further drive home the idea of a strong community, Vic's Bingo is also introducing new social networking features. Moderators will be actively engaging players through Chat in every bingo room. Additionally, users can like or share content, provide their own status updates, and even track their overall online activity.
For more information about Vic's Bingo offerings, or to simply check out the new site, head on over to Vic's Bingo.
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